Summer Shape Up 2023 Winners!

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Summer Shape Up 2023 Winners!

Our team is continuously impressed by our LSF community. All the women in this community worked their butts off in this challenge and we are so proud of each and every one of you! You all finished this 6-Week Challenge strong which will help to create amazing habits that will last a lifetime. Thank you for pushing yourselves and our community to be the best we can be! 

We wanted to bring back the intensity with this challenge- in our workouts, our nutrition, our weekly prizes, and most importantly, our grand prize (a free trip for two to HAWAII)!! We brought back Accountability Groups to connect members with each other & lean on each other for support during the 6 week challenge. We introduced new videos in the MOVE app, all focused on specific areas of the body to really feel that burn. We also re-introduced weekly giveaways for our #teamlsf community who remain the most loyal and supportive fitness community to exist! 

Now it’s time to shout out our SSU23 winners! These inspiring women, not only have incredible transformation photos but the most heart warming stories!


Dara B. (dara_lsf_compassionatehouse) – Total pounds lost: 8

Dara’s story:

“I was so excited for this summer shape up cause it was lining up with me jumping into some new fitness goals. I have been working out pretty consistent, but I wasn’t seeing much change anymore. I was feeling like maybe I will never reach my goals.”

“We started the challenge the day I went to camp…I thought that was gonna be hard. I did pack lots of heathy snacks, and all my LSF nutrition went with me to help temptations go away. Then stared over on the 14 day shape up meal plan to just really detox and help my body after camp. It felt so good! Then for our beach trip a couple weeks ago I looked at the meal plan, and we pack the food for the menu that week.”

“My dad is like how much longer do you have to eat like this. Cause he loves his french fries… and not the sweet potatoes one. I would say “forever” then laugh. I said this is going to continue when the challenge is over. I want this to be a lifestyle. I had my mom and grandma doing the daily 10 every night and eating the meal plans. It was so awesome cause they are both trying to lose weight. It has been so awesome making progress as a family and seeing us get stronger physically but also mentally.”

“I liked accountability groups cause it made it less overwhelming. I would set time aside each day to go through the #teamlsf cause all those smiles and ugh faces lol motived me to keep going, and che

Win a Trip to Hawaii

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Win a Trip to Hawaii

Summer Shape Up 2023 Grand Prize Giveaway

Summer Shape Up starts July 10th! Not only are we bringing the heat with our workouts, but the grand prize is HOT! This summer you could win a trip to Hawaii for a FREE 3 night stay for you and a friend at the beautiful Prince Waikiki Hotel in Honolulu!

Win a trip to Hawaii!

We’re talking free free– airfare, hotel, meals, & a poolside cabana! I think we can push it for 6 weeks for a chance to relax! Not to mention, you will also receive some LSF Nutrition goodies to help you continue to stay on track even after the challenge! 

Waikiki Beach, Honolulu

And of course we want to make sure you all feel good throughout the 6 weeks so each week we’ll be giving away other amazing prizes to #teamlsf girls who are absolutely crushing it with their workouts, nutrition, and accountability groups!

How to Win

The more you participate in the challenge, the better results you’ll see AND the higher your chances of winning weekly prizes and the grand prize trip to Hawaii!

Below are just a few ways to make sure you stand out:

  • Post your “I’m In” graphic on Instagram & tag @lovesweatfitness & @teamlsf 
  • Take your before photos (you can share them or save them for later!)
  • Post your #sweatyselfies & #rollscalls daily! Tag @teamlsf & hashtag #LSFsummershapeup
  • Comment on other #TeamLSF babes posts (everyone needs encouragement!)
  • Jump in on chats in the private SSU Facebook Group
  • Join an Accountability Group 
  • Join our weekly Instagram Lives over on @lovesweatfitness  

At the end of the 6 weeks we will ask you to share your before and after photos and your personal story for a chance to win the GRAND PRIZE trip to Hawaii!

We can’t wait to start this challenge with you!

The MOVE app is designed to give you the absolute BEST results when you stick to my pro

Summer Shape Up 2023

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What is Summer Shape?

Summer Shape Up is a free 6 week fitness challenge starting on July 10th.

Over the 6 weeks we will have quick daily workouts (about 30 minutes a day) and follow the Shape Up Nutrition Plan to lose weight, tone our bodies and have FUN doing it!

Join Summer Shape Up 2023 HERE!

We’re all about helping you feel good faster and the quick workouts, easy healthy meals and support you’ll get from the THOUSANDS of women doing this challenge along side you will have you feeling AMAZING this summer!

Here’s what you get for FREE:

💪 One Month of Premium MOVE App access for new members

🤗 Sweat Starter eBook challenge guide

🥑 New Summer Detox Recipes  

🌸 Grand Prize trip for 2 to Hawaii for a 3 night stay @princewaikiki 

✨Weekly giveaways

🙌🏻 Accountability groups to support you

How do I get my workouts?

You’ll find your daily workouts in our app, MOVE. If you’re new to MOVE you can get a FREE MONTH to help get you started with the challenge and make sure it’s for you!

Each day you’ll have the “Daily 10” to get you warmed up, your main “Sweat Sesh” workout and a bonus move to target specific areas of your body like your abs, butt and thighs.

Read more

Summer Shape Up 2022 (free- join here!)

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Join us for a fun and totally free 2-week fitness challenge: Summer Shape Up starting July 11! Details below. 

I’m bringin’ in back, bringin’ it back….

Summer Shape Up 2022 is on the way and I’m so pumped to be doing this with you all!!

SSU is one of the best times of the year, and I always look forward to our amazing community, cheering each other on, and sharing some amazing prizes with some lucky participants.

You know you’re in?

Grab your spot here or enter your email address below. Totally free and invite any friends or workout buddies to join in!

Your Summer Shape Up 2022 GRAND PRIZE

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how to win!

Who will win the Summer Shape Up grand prize?

It could be you! Our Grand Prize Winner for Summer Shape Up will be the babe with the ultimate total body transformation who shows up for herself and Team LSF all 8 weeks of the challenge and shows us all how to be our best, most confident selves!

What’s Included?

Everything you could possibly need to celebrate your transformation and continue that momentum through the rest of the year!

$500 gift card to Amazon Fresh… for making those delicious, nourishing recipes!

$300 swimwear gift card—to show off all of your hard work!

1-year subscription in the LSF App: because you’re going to want to keep up on your workouts after your HUGE transformation!

LSF Plant Protein FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. Stay fueled all fall and winter long!

Prize pack valued over $1,200

How do I win?

  • Take your “before” photos on day 1, so you’ll have some CRAZY transformation stories to share with us at the end! Find all the pro tips here.
  • Create an LSF Instagram account to engage with the #TeamLSF community and help support other amazing women—we’re in it together!
  • Follow @LoveSweatFitness + @TeamLSF on Instagram and make sure you’re tagging us in your daily #LSFRollCall! Don’t forget to use #LSFSummerShapeUp as well.
  • Submit a testimonial video at the end of the challenge so we can hear all about your incredible journey!

Can’t wait to start with you on June 13th!

The post Your Summer Shape Up 2022 GRAND PRIZE appeared first on Love Sweat Fitness.