Healthy Post Workout Snacks

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Sharing a roundup of some of my favorite post workout snacks and ideas for fueling around your workouts. 

Hi friends! How’s the morning going? I hope you’re having a great one so far! I’m over here editing podcast content and have client calls the rest of the day.

For today, I wanted to chat a bit about workout fueling and some pot workout snacks. While I am a certified nutrition coach, personal trainer, and Integrative Health Practitioner, these are just friendly general suggestions. As always, reach out to your personal RD or health team for personalized advice.

As we all know, I looove working out. Some days are easier than others, but I experience so many amazing benefits from taking the time to move my body each day; I’m sure many of you can relate. It gives me mental clarity, energy, strength, confidence, and I love checking the box towards long-term health. After I work out, I usually have a meal or a healthy snack. Fueling yourself post exercise can maximize performance, speed up muscle recovery, and restore energy levels.

Just a heads up that not all snacks are created equal—some can derail progress.

Today I wanted to share a roundup of healthy post workout snacks that will help refuel, rebuild muscle tissue, and help you feel satisfied after sweaty workouts.

10 Healthy Post Workout Snacks

There’s a lot of nuance to workout fueling: how hungry are you? What time of day is it? What type of workout are you doing? What did you already eat today?

My very general rule of thumb is nothing or a little carbs before a workout, protein + carbs afterwards. When you include carbohydrates and protein, this can help restore glucose levels, support muscle repair and post workout recovery.

Here are some ideas for store-bought snacks and homemade recipes that include both plant-based and traditional meat protein sources.

Is It Healthy To Eat After A Workout?

Eating after a workout is one of the keys to recovery, whether it’s a snack or a meal. It depends on the timing of your workout.

Intense workouts break down muscle tissue and deplete glycogen stores.

Some of the benefits of eating after a workout:

Muscle recovery and repair – Provides essential amino acids for protein synthesis.

Restores energy – Replenishes glycogen through carbohydrates. When you combine protein and carbs, this can potentially enhance this.

Reduces muscle soreness – Supports faster healing and reduces inflammation.

Optimizes performance – Fuels the body for future workouts. You can crush your workouts if you’re depleted!

How to prep for a week of healthy eating in two hours

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Sharing tips on how to prep daytime meals and snacks in just two hours.

Hi friends! How are you? I hope your week is going well! Don’t forget to check out the amazing HigherDOSE Labor Day sale here! You can use FITNESSISTA20 for 20% off sitewide (excluding bundles and full-sized saunas).

Now that we’re back into school and activities for the kids, I’ve had to dedicate Sunday to prep, plan and clean. I get everything set up for the week, and since the weeknight evenings are so busy, I try to plan our meals and grocery shop around what’s going on. (For example, if I know Tuesday is a late night with activities, I feed the kids early, make something in the Instant Pot, or dedicate it a takeout night. We have takeout or restaurant meals 1-2 times per week max, so I try to make it count!)

Life gets busy, and finding time to prepare healthy meals can feel like a challenge. But with a little planning and a solid strategy, you can set yourself up for a week of nourishing meals in just two hours. In this post, I’ll walk you through how to prepare a week’s worth of healthy eats with a focus on efficiency, deliciousness, and balance. Grab your meal prep containers, turn on some music, and let’s goooooo!

(PS if you’re looking for more ideas, you can download my free Meal Prep Blueprint guide here!)

How to prep for a week of healthy eating in two hours

Why Meal Prep?

Meal prep isn’t just about saving time; it’s also about making sure you have healthy options on hand. This way you’re more likely to FUEL yourself with healthy eats (instead of getting busy and skipping meals), or choosing options that are simply convenient (like takeout or pantry snacks). When you have a fridge stocked with ready-to-eat meals and snacks, it’s easier to stick to your health goals. Plus, meal prepping can be a fun and creative way to experiment with new recipes and flavors.

Getting Started: Your Meal Prep Plan

The key to successful meal prep is organization.

Start by gathering your ingredients and kitchen tools. Then, follow this step-by-step guide to prepare a week of healthy meals in just two hours. I’ve attached the recipes below, but here’s how I would structure the timing to get everything finished in two hours:


– Preheat the oven to 350

– Start boiling water for the eggs

– Put the chicken in the Instant Pot, spices, and turn it on so the chicken is cooking (recipe #4 below)

– Prep the chocolate protein oatmeal bake (#1 below) and put it into the oven

– Add the eggs to the boiling water (#2 below)

*While the oatmeal, eggs, and chicken are cooking, prep the meat for the meatballs (#7 below), and chop veggies for the raw veggie snacks (#6 below) and store in the fridge, and chop the veggies for roasted veggies (#3 below) and set aside. Toss the veggies for roasting with olive or avocado oil and salt and pepper.

* To finish up hour one, remove the chocolate protein oatmeal from the oven and allow to cool. Shred the chicken and set aside to cool before storing, and