Biohacking products I love

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 Sharing 10 of my favorite biohacking products and how they could potentially take your health routine to the next level.

Hi friends! How’s the week going? I hope you’re having a great day! This morning, the kids and I are getting together with some friends and enjoying some pool time. It’s a thousand degrees here, so it’s officially reverse hibernation season: we hide in the AC or chill in the pool.

For today’s post, I wanted to chat a bit about biohacking and share some of my favorite biohacking products! You may be wondering what biohacking is, or may have heard that health buzzword floating around quite a bit.

What is biohacking?

Biohacking products have gained popularity in recent years as people strive to optimize their health and well-being. These products are designed to enhance various aspects of human performance, including physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being. By utilizing cutting-edge technology and scientific advancements, biohacking products aim to empower individuals to take control of their health and live their best lives.

One area where biohacking products excel is in tracking and monitoring various health metrics. From wearable devices that measure heart rate, sleep quality, and activity levels to smart scales that provide body composition analysis, these tools allow individuals to gain valuable insights into their overall health and make informed decisions. By understanding the data, individuals can make necessary adjustments to their lifestyle, such as improving sleep habits, optimizing nutrition, or adjusting their exercise routines.

Biohacking products also include supplements and nootropics that target specific health goals. These products are formulated to provide essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that may be lacking in our modern diets. From adaptogenic herbs that support stress management to cognitive enhancers that improve focus and mental clarity, these supplements aim to optimize various bodily functions and promote overall well-being.Another aspect of biohacking products involves technologies that support recovery and relaxation. For instance, devices like infrared saunas, red light therapy panels, and cryotherapy chambers are designed to enhance recovery, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue repair. These modalities can be particularly beneficial for athletes, individuals managing chronic pain, or those seeking overall rejuvenation.

Biohacking products also encompass wearable devices and apps that facilitate mindfulness practices, stress reduction, and sleep optimization. From meditation headbands that track brainwave activity to sleep-tracking devices that provide insights into sleep quality, these tools help individuals manage their stress levels, improve focus, and enhance sleep hygiene.

While biohacking products offer exciting possibilities for optimizing health, it’s important to approach them with an open mind and a balanced perspective. It’s crucial to remember that biohacking should complement, not replace, a healthy lifestyle built on a foundation of proper nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management.

Before incorporating any biohacking product into your routine, it’s advisable to do thorough research, consult with healthcare professionals, and consider your unique needs and goals. Additionally, it’s essential to listen to your body and prioritize self-care, as individual responses to biohacking interventions may vary. This post is not medical advice and is for information purposes only. 

Here are some of my favorite products that I use on a regular basis and I feel like they take my health routine to the next level. It’s also worth mentioning here that you do not have to spend a lot of money to be healthy! Some of the products below are an inv

My experience with the EquiLife Para Support Protocol so far

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for entertainment and educational purposes only and is not intended replace medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new health protocol or supplementation. Please remember that I’m not a doctor and am simply sharing my experience using these products. 

Hi hi! How are you? I hope you’re having a lovely day! We’re still off on our trip, but in the meantime, I wanted to share more about the EquiLife Para Support Protocol since I’m almost a month into the two-month program. I’ve been learning more about the implications of parasites and their prevalence in our lives, and I knew it was something I wanted to do. I had some symptoms that I wanted to see if I could resolve and have been pleasantly surprised by my experience so far.

My experience with the EquiLife Para Support Protocol so far

I’ve heard it said that, “If you have a pulse, you have a parasite,” and then can affect humans in various ways. It’s interesting that they’re so common – an estimated   but aren’t commonly treated or addressed in Western medicine.

Here are some common symptoms that may be due to parasites:

Digestive Issues:

Persistent diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and frequent nausea can be signs of a parasitic infection in the gastrointestinal tract.

Unexplained Weight Loss:

Sudden and unexplained weight loss, despite a normal or increased appetite, could be a symptom of certain parasites that interfere with nutrient absorption.

Fatigue and Weakness:

Feeling constantly tired, fatigued, and lacking energy, even after sufficient rest, may be a result of parasitic infections that disrupt nutrient absorption.

