Spring Slim Down 2023 Winners!

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Spring Slim Down 2023 Winners!

350 pounds in JUST 6 WEEKS! Spring Slim Down 2023 is in the books and, phew, this one was insane! Our team was in constant awe of the progress, both physically and mentally we were seeing throughout the challenge. We wanted to bring back the intensity with this challenge- in our workouts, our nutrition, our prizes, and most importantly, our grand prize (a free trip to Miami, FL just to jog your memory *winky face)! We brought back Accountability Groups to connect members with each other & lean on each other for support during the 6 week challenge. We introduced 6 new videos in the MOVE app, all focused on specific areas of the body to really feel that burn. We also re-introduced weekly giveaways for our #teamlsf community who remain the most loyal and supportive fitness community to exist!

Now, if you couldn’t tell, we brought the HEAT to this challenge and so did our members! Based on JUST the members who submitted their story, we lost nearly 350 pounds in this 6 week challenge! I can only imagine how much bigger that number is from the other thousands of members who did the challenge! If you haven’t taken the chance to tell us your story yet, we’d love to hear from you! Feel free to submit your story here.

Follow Team LSF on IG to see more! Everyone finished this 6 week challenge stronger than ever and I am so proud!

Now it’s time to shout out our SSD23 winners! These women stayed dedicated and consistent with their 7 Day Slim Down Meal Plan, Hot Body Meal Plan, and MOVE app workouts!

These inspiring women, not only have incredible transformation photos but the most heart warming stories!


Ashley (@love.shine.wellness) – Marshall, Michigan Total pounds lost: 13

This challenge taught me consistency over intensity.”

Spring Slim Down 2022 Winners!

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SSD 2022 winners

I am continuously impressed by our LSF community. All the women in this community worked their butts off in this challenge. Not only was I inspired by your AMAZING transformation photos but your stories nearly brought me to tears. 

I am so proud of each and every one of you! You all finished this 8-Week Challenge strong which will help to create wonderful habits that will last a lifetime. Thank you for pushing yourselves and our community to be the best we can be! 

While we are on the subject, we need to shoutout our SSD winners! These women put their all into this 8-Week Challenge. These fabulous women, not only have incredible transformation photos but the most heart warming stories! It is my pleasure to introduce you: 


Lindsay, @linds.lsf

This was Lindsay’s FIRST challenge with us! She absolutely crushed this challenge and she lost 6lbs within this 8-Week Challenge. This challenge saved her and helped to create amazing new habits that she plans to stay consistent with. 

“Three weeks into the challenge, my blood pressure readings fell into the healthy range where they belong. They’ve been in that healthy range ever since. It’s crazy how fast my body responded to a few simple improvements. I started taking care of it and it immediately returned the favor.During the challenge, I lost 6 pounds and a couple inches off of my waist, hips, and thighs. But I gained an “I can do this” attitude and that’s made all the difference. Now I feel ready to tackle new challenges such as dedicated meal prep and leveling up to advanced workouts in the app. This whole experience ended on a high note for me because just a few weeks ago, my boyfriend took me engagement-ring window shopping! So what started out as a commitment to my health is turning into the beginning of the rest of my best life. “

Runner Ups

Emilee, @lsf_emjenn

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My 8 Week Spring Transformation Challenge

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8 week transformation challenge

Did you know 80% of people give up on their New Year’s goals by March? 

I’ve been that girl.

But I’ve spent the last few years perfecting my routines to get results, live a life I love and never give up on myself – and you can too!

On March 14th my Spring Slim Down challenge is BACK!

This year I’m giving you 8 weeks weeks of free workouts, my Spring Detox Meal Plan, healthy routines, recipes, tips, insane prizes, and personal support from me and the Team LSF community! Join Here!

free fitness challenge, 8 week spring challenge, transformation challenge, workouts for women

8 Week Transformation Challenge

During this 2 month challenge I’ll be right by your side, sweatin’ it out in our LSF App!

I don’t want you to miss out on getting the full experience so I’m giving all new users 21 Days of FREE premium access to jumpstart your spring routine!

We’re also going to have LIVE workout classes every week & a TON of fun together on email and in my text club!  All of my best tips, major giveaways, and surprises to help you push yourself and crush your goals this spring!

8 week spring challenge, 8 week fitness challenge, free fitness challenge, workouts for women, lose weight for summer, how to lose weight, lose weight fast

Are you ready?

Ready to nourish and move your body and feel re-energized? Ready to transform your


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how to win!

What’s Included?

Uh, everything you could possibly need to celebrate your transformation and continue that momentum into Summer!

$500 gift card to Amazon Fresh… for making those delicious, nourishing recipes!

$300 Onzie Gift Card: hellloooo new wordrobe!!

1-year subscription in the LSF App: because you’re going to want to keep up on your workouts allll year long!


Prize pack valued over $1, 250

How do I win? 

Take your “before” photos on day 1, so you’ll have some CRAZY transformation stories to share with us at the end! Find all the pro tips here.

 Follow @LoveSweatFitness + @TeamLSF on Instagram and make sure you’re tagging us in your daily #LSFRollCall! Pssst, don’t forget to use #LSFSpringSlimDown as well!

Our Grand Prize Winner will be the babe with the ultimate transformation who showed us how to slim down and be their best, most confident self.

Can’t wait to start with you on March 14th!

The post YOUR SPRING SLIM DOWN 2022 GRAND PRIZE appeared first on Love Sweat Fitness.