How to read more

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Sharing some tips on how to read more if that’s one of your goals!

Hi friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. What were you up to? We met with friends for sushi, celebrated the Pilot and P’s birthdays with family (we’ll be out of town for their actual birthdays), and had the usual ballet and basketball combo. I also got some time in my sauna blanket – it went from being 105 last weekend to FREEZING this weekend!

For today’s post, I wanted to chat a bit about reading. A couple of years ago, I made a goal to read more often. It’s one of my favorite hobbies, but I wasn’t dedicating much time to reading. I’d read maybe a book each month but was so caught up in work, mom life, and chores that I couldn’t imagine reading more than that. I started making a conscious effort to dedicate more time towards reaching and was able to read 3-5 books per month.

Maybe one day I’ll take reading content photos in mismatched comfies and a weird bun 😉

Lately, I’ve gotten back into my old ways. I’ve been feeling a little stretched thin and overwhelmed in general, and using my *down time* to mindlessly scroll (which isn’t actually relaxing) instead of reading. So, this post is a little reminder for myself, but also for my friends out there who want to read more.

How to read more

Why Reading is Important for Moms

Reading is extremely important for personal growth, relaxation and mental well-being, but the thing is that a lot of us don’t have time, or can’t find the time. Moms in their 30s and 40s can have a particularly hard time reading, especially since so much of the day is dedicated to caring for kiddos, juggling work, chores, and not having very long time blocks for much of anything. I think it’s important to think of reading as a form of self care if it’s something you enjoy. It’s worth carving out the time!

Here are some of my tips and things that I’ve learned:

1. Set Realistic Reading Goals

Set realistic goals, even 10 minutes a day. This can make a huge difference!

Also, start with a smaller goal, like one book per month.

2. Make the Most of Audiobooks

Audiobooks are PERFECT for multitasking. You can listen to audiobooks while doing chores, driving, working out, or going on walks.

I’m a huge fan of Audible and there are also free library apps.

Listening to books while cooking or folding laundry makes these chores a lot more enjoyable, and they’re perfect quality time for reading.

3. Create a Morning or Evening Reading Ritual

Try to set aside 10-15 minutes in the morning or evening to read, as part of a daily routine.

Just like any other habit, cultivating a habit of reading can improve consistency. I’m also a huge fan of habit stacking. Read around the same time each day, like 10 minutes when you wake up, or before you go to bed.

I find that reading before bed has a great calming effect, and definitely prefer this instead of scrolling on social media. The blue light from our