Skin Problems:

Itchy skin, rashes, eczema, hives, or the sensation of something crawling on the skin are possible indicators of parasitic involvement.

Changes in Bowel Movements:

Stool abnormalities such as greasy or oily consistency, presence of mucus or blood, and the appearance of worms or their eggs in the stool

Mental and Emotional Disturbances:

Parasitic infections can affect mental well-being, leading to symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, mood swings, and cognitive difficulties.

Joint and Muscle Pain:

Some parasitic infections can cause muscle aches, joint pain, and inflammation, resembling symptoms of arthritis.

Allergic Reactions:

Parasites can trigger immune responses, resulting in allergic reactions like itching, hives, or asthma-like symptoms.

Sleep Disturbances:

Insomnia, disturbed sleep patterns, or restless sleep may occur due to the body’s response to parasitic activity

It’s important to remember that these symptoms can be cause

Gut Health for Women: Why it Matters and How to Improve it

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Please keep in mind that today’s post is for information purposes and is not medical information. If you have questions about improving your gut health, talk to your health care provider. 

Today I want to talk about something that may not be the most glamorous topic, but it’s incredibly important: gut health. As women, we often put a lot of emphasis on our performance, energy levels, and what we put into our bodies to look and feel our best. But what about what’s going on inside? Our gut health plays a crucial role in our overall health and wellbeing, from our digestion and immune system to our mental health.

So, why is gut health so important?

Our gut is home to trillions of bacteria, both good and bad. When our gut is in balance, meaning there’s more good bacteria than bad, it helps keep our immune system strong, aids in digestion and absorption of nutrients, and even produces neurotransmitters that affect our mood and cognitive function. On the flip side, when our gut is out of balance, it can lead to a host of problems such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, and even depression and anxiety.

Now, the good news is that we can improve our gut health through a few simple lifestyle changes.

*Please note that this is not medical advice and simply intended for informational purposes. Always consult your doctor or health care professional before making any fitness or nutrition changes.*

Gut Health for Women: Why it Matters and How to Improve it

Here are some tips:

Eat a diet rich in fiber:

Fiber feeds the good bacteria in our gut and helps keep things moving smoothly. Aim for at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day from sources such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. A helpful strategy: track your fiber! I like Chronometer and My Fitness Pal.

Incorporate probiotic-rich foods:

Probiotics are live bacteria that can help boost the good bacteria in our gut. Foods such as yogurt, kefir, kombucha, tempeh, sauerkraut, and kimchi are all sources of probiotics.

Avoid processed and sugary foods:

These types of foods can feed the bad bacteria in our gut and lead to inflammation and other issues. When you do have these foods, enjoy them, and move on with your life. I just don’t recommend making them the staple or focus in an everyday diet.

Manage stress:

Chronic stress can negatively impact our gut health, so finding ways to manage stress such as meditation, yoga, or simply taking a walk in nature can be incredibly beneficial.

Consider supplements:

In some cases, supplements such as probiotics or digestive enzymes may be helpful in improving gut health. I love the Sakara probiotics! (My code is XOGINAH for 20% off)

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Using Fertility Awareness Method for period prediction

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Sharing some tips on how you can use FAM (fertility awareness method) for period prediction for yourself, or for your tween/teen daughter! 

Hi friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far! We’re living the summer life: swimming all day, meeting up with friends, hitting up the arcade, and packing for a fun trip. What have you been up to?

For today’s post, I wanted to talk a little bit about Fertility Awareness Method and how you can use this amazing tool for period prediction. Once you have the hang of it, it makes life SO much easier.

As you guys know, I’m a huge fan of Fertility Awareness Method. It’s my primary method of birth control and I’ve been practicing since I went off birth control back in 2008. Over time, it’s evolved so much! I used to have to track my temp and cycle signs on a paper chart and now they have amazing apps and technology.

