HigherDOSE Red Light Face Mask Review

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Sharing a full review of the HigherDOSE red light face mask and if it’s worth the cost. This post is not sponsored, but you can use my referral link to check it out and FITNESSISTA15 for a discount.

Does anyone else get a kick out of beauty products that scare the heck out of their family members?

It’s a little toooooo satisfying to turn a corner wearing a sheet mask and watch the Pilot jump when he sees me.

I also have to say at this point, no one is truly phased by my antics anymore. It’s not unusual to see me wearing a charcoal face mask, or a sheet mask, having Frownies attached at various points all over my face, or emitting a lovely red glow as I wear my LED mask.

While I haven’t done any injections – Botox and fillers freak me out. I’ll never say never, but it’s not for me right now – I WILL try anything else. Gua sha, jade roller, masks, serums, facials, give me all the things. It’s fun to share some of my top picks here on the blog, and today, I’m so excited to feature something I’ve been loving and using for many months now: the HigherDOSE LED red light mask.

HigherDOSE Red Light Face Mask Review

HigherDOSE Red Light Face Mask Review

I’m a huge fan of HigherDOSE (I use their sauna blanket a few times per week (review here) and the PEMF Go mat every single day) and couldn’t wait to try their red light mask when it was released last fall. I’d lurked various brands but wasn’t ready to commit. I was glad I waited because I knew that this would be an amazing product since I love everything HigherDOSE produces.

How does the HigherDOSE Red Light Face Mask work?

The HigherDOSE Red Light Face Mask can be used for short-term skin goals or as part of a daily routine. The facemask includes red and near-infrared lights that can help to boost mood, collagen production, and skin healing, and can help to reduce wrinkles and sun spots. It’s non-invasive and limits low-level rejuvenating wave

My WFH (work from home) setup

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Sharing the details on my work from home office setup, plus my experience with using a walking pad.

Hellooooo! How are ya and how’s the morning going so far? We’re back into real life after our little trip and it felt good to have a few days of normalcy. I’m so sick of restaurant and takeout food, I tell ya. It’s also amazing to have coffee at home – Starbucks will never be the same to me.

This morning I have an exciting podcast interview and am unpacking, and re-packing. 🙂 I’d love to hear what you’re up to!

For today’s post, I wanted to share my little work from home setup, plus my experience using a walking pad. It’s helped me dramatically increase my steps and activity level during longer work days, and I’m so pumped with this update to the office!

My WFH (work from home) setup

My lil office space:

I have enough room in here to meditate, work, stroll, or get in a quick workout (like Sculpt Society).

Here are some of the things I have in the office:

My beloved Peloton bike! Perfect for cardio workouts or shaking my legs out

My PEMF Go Mat. I use this for meditation every morning, or when I feel like I need a recharge or Zen moment. My full PEMF Go Mat review post is here, and if you’d like one for yourself, here is the link! My code is FITNESSISTA15 for 15% off

– A standard desk. I like having this for shorter work sessions or when I need to speak/present, like live recordings, course recordings, and more formal Zoom calls. The desk and chair are from World Market but both sold out, since they’re years old.

– Triangle shelf (similar here) filled with photos and the girls’ artwork.

– On the opposite wall (unpictured), I also have this book shelf, which has some of my fitness and nutrition resources and the Pilot’s military coins/flags/thingies.

New walking pad and electric standing desk. I picked lower-cost options because they had good reviews and I’ve been impressed so far!

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How to use a castor oil pack (and why you might want to)

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Sharing my thoughts on using a castor oil pack and how I implement them in my routine. Friendly reminder that this post is not a substitute for medical information; always ask your doctor if something is right for you! I’m definitely not a doctor and just sharing my experience. My favorite castor oil pack company is offering a free dry brush for readers if you place a castor oil liver kit through Saturday! Details are here and the code is GINA23.

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning! What are you up to today? I’m hiking with a friend – the weather has been a dreaaaammm – studying for IHP, and have a podcast interview. I’d love to hear what you have going on!

For today’s post, I wanted to talk a little about castor oil packs. I’ve been using them on and off for about 12 years now, and have recently brought them back into my routine more regularly. I first tried it out when I started working with Dr. Flynn with my hormones before we got pregnant with Liv. It was part of the detox protocol and wowwww they’ve come a long way since then! It’s so much more convenient now that there are less messy options. I figured I’d share more about my experience if it’s something you’ve heard about or are considering adding into your routine.

How to use a castor oil pack (and why you might want to)

What is a a castor oil pack?

This ancient healing remedy is one of the oldest and most widespread traditions, used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, to Modern Naturopathic medicine.

Castor oil packs have been used all over the world for centuries, and users have reported benefits including:

– Mental and physical health improvements

– Improving hormonal imbalances (PCOS, estrogen dominance, etc.)

