Journaling prompts to use this fall

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Sharing some journaling prompts you can use as we wrap up the last portion of the year. 

Hiiii friends! Happy Wednesday! What do you have going on this week? My newest baby niece will be born this week and I can’t wait! I’m excited to put some baby meals together 🙂

Today, I wanted to chat about something that has changed my morning routine: journaling. I always heard people talking about it, but didn’t want to give it a try because it felt awkward and uncomfortable. I’m supposed to just… write?? Write about what? What if it isn’t good? What if someone reads it and was like wth is wrong with this person? It made me nervous to write something so effortlessly, without the power to brainstorm, strategize and delete.

But, during the time that shall not be named, something changed: I needed to dump my thoughts onto paper. I stopped caring about it being good, or perfect, but instead used it as a brain dump because my head was SO full of thoughts. It gave me clarity and peace, and since then, I’ve used it as part of my morning routine.

Usually my morning routine looks something like this (sometimes all of it happens, sometimes it’s in pieces broken up throughout the day, sometimes only one thing might happen):

My morning routine

Probiotic and a big glass of water

Meditate on my PEMF Go Mat (code is FITNESSISTA15) listening to binaural beats on Spotify for 7 minutes

Daily devotional/Bible study and prayer 10-15 minutes, listening to worship music on Spotify

Journaling 5-10 minutes about goals, a brain dump of thoughts, or where I see myself in the future. I write about these things like they’ve already happened. It’s been SO wild to go back to some of the things that I wrote in 2020 and every.single.thing has happened, even the ones that felt genuinely impossible.

After this, I’ll have breakfast (usually Daily Nutritional support and Truvani protein pudding topped with berries and hemp seeds or Nuttzo) and supplements, make a coffee and then get started on work

**Feel free to adjust your routine according to your unique beliefs and goals, and set yourself up for a peaceful and energized day.

Journaling prompts to use this fall

If you’re feeling stumped on the journaling portion, here are some prompts you can consider:

Reflect on your spiritual growth this year.

What lessons have you learned, and how have they shaped your beliefs and values? How is the version of you NOW different then the version of you at the beginning of the year?

What are three goals you want to ac

Breathwork for stress reduction

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Shainrg some ideas on how to use breathwork for stress reduction. 

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you’re enjoying the week so far. I have client calls all day today and am looking forward to choir later tonight 🙂 This is one of the busiest seasons of the year for so many of us. I feel like from now until the end of school is a sprint to the finish line. So, for today’s post, I wanted to chat a little bit about stress and one of my favorite stress reduction techniques.

Stress has become a common part of our daily lives. From work deadlines to family responsibilities, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious. However, one powerful tool that we often overlook is our breath.

Breath work, also known as controlled breathing or pranayama, is a simple yet effective technique that can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Today, I wanted to talk about the benefits of breath work and share some practical tips to incorporate it into your daily routine. Please let me know if you give them a whirl!

Breathwork for stress reduction

The Benefits of Breath Work:

Stress Reduction: One of the most significant benefits of breath work is its ability to reduce stress levels. Deep, slow breathing activates the body’s relaxation response, calming the nervous system and lowering cortisol levels.

Improved Mental Clarity: Breath work can help clear the mind and improve focus and concentration. By bringing awareness to the breath, you can quiet racing thoughts and achieve a sense of mental clarity.

Enhanced Emotional Well-being: Conscious breathing can help regulate emotions and promote a sense of calm and balance. It can be particularly beneficial for managing anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.

Better Sleep Quality: Practicing breath work before bedtime can help calm the mind and promote better sleep quality. Deep breathing techniques can induce a state of relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

Increased Energy Levels: Deep breathing delivers oxygen to the brain and muscles, increasing energy levels and improving overall vitality. By practicing breath work regularly, you can boost your energy levels and combat feelings of fatigue.

How to Practice Breath Work for Stress Reduction:

Diaphragmatic Breathing: Start by sitting or lying down in a comfortable position. Place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to rise as you fill your lungs with air. Exhale slowly through your mouth, allowing your abdomen to fall. Repeat for several breaths, focusing on the sensation of your breath moving in and out of your body.

Box Breathing: This technique involves breathing in for a count of four, holding for a count of four, exhaling for a count of four, and holding for a count of four. Visualize drawing a square with your breath, inhaling as you ascend, holding at the top, exhaling as you descend, and holding at the bottom.

Alternate Nostril Breathing: Sit in a comfortable position and close your right nostril with your right thumb. Inhale deeply through your left nostril for a count of four. Close your left nostril with your ring finger, and exhale through your right nostril for a count of four. Continue alternating nostrils for several rounds, focusing on the rhythm of your breath.

