Sharing tips on how to get side crow pose!
Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the morning so far! I’m getting in a quick workout and then getting to work here.. our floors are being replaced and that means we have to move everything downstairs. It’s a mess, but will be amazing when it’s done!
For today, let’s talk about yoga things. Yoga has been something that has felt consistently good to me for many years. I can’t believe I started practicing 20 years ago!! I’ve loved my yoga journey, especially yoga teacher training. It’s taught me a lot about patience, presence, and grace. Sometimes a yoga practice feels amazing, and other times, it feels incredibly difficult and challenging.
One of my favorite arm balances: side crow! In today’s post, I thought I’d do a lil how-to for this post if it’s something you’re working on.
Exploring different yoga poses not only diversifies your practice but also builds physical strength in various parts of your body. The Side Crow Pose, also known as Parsva Bakasana or the ‘twisted crow pose’, is a powerful arm-balancing posture that not only strengthens your upper arms, core, and wrists but also engages your lower body in a deep twist.

*Note: it’s helpful to go over this pose with a certified yoga instructor, so they can check your form and give you tips!
Side Crow Pose In Yoga
The Side Crow Pose is an advanced arm balance that involves lifting your feet off the floor and bending your elbows deeply while maintaining a deep twist.
It’s a variation of the Crow Pose, but with a more challenging twist, literally. While it can be intimidating at first, mastering the Side Crow Pose is deeply satisfying and rewarding.
Here are some tips on getting started! As always, move within a range that works for your body. Talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes.
Benefits Of Side Crow Pose
Builds upper body strength
Engages core muscles
Enhances balance and coordination
Improves focus and concentration
Stimulates digestion
How To Do Side Crow Pose: Step by Step
Step 1: Chair Pose to Twisting Torso
Start in a Chair Pose, bringing your palms together at heart center. Begin to twist your torso to the side, hooking one elbow outside the opposite knee.
Step 2: Deep Squat and Palms Placement
Sit your hips down lower into a deep squat, bringing the hands down to the floor. Place the palms shoulder-width apart, fingers spread wide. Create a deep bend in the elbows, making a “shelf” for your legs.
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