Holiday Strength Circuit Workout

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’Tis the season for fun family gatherings, lots of holiday events, and wondering how the heck you’re going to fit in a workout. I’m always a fan of quick dumbbell circuits, but even more during such a busy season. I’ll always appreciate the amazing feeling I get when I can grab a pair of dumbbells, put in my headphones, and 20-30 minutes later, I’m sweaty and energized to tackle the rest of the day.

For today’s post, I wanted to share a quick workout you can do anywhere this holiday season. All you need is a medium pair of dumbbells and a mat. Please let me know if you give it a try! (As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes and honor your body.)

Holiday Strength Circuit Workout


Form cues and tips:

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Squat to Upright Row

Holding a pair of dumbbells, keep your chest lifted and your weight in your heels as you squat down and back. Exhale and squeeze your booty to rise, and perform an upright row at the top.

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Jump Squats

Make sure to land softly with bent knees. As you spring up, reach your arms overhead, and try to create some lightness within the movement. Squat as low as you can and reach up as high as you can.

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Curtsy Lunges

Cross one leg back and behind the other, and come down into a curtsy lunge. The front foot stays flat on the ground and the back foot has the heel raised off the floor.

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Start in plié squat position. Bring your hands down to touch the floor (keep your chest up). Jump up and land, touching the floor.

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Biceps Curl to Overhead Press

Holding a dumbbell, squeeze your biceps and exhale as you curl, inhale to bring the weights up to 90 degrees and exhale to press up overhead.

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Push-up to Renegade Row

Start in a plank position, on your knees or toes, holding dumbbells in both hands. Keep your hips down in line with your spine, and exhale, squeezing your chest, to rise.Lift one dumbbell up and squeeze your back to bend the elbow in towards

25-minute Barre Strength Workout with dumbbells (video)

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This is a 25-minute barre workout you can do anywhere. All you need is a set of light dumbbells, 2-5 lbs. Check out more of my barre workouts here, barre bootcamp here, and how to combine barre with other workouts. 

Hi friends! I hope you’re having a lovely morning. How is your week going?

The Pilot has been gone since last weekend and is back this morning, so I’m looking forward to having him home. He’s been flying a lot, which is a good thing. When I first wrote this post, we were officially wrapping up our first year of the airline life. I’d always envisioned throwing a giant party, but that ‘Rona had other plans. Instead, we settled for a smaller but still just as enjoyable backyard BBQ with the family.

25-Minute Barre Strength Workout With Dumbbells

I filmed a new workout for you and this one is a classic barre workout with a little twist: we’re using dumbbells the entire time.

barre workout video you can do at home!

Full Body Workout With Dumbbells

This dumbbell workout is a great way to add in an arm component while our legs are on fiiiiiiire and an easy way to add some extra resistance and challenge. Best of all, you can do it right in your living room!

I was huffing and puffing during this workout and I hope you love it, too! It felt like a solid mix of endurance strength and cardio.

Pin it here for a rainy day:

25 minute barre workout video you can do at home!


And here’s the full follow-along video!

I’ve been working on posting videos more frequently, so please subscribe to YouTube channel if you’d like an update when I post something new.

Please let me know if you give this one a try. Also, I’d love to hear if you have any workout requests for the summer months!

Have a great day and thanks so much for stopping by the blog.



More barre workouts:

Read more

Workout Hacks for Busy Moms

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Sharing some of my favorite workout hacks for my busy mom friends out there. 

Hi friends! How’s the day going so far? We’re soaking up the rest of summer – I can’t believe the kids go back to school in early August!!- and have some dinner plans tonight.

For today’s post, I wanted to share some workout hacks for my busy mom friends, especially since we’re about to head back in to the busy back-to-school season.

Being a mom is a full-time job, and finding time for yourself, let alone for workouts, can feel impossible. However, staying active is crucial for your physical and mental well-being. It’s worth it to make it happen!

Here are some practical workout hacks to help you stay consistent with your fitness routine, even with a busy schedule.

workout hacks for busy moms

Workout Hacks for Busy Moms

1. Prioritize Short Workouts

Focus on short, high-intensity workouts that can be done in 15-20 minutes. These sessions can be just as effective as longer workouts if done correctly.

Example: HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is a great option. For instance, a 15-minute HIIT workout could involve 30 seconds of jumping jacks, 30 seconds of squats, 30 seconds of burpees, and 30 seconds of rest, repeated for 4-5 cycles. Alternatively, a Tabata workout involves 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for 8 rounds.

Why It Works: Short workouts are easier to fit into a busy day and can provide similar benefits to longer sessions by boosting metabolism and increasing calorie burn. They are particularly effective for busy schedules because they maximize efficiency and impact in a limited time frame.

2. Schedule Workouts Like Appointments

Treat your workout time as an important appointment that cannot be missed. Schedule it into your calendar and set reminders. This is a gamechanger for me. Every Sunday, I sit and plan out my workout times and any classes I’ll be taking. Having it on the schedule means that I’ll stick with it.

Example: Use a digital calendar to block out 20-30 minutes each day dedicated to exercise. Whether it’s early in the morning before the household wakes up or in the evening after the kids go to bed, mark it as a non-negotiable commitment. Set alarms or reminders on your phone to ensure you stick to your plan.

Why It Works: By treating workout time as a scheduled event, you create a sense of accountability and make it a priority, just like any other important task. This helps establish a routine and reduces the likelihood of skipping your workouts.

