Answering the popular question about how long you should stretch for a run.
Hi friends! I hope that you’re doing well and enjoying the day!
For today’s post, I wanted to ask a common question, especially since it’s the new year and many of my friends out there are getting back to their running routines or starting new ones: how long should you stretch for a run?
Here’s the deal about stretching: science and opinions are mixed. You don’t *have* to stretch, but for many people, they find that it warms them up (it prepares the muscles for exercise and increases heart rate and tissue temperature), they may be less likely to get injured, and they may find that it mentally helps them get in the game.

How long should you stretch for a run
When it comes to stretching for a run, the recommended duration can vary depending on whether you’re doing dynamic or static stretching. Typically, dynamic stretching is best done before a run or any type of workout, while static stretching is more effective after a run.
Dynamic Stretching Duration:
Before a run, 5 to 10 minutes of dynamic stretching is usually sufficient in addition to any foam rolling. This type of stretching involves moving your muscles and joints through their full range of motion, which helps to warm up the body, increase heart rate, and enhance blood flow to the muscles. It prepares the muscles for the intense activity to come can help reduce the risk of injury.
I really like dynamic stretching because you’re working through full range of motion; it can help with altered movement patterns because you’re stretching out muscles that may be tight or underused. It feels good and energizing before any type of workout!
Static Stretching Duration:
After a run, I typically recommend 5 to 10 minutes of static stretching in addition to any foam rolling. This involves holding stretches for 20 to 30 seconds per muscle group. Static stretching helps to relax the muscles, improve flexibility, and reduce muscle stiffness post-exercise. It aids in cooling down the body, your heart rate will decrease, and it can help promote muscle recovery.
Differences Between Dynamic and Static Stretching:
Dynamic stretching is active, with movements like leg swings and walking lunges that mimic the activity of running. It’s designed to increase body temperature, improve range of motion, and get the blood flowing.
Dynamic stretching
Some of my favorite dynamic stretches before a run:
Leg Swings
Benefits: Improves range of motion, warms up the hip flexors.
Stand on one leg with the other leg swinging forward and backward.
Keep the movement controlled and steady.
Switch sides after 10-15 swings.
Walking Lunges
Benefits: Engages multiple muscle groups, enhances blood flow.
Step forward with your left leg, lowering your body into a lunge.
Push back up and repeat with your right