My favorite healthy food brands

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Sharing a roundup of my favorite healthy snack brands. Almost all of these can be found at Thrive Market – use my referral link for 40% off your first order! For my Thrive Market faves, check out this post.

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope the week is going well! I have a discovery call and a lab review call today, and am looking forward to a sweaty yoga class. Hope you have a lovely day ahead.

For today’s post, I wanted to chat about my all-time favorite healthy food brands. When I say, “healthy,” I mean that they have simple ingredients with minimal added oils, artificial sweeteners, dyes, etc. I usually try to purchase from certified-organic companies, wild caught seafood, and B corps because they care about people and the planet.

In an *ideal* world, I would make everything, including our snack foods, from scratch. I make almost all of our meals at home – we try to just get takeout or restaurant food 1-2 times a week – but I still go for packaged options for convenience sake. I have a mental list of brands that I adore, and wanted to share some of them in today’s post!

Please keep in mind that I totaly understand that inflation is bonkers and grocery costs are out of control. If you’re simply struggling to put food on the table, I see you and am sending you the biggest hug. I don’t want anyone to feel shamed or bad about their choices; we’re all out here doing the best we can.

My children would be horrified that you can see my “dogs” in this photo lol

Rails sweater is here // jeans are here <– on sale right now

My favorite sources for online shopping are NOW Foods (code is FITNESSISTA), Thrive Market and Butcher Box. (<— each link will get you a discount!) These aren’t the only brands we buy, but my favorite ones that come to mind! I’ll probably add to this list over time.

My Favorite Healthy Food Brands

Meat and seafood:

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