Your Summer Shape Up 2022 GRAND PRIZE

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how to win!

Who will win the Summer Shape Up grand prize?

It could be you! Our Grand Prize Winner for Summer Shape Up will be the babe with the ultimate total body transformation who shows up for herself and Team LSF all 8 weeks of the challenge and shows us all how to be our best, most confident selves!

What’s Included?

Everything you could possibly need to celebrate your transformation and continue that momentum through the rest of the year!

$500 gift card to Amazon Fresh… for making those delicious, nourishing recipes!

$300 swimwear gift card—to show off all of your hard work!

1-year subscription in the LSF App: because you’re going to want to keep up on your workouts after your HUGE transformation!

LSF Plant Protein FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. Stay fueled all fall and winter long!

Prize pack valued over $1,200

How do I win?

  • Take your “before” photos on day 1, so you’ll have some CRAZY transformation stories to share with us at the end! Find all the pro tips here.
  • Create an LSF Instagram account to engage with the #TeamLSF community and help support other amazing women—we’re in it together!
  • Follow @LoveSweatFitness + @TeamLSF on Instagram and make sure you’re tagging us in your daily #LSFRollCall! Don’t forget to use #LSFSummerShapeUp as well.
  • Submit a testimonial video at the end of the challenge so we can hear all about your incredible journey!

Can’t wait to start with you on June 13th!

The post Your Summer Shape Up 2022 GRAND PRIZE appeared first on Love Sweat Fitness.

Motivational Wallpapers 2022

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motivational wallpapers

We’re halfway through the 2022 Spring Slim Down fitness challenge and right about now is when you’ve got to dig deep to push it to the end. Committing 8 weeks to daily workouts, healthy eating, and crushing your goals isn’t easy. If it was, everyone would do it. It takes dedication, drive, and a whole lot of support. Our #TeamLSF community is here to encourage you every step of the way, but these motivational wallpapers can help too!

SSD 2022 Motivational Wallpapers


Web Admin 0 775 Article rating: No rating

how to win!

What’s Included?

Uh, everything you could possibly need to celebrate your transformation and continue that momentum into Summer!

$500 gift card to Amazon Fresh… for making those delicious, nourishing recipes!

$300 Onzie Gift Card: hellloooo new wordrobe!!

1-year subscription in the LSF App: because you’re going to want to keep up on your workouts allll year long!


Prize pack valued over $1, 250

How do I win? 

Take your “before” photos on day 1, so you’ll have some CRAZY transformation stories to share with us at the end! Find all the pro tips here.

 Follow @LoveSweatFitness + @TeamLSF on Instagram and make sure you’re tagging us in your daily #LSFRollCall! Pssst, don’t forget to use #LSFSpringSlimDown as well!

Our Grand Prize Winner will be the babe with the ultimate transformation who showed us how to slim down and be their best, most confident self.

Can’t wait to start with you on March 14th!

The post YOUR SPRING SLIM DOWN 2022 GRAND PRIZE appeared first on Love Sweat Fitness.