Healthy Trader Joe’s Shopping List

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Sharing some of my favorite healthy products from Trader Joe’s!

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you’re having an amazing day! I have some calls this morning, and then am getting a massage… can’t.wait.

For today’s post, I wanted to share some of my favorite healthy finds from Trader Joe’s! During the time-that-shall-not-be-named, the Pilot did all of our grocery shopping because he was “out in the world” and the girls and I were at home. We also got a lot of grocery delivery from Whole Foods and Thrive Market. It kind of stuck around for years after that, until I realized that I actually love grocery shopping and had missed it. So now, we alternate, since we both like going to the store in person — you find so many more fun things that way!

Trader Joe’s has some amazing things, and here are some of my favorite healthier finds. While I believe that ALL foods should fit into your lifestyle, this is a list of things that have less ingredients and offer more on the nutritional front (with a few of the soul-hugging must-haves in here, too).

Here’s the list!

Healthy Trader Joe’s Shopping List


– Organic fruit: we go for berries, bananas, grapes, apples, and anything seasonal and exciting, like cherries, melon, stone fruits, or rambutan

– Organic veggies: sweet potatoes, zucchini, celery, carrots, bell peppers, squash

– Edamame

– Root vegetable hash

– Cold-pressed green juice

– Mirepoix (makes soups and casseroles SO easy)

– Onions, garlic, and ginger

– Medjool dates

– Organic guacamole

– Salsa! We love their pico and their Salsa Especial


– ALL organic beans: each week, I get white beans, kidney beans, black beans, and garbanzo beans

– Organic chicken broth

– Organic jasmine rice

– Organic pasta from Italy

– ALL the spices! We love their oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, garlic powder, and Everything But the Bagel seasoning

– Canned tuna, sardines, anchovies

– Almond butter

– Organic peanut butter

– Organic raspberry or strawberry preserves

wearing makeup with blepharitis, dry eye, and MGD

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Sharing how I got back to wearing makeup after being diagnosed with dry eye, blepharitis and MGD, as well as my favorite brands. This is not medical advice; I’m just sharing my experience!

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning! We’re finishing up Rodeo break (wah) so the kids are back to school and it’s back to the swing of things around here. I hope you have a great day!

For today’s post, I wanted to do a reader’s request after a comment I received last week. Ever since I posted about my eye issues, I’ve been overwhelmed by amazing messages and comments, but also saddened to hear that so many of you have found yourselves in a similar boat with sudden flares, autoimmune issues, and painful, red eyes. While I was in the depths of all of this last year, I was so frustrated and sad. I couldn’t see myself ever wearing contacts or eye makeup again. (I have no foresight whatsoever, so in my mind, what is happening now means it will be happening forever.)

I couldn’t wear makeup for many months and slowly made my way back to contacts and eye makeup. It’s taken a lot of work and healing – I’ll share more on my healing journey and everything I’ve done to decrease my histamine responses and inflammation in an upcoming post – but *knock on wood* I can finally make it through the day without constantly thinking about my eyes. Just putting that hope out there for my dry eye friends — it can and will get better. This won’t be forever. Hang in there, friends.

Please remember that I’m not a doctor and this isn’t medical advice. At the same time, many traditional eye doctors were mystified by my situation and didn’t know how to help me. I was determined to get to the root cause and improve the issue, and have done a lot of research and experiments on myself along the way. Shout out to my beloved dry eye specialist who gave me some answers and guidance! Also shout out to the beauty of functional testing, because I learned so much about how stress was affecting me, my gut imbalances, toxicities, and deficiencies.

wearing makeup with blepharitis, dry eye, and MGD

Here’s t

Home Gym Ideas on a Budget

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Sharing 7 home gym ideas on a budget and how to incorporate them into various spaces. 

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the morning so far! I’m here working on blog content for the day – I try to batch my content days- and looking forward to an afternoon hike. For today’s post, I wanted to chat a bit about home gym ideas and some of my favorite staples.

In today’s fast-paced world, making time for the gym isn’t always easy. I feel like some days, the entire day will blu by, and I find myself collapsing into bed, wondering what the heck just happened. Setting up a home gym can be a game-changer, offering convenience and flexibility. If you’re busy and/or have kids, removing the transportation time and possible need for childcare can make a HUGE difference. It’s not about breaking the bank; it’s about finding the right equipment and setup that works for you and your space.

Here are some budget-friendly home gym ideas to get you started.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, meaning I may earn a commission if you purchase through my links at no additional cost to you. These commissions help me keep the lights on for this little blog, so thank you for supporting me.

7 Home Gym Ideas on a Budget

Basement Home Gym Ideas

Flooring: Begin by ensuring the floor is protected. Use inexpensive interlocking foam tiles or rolled rubber flooring for a comfortable and durable surface.

Adjustable Dumbbells: They offer a range of weights in a single set, saving space and money.

Resistance Bands: Versatile and affordable, they’re perfect for a variety of workouts.

Stability Ball: Engages core muscles and can be used for various strength and flexibility exercises.

Yoga Mat: Essential for floor exercises and stretching.

Garage Home Gym Ideas

Plyometric Box: Great for box jumps, step-ups, and other lower-body exercises.