****I only recommend FAM as birth control if you’re in a monogamous relationship and with the understanding that there is a learning curve. Also, remember that it doesn’t protect you from any sexually transmitted diseases or infections. It may take you a while to *get* your cycle, so just a heads up that you may want to use a backup method if you’d like to use FAM as a birth control method.***

While Fertility Awareness Method can be an amazing birth control tool, it can also be used for something incredibly valuable: accurate period prediction. If you practice Fertility Awareness Method, you’re able to know the exact day that you’ll get your period.

I was thinking about FAM and how much I love it… and then a little light bulb clicked in my head. It could also be used to know when a tween or teen girl is going to have their first period ever. How freaking amazing is that?! I’m going to share all of the details + how you can use this for accurate cycle prediction in this post. I wanted to share this info for my mama friends out there, or for those who are curious about tracking their cycle.

Using Fertility Awareness Method for period prediction

When I first discovered Fertility Awareness Method, I WISHED I would learned all about this when I was growing up. It turned my body from a complete mystery into something that I was empowered and informed about. What was happening inside my body wasn’t completely random each month; it was entirely predictable. I just had to track it and understand my cycle.

If I would have known about this information, it would have saved me from a particular instance in middle school when I was wearing white shorts. Ughhh.

Each month, we have distinct phases of our cycle:

1) Menstruation: day 1 of full bleeding (may be preceded by spotting but that’s not technically the first day of your cycle)

2) Follicular phase: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) prompts the ovaries to prepare and release an egg

3) Ovulatory phase: this is when the egg is released and can potentially be fertilized

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Do you have tinnitus? Here’s how to recognise your triggers and reclaim control

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Ringing, whistling, humming, buzzing – we often talk about the physical side of the hearing condition tinnitus, but it can take its toll on our wellbeing, too. Here, Emmie Harrison-West reflects on her own story, and explores the management tools that work for her and others

Do you have tinnitus? Here’s how to recognise your triggers and reclaim control

I remember hearing it for the first time, that ringing noise. It came to me in the dark, when I was in my late teens. It sounded like the screeching, erratic tones of dial-up broadband. Or like someone keeping their finger pressed on the doorbell deep inside my head – and there was no way to stop it. It would come and go. Sometimes I’d hear a rush of high-pitched ringing throughout the day, but it was worse at night.

Until my early 20s, I was constantly anxious and on edge before bed. Sometimes, I dreaded going to sleep in case I had a flare-up. When it happened, I’d spend hours staring at the ceiling, wishing for it (whatever it was) to disappear again. I suffered for it during the day. Felt drained, emotional, and tearful.Stress only made it worse; it was a truly vicious cycle.

Turns out that noise, deep in my ears, was tinnitus, and I joined the one in eight adults in the UK who suffer from it.

“Tinnitus is the name for hearing noises in your ears or head that are not caused by an outside source,” Franki Oliver, audiology adviser at the Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) told me. “It’s often described as ‘ringing in the ears’, but some people describe it as hissing, humming, buzzing, or whooshing.”

Do you have tinnitus? Here’s how to recognise your triggers and reclaim control

“Imagine hearing an unwanted sound all day,” Carly Sygrove, coach and hearing loss blogger told me. “Perhaps it’s the high-pitched whirring of the fridge, or maybe it’s a noisy neighbour playing music throughout the day. Like these scenarios, tinnitus is an intrusive sound, and there’s no way of turning it off.”

Two years ago, aged 27, I was diagnosed with hearing loss and tinnitus, one of a reported 12 million deaf people in the UK. I realised my hearing wasn’t quite right when I couldn’t understand people who wore masks – it was only then that it dawned on me how much I relied on lip-reading.

“Many people wrongly assume that it is their tinnitus, rather than their hearing loss, that is causing hearing difficulties,” Nic Wray, communications manager at British Tinnitus Association told me. They added that the causes of tinnitus are still ‘not fully understood,’ but could be triggered by exposure to loud noise, ear infections, wax build-up,’ and even Covid-19, or long Covid.

At first, thinking it was a wax build-up, I sought help from an audiologist who soon diagnosed me with mild nerve deafness. It was genetic, but likely exacerbated by listening to loud music through ear buds, or going to loud concerts growing up.

According to Duncan Collet-Fenson, audiologist at Aston Hearing: “We can all experience temporary tinnitus when we spend the evening at a l
