Looking back on 2024 and my goals for 2025

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Sharing a lil recap from the year and what I’m working towards in 2025. 

Hi friends! Happy NYE! Any plans tonight? We’re eating Indian food and setting off fireworks in our pajamas. No crazy plans and I’m so glad lol. I’m excited to call it an early night and head out on a family hike in the am!

It’s funny because I thought the last year of the Pilot’s military career would be the LONGEST year of my life. I thought it would be a painfully slow drag to the finish line. The reality is that this year flew.by. I can’t believe that he’s wrapping things up, he changed command, and we’re getting ready for his retirement ceremony at the end of the month. Lots of huge changes ahead.

This year was a year of glorious travel, fun moments with the kids (who are growing up way too dang quickly. Liv will be 13 next week!!!), friend time, events, family time at home, time in nature, and a huge year for my healing journey. I celebrated one year symptom-free last year from eye issues and auotimmune symptoms and feel so thankful to have had a year where I really dialed in my routine and have felt the absolute best I have in years (decades???). I created a free ebook here about my auotimmune journey and things that helped me if you’d like to check it out!

Looking back on 2024 and my goals for 2025

Here’s a recap of some of the big moments from the year:

Personal and travel:

We went to the annual Fighter Wing awards banquet

to San Diego for Jeremy’s 50th!

I finished the CBO protocol!

to Vegas for a blast with friends

dance competition season with Liv,

singing with the symphony

back to San Diego and Disneyland with the fam

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Your Guide to the LSF 30 Fitness Challenge

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LSF 30 Fitness Challenge

It’s 2023 and we are about to jump into a brand new year full of new opportunities – you just have to say yes! And girl ,if 2023 fitness goals are on your mind, I’ve got you. This is your guide to the LSF 30 Fitness Challenge

I designed the LSF 30 challenge to help you build healthy routines, reset, lose weight, learn to fuel your body and give you the tools you need to CHOOSE YOU in 2023!

LSF 30 Challenge 2023

Your LSF 30 Routine

I wanted to give you some really amazing resources to help you throughout the next 30 days.

Below you’ll find a breakdown of how your app workouts work, the LIVE workout schedule, a Healthy Swaps Guide and a simple routine builder so you can jot down the healthy habits you want to add in daily!

Stop doing the same old sh*t.

If you want things to change YOU need to change. Change the way you think, your habits, how you spend your time and your ideas of who you were last year. It’s a new day and change means we’re growing.

Spend time today thinking about how you want to FEEL about yourself and your life at the end of these 30 days!


Get & Stay Motivated

It’s one thing to think about what you want and a whole other thing to actually make it happen.

We all start out the ye