3. Involve Your Kids

Turn your workout into a family activity. Involving your kids can make exercise more fun and less of a chore.

Example: Plan family activities like a walk in the park, a bike ride, or a dance-off in the living room. You can also find kid-friendly workout videos online that everyone can follow together. Incorporating physical activities into family time helps make exercise enjoyable and helps children understand the importance of staying active.

Why It Works: Involving your kids not only helps you get your exercise in but also sets a positive example about the importanc

Week of workouts

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Sharing a glimpse of how I structure my weekly workouts.

Hiiiii! How are you? I hope you’re having an amazing morning! We’re at Disneyland today and I can’t wait to ride all of the rides, eat Disney treats, and enjoy some fun memories with my favorite people.

While I won’t be getting in any *official* workouts this week, I’ll definitely be walking 20k steps per day (minus the long drive home). For today’s post, I thought i’d share a little bit about what my workouts have been like lately and how I structure my weeks.

Week of workouts.

It varies week by week, but here are some of the things I like to include:

3 strength classes – I’ll mix it up between F45, pure barre Define (my fave right now!), and Fit Team strength workouts (low-impact modifications)

1-2 hot yoga or barre classes (I teach barre every other week and do about 80% of the workout with the class)

1-2 cardio days on the Peloton and/or Sculpt Society (this link gets you a free trial on the app!)

1-2 days OFF

Week of workouts

Here’s what a week might look like:

Sunday: OFF

Monday: Hot yoga or power yoga

Tuesday: F45 total body or Fit Team total body

Wednesday: Peloton or Sculpt Society

Thursday: F45 legs or Fit Team legs 

Friday: pure barre (Define or Classic), or Pilates

Saturday: Hike, Sculpt Society, or off

I also walk Maisey every day (usually 1-2 miles around the neighborhood) or stroll on my walking pad during meetings

You might notice that it’s not a ton of cardio, and not a lot of interval training. I FINALLY feel like I’m in a place where I’m able to push myself a little with cardio again. Cardio releases histamine – it was a trigger for my eyes- and can also deplete you further when you have autoimmune symptoms. I noticed last year that I couldn’t push myself the way I used to because I’d be sore and exhausted for days. I also got sick twice after very hard workouts, which was unusual for me.

This kind of schedule has enabled me to stay active without overdoing it. It’s working for me right now 🙂

I’d love to hear how you structure your week of workouts!

If you need help setting up a workout plan, I have a freebie you can download here.

You can also try Fit Team free here! This is my full wellness hub with new strength workouts each month, a schedule for how to build your wekely plan (and substitute group classes), recipes, meal guides, educational modules, and playlists. Join the team here.

Have a great day and I’ll see ya soon!


The post Week of workouts appeared first on The Fitnessista.

TRX Kettlebell Circuit Workout

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Hi friends! How’s the day going? Thank you so much for the beautiful birthday wishes for Miss P. I read them all to her and she loved them. (She also LOVED having everyone sing “Happy Birthday!”) I’ll be sure to recap the birthday festivities in one post after her party. 🙂 For today, I have a brand-new workout for you, combining two of my very favorite tools: the kettlebell and the TRX suspension trainer.

Trx and kettlebell circuit workout

(Wearing Nikes, lulu crops, and this Zella tank which I later realized was inside-out for all of these pics. Derp. haha)

TRX Kettlebell Circuit Workout

Kettlebells and the TRX add an entirely different dimension to training, as they target our deep internal core stabilizers. You have to work harder to maintain balance or center of gravity with the kettlebell, and the TRX encourages a plank position for the exercises. You’re in a moving plank the entire time. These are excellent tools to to challenge yourself and keep your muscles guessing!

The workout is meant to be completed circuit-style, moving quickly from one set of exercises to the next. After you finish one round of the entire circuit, you have the option to move through it again 1-2 times for 3 total times.

What Is Power Circuit Workout

Here are a couple of interesting things about this circuit, which increase its *excitement*:

-It’s a longer circuit (11 exercises). This use uses quite a few unilateral movements, focusing on one side at a time. If you’re in a time pinch, you can do a couple of bilateral movements instead. (For the burpees, do regular, non-TRX burpees, and for the kettlebell squat and press, hold two kettlebells instead of one. Ditch one of the squat exercises if you’re trying to bring down the time.)

-Speaking of unilateral movements, this is SUCH a great way to train. If we’re always training both sides at the same time, it’s easy to depend on your stronger side, or ignore how each side is feeling. You may find that you can make simple tweaks to improve form because you’re really paying attention to the working muscles.

-It’s a leg crusher. These are challenging movements to work your entire body, with a lower body and glute emphasis. You’re welcome. Mauaha.

As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes. Honor your body and modify as needed. This workout assumes that you’re comfortable working with the TRX and kettlebell, and know how to execute these moves safely. If you have any questions, please let me know, or ask a personal trainer at your local gym to help you. We are happy (and stoked!) for the opportunity to help others work out more safely.

Now, let’s move onto the workout!

Trx kettlebell circuit workout

(Pin for the next time you need some gym inspiration!)

Form cues and tips:

1. Squat and reach: step away from the TRX base point, holding onto the strap with one hand. Sink down into a squat (chest listed, and weight in your heels), as you tap your free hand to the floor. As you exhale to rise, squeeze your glutes, and “c