how I overcame autoimmune struggles

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Sharing some of the details on how I overcame my autoimmune struggles, brought balance to my body, and am now symptom-free. Download the free ebook here.

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning so far. I have a day stacked with client calls and am looking forward to some adventures with the fam  — we’re headed to Disney for the long weekend to celebrate Liv’s bday. I’ll share the adventures over on IG stories! The kids have been asking for events or trips instead of birthday parties and I’m into it. Way less stress all around and a lot more fun.

I’m usually weird about celebrating personal things – for example, I never tell anyone when it’s my birthday lol- but there are two milestones I’m celebrating this month, and embracing every single part of these huge milestones:

– one year symptom-free and

– one year of negative Lupus markers

how I overcame autoimmune struggles

My main symptoms

Just under two years ago, some wacky things happened with my health. I went from feeling *ok* – I still had occasional anxiety and was tired sometimes – to dealing with mystery rashes, histamine issues, joint pain, and extreme fatigue. I couldn’t recover from workouts, and if I did something that was particularly intense, I felt like I needed to sleep the rest of the day. My eyes also gave me a lot of grief. I’ve done quite a few blog posts about the eye saga, but it ended up being blepharitis, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, and dry eye.

My last eye flare was a little over a year ago. We had seen The Nutcracker as a family – one of our favorite traditions – and I could feel my eyes flaring during the show. All of a sudden, they were burning, itchy, and neon red. As soon as it was over, we raced to Walgreen’s for Claritin – I knew at that point it was part of a histamine resp