The power of patience: why taking your time is key for personal growth

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Inspired by our exclusive interview with Joe Sugg, nature's our greatest influence – teaching us about the value of the moment, and gradual growth

The power of patience: why taking your time is key for personal growth

Dear Happiful readers,

What is it that Ferris Bueller says? “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

It’s funny to think this classic pop culture reference could really be advocating mindfulness (along with taking a much-needed ‘day off’). And while we wouldn’t encourage you to mimic all the exploits of the protagonist, giving yourself permission to have fun, take a break, and savour the moment are certainly traits worth embracing.

In this issue, we’re encouraging you to take a leaf out of Ferris’s book. We’re calling for a respite from the relentless noise of the world, asking you to press pause, and revel in the journey, the experience, and not just the destination.

The patience of nature really epitomises this. Not only is the wilderness a place to marvel at and treasure the present, but it serves a valuable lesson. We might not be able to see growth before our eyes as it’s happening, but day by day, change is there. And in a week, or a month, progress can be unrecognisable!

Our special edition cover star Joe Sugg is certainly on board with this. In our exclusive interview, Joe opens up about the value of taking your time – how we’re so often in a rush, we don’t appreciate the advances we’re making. That, in particular, with our wellness, there’s no quick-fix. It’s about devoting the ongoing time, energy, and care to yourself over the long-term that matters.

The power of patience: why taking your time is key for personal growth

So, with that in mind, we’ve peppered this edition with a wealth of features to support gradual growth, and living for the moment – from setting ourselves free by joining the anti-perfectionist movement, to rediscovering our silly sides, and the power of adult play. Plus, our print-exclusive journaling pages are all about taking inspiration from nature to support our personal growth.

Let’s move away from a life at full-speed, and instead try a change of pace. Take a step into the unknown, and let you heart roam.

Your wildest imagination is a wonderful place to be.

Rebecca Thair

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Spotlight on sleep: are you dreaming of a restful night?

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From a deep dive into what our dreams mean to creating the ultimate countdown to calm, it's time to revolutionise your slumber

Spotlight on sleep: are you dreaming of a restful night?

Hello Happiful readers,

I’ve noticed recently that I’m tired. In fact, dare I say it, I’m exhausted.

I’ve never really been a morning person; as a kid I was the night owl, reading under the covers with a torch until some ungodly hour, letting my imagination rule the night.

As adults, we don’t have that luxury. Our sleeping and waking schedules are determined by our responsibilities – what time our next shift starts, or the traffic on our commute, getting the kids ready for school, or caring for someone else. Suddenly we have to fit into an entirely new rhythm, one that our bodies and brains might not be geared up for.

Now, when I roll out of bed and start my day, getting some fresh air first thing helps, but still I often notice I’m lethargic by lunchtime. It’s almost like my body is ready for the day, but my mind needs more rest.

It’s so easy to forget the impact of our night the moment we leave the bedroom. No point ruminating or longing for that bed, we have to crack on with the day and put it to the back of our minds. But how we’ve slept can signal so many things; why are we ignoring the lessons?

In this special issue, we’re putting a spotlight on slumber – from five top tips to stop snoring in its tracks, to scientifically-proven, natural ways to help you nod off.

We’re taking a deep dive into the connection between our waking and night lives, and asking what our dreams could really be telling us. Plus we’re putting sleep paralysis under a microscope, sharing counsellor-approved questions to improve your pillow talk, and we have a dream diary within our print-exclusive journaling pages, to not let those fleeting glimpses of your true feelings pass you by.

Spotlight on sleep: are you dreaming of a restful night?

Plus, this print edition includes:

Intriguing features including a look at 'wabi-sabi' and what the imperfections of nature can teach us about ourselves, dealing with a diagnosis of ADHD as an adult, six of the best dog breeds to support your mental health, and real people on their return from rock bottom.

Insightful life hacks from how to deal with jetrospective jealousy, to what to eat to soothe anxiety, how to help kids get a good night's sleep, and wellbeing support for students.

Expert input on a topics including mental health equality, past life regression, recipes to show you care, and how to handle empty nest syndrome.

It’s time we reclaimed the night, and took power over our pillows. So, if you’re tired of being tired, or at a loss for what is keeping you wide awake, read on to see if we can make res

Express yourself: discover inspiration to accept who you truly are and let your colours shine

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From dopamine dressing to radical self-acceptance, explore how to tap into a limitless version of you

Express yourself: discover inspiration to accept who you truly are and let your colours shine

Hello Happiful readers,

What’s your favourite colour? Hang on, let me guess. Is it blue?

It’s a trick borrowed from Lauren Labrecque, an associate professor at the University of Rhode Island. Lauren would ask the same question to her students, already having a slide prepared with her prediction: 80% of the responses would be blue.

It’s a safe bet. Worldwide studies and surveys have found again and again that blue is the most common ‘favourite colour’ among adults. Scientists don’t really know why this is the case, but if you’re worried this means we’re all the same, you shouldn’t be. Colours are subjective; not only do we each see them slightly differently, but we also project onto them our individual experiences, emotions, culture, and associations. The result is a personal palette that tells the story of our lives, and which could never be replicated or even, currently, completely understood.

Though, if you’ve ever taken a ‘What does your favourite colour say about you?’ quiz, you’ll know there’s something about being told that liking the colour green means you’re dependable that really hits the spot, even if the science is dubious.

It’s an interesting insight into the ways that our preferences feed into our sense of self, and vice versa. When it comes to our wellbeing, feeling as though we understand and can express ourselves is key. If you always make decisions in-line with your honest desires, needs, and values, those choices become that much easier. So, how do we get to that point?