Mindful Breathing: Take a few moments throughout the day to pause and bring awareness to your breath. Notice the sensation of air entering and leav

Meditation strategies

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Sharing different types of meditation strategies and how to implement them into your routine!

Hiii! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the morning! The Pilot is off work today (wahoo!) so I’m going to see if I can convince him to join me for F45 cardio day and then we’re going to grab coffee, breakfast, and maybe enjoy multiple consecutive sentences of adult conversation. What a treat!

For today’s post, I wanted to chat a bit about meditation and the different types of strategies. Meditation is something that’s been on and off in my life, but I’ve been pretty consistent for the past year. It makes a huge difference in my day. I feel centered, calm, and it’s one of my favorite daily rituals. I plug in my PEMF Go Mat (use FITNESSISTA15 for a discount), do 10 minutes of an eye mask while I meditate, and then I pray and journal. If I have extra time, I stay on the Go Mat a little longer and work on NYT Spelling Bee.

There are so many different meditation strategies out there, and it can be a little overwhelming, especially if you’re a beginner.

For today’s post, I wanted to break down some of the most common methods of meditation and how to use them in your routine.

*A friendly reminder that it’s helpful to have a designated meditation space that isn’t your bed! You don’t want to associate this space with anything else.Also, make sure that it’s free of work and clutter; you don’t want laundry and to-do lists to stare at you in the face as you’re trying to relax.

For more meditation tips, check out this post.

Meditation strategies

Guided meditations

If you’re new to meditation or find it challenging to focus, guided meditations can be an invaluable aid. These pre-recorded sessions are led by experienced practitioners who gently guide your thoughts and breath, helping you find your center. Choose from a myriad of meditation apps or online resources offering guided sessions tailored to various goals, from stress relief to improved focus. Some of my favorite include the Peloton app, Calm, and Headspace.


Breathwork is the heart and soul of meditation, weaving a profound connection between your mind and body. Practice deep belly breathing to calm your nervous system and bring your attention inward. Pay attention to each inhale and exhale, allowing your breath to be your anchor in the present moment. I like to do box breathing (in for 8, hold for 8, out for 8), or the 6-7-8 method (in 6, hold 7, out for 8). Next-level: think of a word on the inhale and another word you want to feel on the exhale, or think of something you’re grateful for on each exhale.


Top Tips for Everyday Mindfulness

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mindfulness activities

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month and a great opportunity to practice being more mindful in our everyday lives!

It’s interesting to me that not long ago, no one was really talking about mindfulness. Now, I feel like it’s everywhere. And it’s so awesome! Being tuned into the moment, really enjoying what’s happening right now, is so, SO powerful. Like, life changing.  

But it’s hard, right? With life running a million miles a minute and a thousand things you want to do, it can be hard to slow down enough to do even a few minutes of mindfulness activities. But don’t you worry, girl! I’ve got you. I’ve put together some of my best tips to help you stay in the moment during your everyday routine.

Everyday mindfulness activities

Mindful eating

How often do you scarf down a meal before running to class or mindlessly eat while you’re in front of the TV? Change it up, girl!

Try being mindful when you’re eating. Slow down and really taste each bite. Have a moment of admiration for the beautiful meal in front of you. You’ll get so much more out of mealtime this way!

If mindful eating is hard for you, it can be helpful to take a few minutes after you eat to make notes on your meal. Don’t just write down the basics, like what you ate and the nutrient breakdown, but also note how it made you feel. You might learn more about healthy food options that make you super happy! 

Quality, nutritious food choices can go a long way in impacting both your physical and mental wellbeing. A better diet = a healthier lifestyle = better mental health!

Mindful listening

Okay, I know we all struggle with this. But of all the mindfulness activities, this is the one that will make the biggest difference for the people you care most about.

Here’s what I do: if I’m going to meet up with a friend but I know my brain is going a mile a minute, I carve out a few minutes to sit with my notebook or #GOALS Planner. I make notes about stuff I don’t want to forget and put stuff on my calendar to deal with later. That way, when I show up with my friend, I can be totally, 100% present with her. I can tune into everything she’s saying and really enjoy the time with her. And I think it makes the hangout sesh better for both of us! 

Mindful Meditation

Meditation is one of those ideas of mindfulness that can feel really intimidating if you’re not sure where to start. But meditating helps to slash stress and increase your self-awareness, plus it makes you feel better. And it can even make you more creative a