Pull-Up Bar: Easy to install and versatile for upper body workouts.

Punching Bag: Ideal for stress relief and cardiovascular workouts.Kettlebells: Compact and versatile, great for full-body workouts.

Foam Roller: Helps with post-workout recovery and flexibility.

Outdoor Home Gym Ideas

Jump Rope: A simple and effective cardio tool.

TRX Suspension Trainer: Can be attached to

How to stay consistent with working out

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Sharing tips on how to stay consistent with working out, even when life gets in the way. 

Hi friends! How’s the week treating you so far? I hope you’re having a great one. I have two podcast interviews this morning (new episode will be up tomorrow!) and am looking forward to coffee with a friend this afternoon.

For today’s post, I wanted to talk a little bit about workout consistency. When I do my annual survey, this is always a common theme. It can be SO hard to stick with a routine, and I wanted to share some tips.

Staying consistent with a workout routine can be challenging, especially when exercise isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Despite the undeniable benefits of regular physical activity, finding the motivation to lace up your sneakers and GO can be a struggle. If you’ve ever grappled with incorporating exercise into your daily routine, you’re not alone. In today’s post, I’m sharing tips and strategies to help you stay motivated and committed to your workout goals.

How To Stay Consistent With Working Out

Start Small and Build Gradually:

Kickstarting a consistent exercise routine doesn’t mean diving into hour-long intense workouts from the get-go. Begin with manageable durations and intensity, gradually building as your fitness level improves. This approach makes the process more sustainable. Start with just 10 minutes and see how you feel.

Set Realistic Goals:

Trim down your fitness goals into smaller, achievable milestones. Setting realistic expectations prevents overwhelm and allows you to celebrate victories along the way, keeping you motivated for the long term. Check out this post for tips on goal setting!

Choose Activities You Enjoy:

Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. Opt for activities you genuinely enjoy, whether it’s dancing, hiking, or a favorite sport. When you look forward to your workout, staying consistent becomes much easier. Don’t feel like you *should* only do a certain type of workout. The best workout is the one that you’ll actually do. This means that it’s something you enjoy and look forward to. There are a million types of exercise out there, which means the perfect one for you absolutely exists.

Track Your Progress:

Keep a workout journal or use fitness apps to track your progress. Seeing improvements, no matter how small, serves as a powerful motivator and helps you stay accountable to your goals.

Recruit a Workout Buddy:

Enlist a friend or family member to join you in your fitness journey. Having a workout buddy not only adds a social aspect to exercise but also provides mutual encouragement and support.

Mix Up Your Routine:

Monotony can lead to boredom and decreased motivation. Spice up your workouts by incorporating variety—try different exercises, classes, o

Digital detox tips and how to reduce screen time

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Sharing my tips on how to reduce screen time and make the time you do spend on a screen as efficient as possible. 

Hi friends! How’s the morning treating you? We’re at Great Wolf Lodge with some friends and I’m looking forward to a hot yoga class later today. I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Today, I wanted to talk about screen time. While it’s not something I could ever drastically reduce (my job would make that a liiiittle tricky), I tried to be mindful of the time I do spend on screens. We do the same thing with the kids. They’re only allowed a set amount of screen time, and it’s only after homework is completely finished – so some days, that means no screen time at all.

In a world where digital connectivity is ubiquitous, taking intentional breaks from screens has become crucial for our overall well-being. A digital detox offers the chance to recalibrate, reduce screen time, and minimize exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs).

Here are some practical tips to become more mindful of your screen time!

Digital detox tips and how to reduce screen time

The Impact of Digital Overload

Our constant exposure to screens, Wi-Fi signals, and EMFs can take a toll on our physical and mental health. From eye strain and disrupted sleep patterns to increased stress levels, the consequences of digital overload are vast. A digital detox is a proactive choice to reclaim control over our screen time and create a healthier relationship with technology.

Step 1: Assess Your Digital Habits

Start by assessing your current digital habits. Use your smartphone’s screen time tracking feature or dedicated apps to gain insights into where your time goes. Identify specific apps or activities that consume a significant portion of your day. This self-awareness forms the foundation for a successful digital detox.

Step 2: Set Clear Boundaries

Establishing boundaries is crucial for a successful digital detox. Define specific time periods when you’ll disconnect from screens, such as during meals, before bedtime, or during designated breaks. Communicate your boundaries with friends and family to ensure understanding and support.

Step 3: Create a Screen-Free Sanctuary

Designate certain areas in your home as screen-free zones. Bedrooms, dining tables, and relaxation spaces should be free from screens to promote better sleep and more meaningful connections. Consider creating a cozy reading nook or a designated space for mindful activities.

Step 4: Schedule Tech-Free Breaks

Incorporate regular tech-free breaks into your daily routine. Whether it’s a short walk outdoors, a coffee break, or a few minutes of deep breathing, these breaks provide a mental reset and reduce the cumulative effects of prolonged screen exposure.

Step 5: Unplug Before Bed

The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt our circadian rhythm, making it harder to fall asleep. Aim to unplug at least an hour before bedtime. Establish a relaxing pre-sleep routine, such as reading a physical book, practicing
