Sharing the details about the Sakara January reset and what to expect.
Hi friends! How’s the week going for you? I’m definitely feeling the pressure of the last-minute scramble. I got a lot finished early this year, but still find myself with the tiny things left on the to-do list. I’m really trying to get through everything over the next couple of days so I can lower the stress level a bit for Christmas.
If you’re feeling like me, and already looking forward to January, I thought I’d share the details of the Sakara reset if you’d like to join in.
There are a LOT of resets/detoxes/cleanses floating around this time year, and this is one of my very favorites. I’ve had a taste of their reset programs multiple times, and am really looking forward to nourishing Sakara eats, especially after the holidays and a Disneyland trip!
I’ll be sharing more in an upcoming post with my wellness/healing plan, but here’s a bit of what I’m doing as we head into the new year:
– Sakara reset, followed by a 14-day Dr. Cabral detox to open up liver pathways, straight into the CBO protocol
– I’ll do a full post on the CBO protocol, but in a nutshell, when I started to do some digging and functional testing with my eye issues and allergies, I learned that as expected, my gut health is completely out of whack. I have major candida, yeast, and bacterial overgrowth, which could be contributing to my inflammation and allergies.
With these results, for a client, I would recommend a detox to open up liver pathways (along with pre-protocol support), into the CBO protocol. This protocol is designed to kill the *bad* bacteria in the gut, rebuild the beneficial bacteria, and heal/seal the gut wall. It’s 12 weeks, and I knew there was NO way I was going to attempt it over the holidays and the avalanche of family birthdays. I figured I’d wait until January, when I could really commit to the eating plan and healing. I’ll definitely share more about the entire process.

As far as Sakara goes, this is a treat I order for myself each month. It’s packed with nourishing, organic eats that I didn’t have to cook, and the meals are always beautiful, filling, and vibrant. Of course, they’re doing a little something special for the new year!
Sakara January Reset details
Here’s how the Sakara January reset works:
– You can choose between one of two plans: Read more