Express yourself: discover inspiration to accept who you truly are and let your colours shine

In issue 65, we explore ‘dopamine dressing’ and meet the colourful people who will challenge you to think differently about fashion and self-expression. And our print-exclusive journaling pages are a space to explore a limitless version of you.

But you’ve also got to face the hard stuff. We’re unpacking the concept of ‘pleasanteeism’ in the workplace on p14, and flick to p25 and you’ll find a reflection on what would happen if, in a world that wants you to hide your struggles, you practised radical self-acceptance?

Plus, this print edition includes:

Intriguing features including an ancient Greek secret to inner joy, the wellbeing power of morning pages, advice on questioning a mental health misdiagnosis, and how to make keep intimacy alive in long-term relationships.

Essential life hacks from recognising anxiety through the ages to discussing burnout with your boss, and managing mismatched work-life balance with your other half.

Expert input on a range of topics including adult bullying, myths about narcissism, why we ignore relationship red flags, and the long-term impact of financial trauma.

What does an honest, o

Find your sanctuary: how to escape the daily chaos and create your personal piece of paradise

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Whether it's a physical place, or a mental space, we all need somewhere to retreat and recover from the noise of the world

Find your sanctuary: how to escape the daily chaos and create your personal piece of paradise

Hello Happiful readers,

“If we could make our house a home, and then make it a sanctuary, I think we could truly find paradise on Earth.” – Alexandra Stoddard.

When I read this quote, I couldn’t help but think back to being a kid, and revelling in building blanket forts.

Mismatched quilts, various pillows ‘borrowed’ from any room that could spare them, and the dubious structural integrity meaning you might find the fabric roof resting on your head at any moment; it was thrilling, imperfect, and utterly personal. A cosy little cocoon to play, read, or daydream to your heart’s content.

Nowadays, it’s rare to take a walk through the woods without spotting a makeshift den. Remnants of a fun afternoon of adventure, which can set a little pang of longing in your heart to join the creativity.

As adults, we can take for granted the benefits that a safe space to call our own can bring.

Whether it’s a physical place to find some tranquillity, or a mental one to clear our minds of pressures, stresses, and endless to-do lists, we all deserve somewhere to switch off and find respite.

So, with that in mind, in issue 64 we’re homing-in on how we can create our own bubble, mentally and physically, to give us a breather from daily woes.

It’s time to recapture that magic of our youth, and create a sanctuary to retreat from the chaos of the world. Why not try our quiz on p44 to discover how to craft your own sweet escape?

It could be a kingdom of contentment as you reconnect with nature, like in our article on p53, or the comfort of retreating behind your own parametres of peace by setting healthy boundaries on p17.

Find your sanctuary: how to escape the daily chaos and create your personal piece of paradise

Plus, this print edition includes:

Fascinating features including self-compassion secrets, the ultimate mindset reset, the throwaway sayings we need to ditch, the grow-your-own revolution, and the world's most soothing imagery.

Creative life hacks from how to ask for emotional consent before you vent, to questions to reconnect with your career path, and tips to get grounded.

Professional insight from a range of experts on topics including work addiction, natural energy boosts, and support for new mums.

Spotlight on: relationships: closing the orgasm gap; how to set healthy boundaries; insight into the struggles faced by the LGBTQIA+ community; and print-exclusive guided journaling pages to nurture your personal connections.

Take a moment to consider your true needs. Knowing this little piece of paradise is there for you could be a great, untapped comfort in testing times.

You deserve to feel resilient, rejuvenated, and reborn. Your sanctuary aw

Feeling lost? Why soul-searching could be the solution to find your true calling

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Are you feeling disconnected from yourself, or lacking direction? A little introspection, and some time and space to soul-search could lead you down the pathway to you best self

Feeling lost? Why soul-searching could be the solution to find your true calling

Hello Happiful readers,

The thrill of knowing where you’re heading, even if you don’t know exactly how you’re going to get there, is hard to beat.

That certainty in your heart about what it beats for, what fuels your fire, and guides your spirit, can give you courage in the face of any challenge, and a quiet confidence that you know your true purpose.

But, at the moment, there seems to be a collective feeling bubbling below the surface; a sense of being lost, lacking direction, or that we’re set on a course that isn’t fulfilling us any more.

We might feel adrift in a sea of uncertainty, carried along by a current that we’re struggling to break free from.

So, how can we find our way again? And is it possible to take back control of our own destiny?

The solution could be to give ourselves the time and space to do a little soul-searching, to quench our curiosity, and explore our true needs on the ever-changing path of life.

Issue 63 of Happiful is all about that journey to figuring out your innermost needs and desires – what is your guiding star?

From taking the plunge and chasing adventure with adult gap years on p48, to growing older with joy on p17, and a guide to finding your true calling on p32, it’s time to discover what speaks to you.

Feeling lost? Why soul-searching could be the solution to find your true calling

Plus, this print edition includes:

• In-depth journaling pages to nurture your personal growth, and help you flourish as your best self.

Essential life hacks from addressing ADHD in the workplace, to what to do on the really bad days, and how to find a healthy balance with news consumption.

Professional insight from a range of experts on topics including birth anxiety, weaponised incompetence, nature therapy, and nutritious, refreshing recipes.

Don’t worry about the direction everyone else is setting sail on; follow your own intuition. Now is the moment to break free from your comfort zone, and discover the great unknown longing in your life.

As JRR Tolkien wrote: “Not all those who wander are lost.”

Sometimes, when you stray from the path, and create your own, is exactly when you find yourself.

Rebecca Thair

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