– Digestive issues, including bloating, constipation, indigestion and IBS

– Insomnia and other sleep distubrances

– Stress reduction, anxiety, and depression

– Period regulation, endometriosis, TTC, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts

– Cancer, tumors

– Thyroid health

– Liver and gallbladder support

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An Overview on Taking Creatine

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This post is sponsored by my friends at NOW Foods and they have so many amazing products, including my fave creatine, on their site. Use FITNESSISTA for 20% off. Also this is a friendly reminder that this post is not medical information and not intended to prevent, treat, cure, or diagnose any illness. Always talk with your doctor before adding new supplements into your rotation. 

Hi friends! How’s the day treating you so far? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning. For today’s post, I’m chatting about a huge reader’s request topic and one of my favorite supplements: creatine!

Creatine is often taken by athletes and bodybuilders to improve their performance, but it is also consumed by older adults and vegetarians for health purposes. Not everyone knows the right way to take creatine, how it works, or what needs to be considered before adding it into a supplement routine.

In today’s post, I’m sharing a guide that can provide some education and help with informed choices when it comes to taking creatine, depending on the purpose that it’s intended to be used. Friendly reminder that your doctor will help you decide if adding creatine is a good choice.

An Overview on Taking Creatine

Creatine is a supplement that can be taken as powder or liquid, before or after a workout. I prefer to take it as a post-workout, but the thing with creatine is that you need to take it consistently to see and feel a difference. 

What Is Creatine

Creatine is an amino acid that is stored predominantly in muscle cells, with a small percentage in our brain, kidneys, and liver. You can get creatine in your diet from animal-based products, such as seafood and meat. This is why vegetarians and vegans will likely have lower creatine stores than omnivores and can often benefit from supplementation. Since creatine can be used for energy production for heavy lifting workouts and high-intensity training, it’s often used for performance enhancement.* Your body naturally produces 1-2g of creatine per day in the liver and pancreas.

Creatine is widely studied, easy to find, and inexpensive. My favorite creatine can be found here!

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How To Make Teeth Whiter With Baking Soda

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Sharing my tips on how to whiten teeth with baking soda and how to do this at home. As always, talk with your dentist before doing anything to your teeth. As we all know, I am not a dentist and do not work in the dental industry. Just sharing my experience!

Hi friends! How’s the morning going so far? I’m getting ready for a little photoshoot, and also have a podcast interview later today. I hope you have a wonderful day ahead!

For today’s post, I’m doing a little reader’s request and sharing my experience whitening my teeth with baking soda. I often get questions about what I use for my teeth, and my routine is pretty simple. I tend to stay away from conventional whitening products and whitening procedures because they increase my tooth sensitivity and I don’t love the ingredients.

Having a whiter smile can definitely boost your confidence, and standard teeth whitening products can be hard on the budget. Not all of them are effective, they can contain sketchy ingredients, and there are a few household ingredients that can be used to help whiten teeth, including baking soda! I’m dedicating this post to sharing my experience whitening my teeth with baking soda and my favorite dental products. 🙂

How To Make Teeth Whiter With Baking Soda

Baking soda is my #1 favorite way to whiten my teeth. While baking soda can be an effective teeth whitening agent, there are things to consider before using it. I’m going to share a couple of precautions before diving into the actual methods. (And another friendly reminder to talk to your dentist before doing anything with your teeth.)

Is It Safe To Brush Your Teeth With Baking Soda

Yes, in most cases. While it’s safe to use baking soda to whiten teeth, it can be abrasive when used in large quantities. Baking soda, when overused, can corrode the tooth’s surface enamel. You just want to make sure you don’t use it too frequently, leave it on your teeth for too long, or use too much. A little goes a long way!

How To Use Baking Soda To Whiten Teeth

Baking soda paste

This is my go-to method. I start by topping my toothbrush with baking soda and add a little bit of water to make a paste. I add as much as needed to have enough for my entire mouth. I gently place the paste on my teeth and keep it here for about 3 minutes to set. Then, I scrub, using the toothbrush, and rinse. Word to the world: it tastes HORRIBLE. I kind of just curl my lips up and try to avoid tasting it. I do this once a month, but my dental hygienist said it would be fine to do once a week.

Baking soda with toothpaste

You can also mix a little baking soda with your toothpaste, or use a toothpaste that contains baking soda.

Baking soda mouthwash

This can be a cheap and effective alternative to tradition alcohol-based mouthwash. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 cup of warm water, swish, and rinse. (Make sure not to swallow the mixture.)

Baking soda and lemon

This is a common method, but not one that I’ve tried or would recommend. I think that it would be too intense and feel like it’s unnecessary since the baking s
