How I naturally improved my eyesight

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Sharing some tips on how I’ve improved my eyesight over the past two years. This is just my personal experience and I’m not a doctor. Always check with you eye doctor before changing anything in your routine. Eyes are kind of important you don’t want to mess around, mm k?

Hi friends! I hope that you’re having a lovely morning and thank you for all of your excitement about Healing Code. I have so many strategy calls booked and can’t wait to connect with all of you. You can check out the details and book your free strategy call here.

Today’s post is a popular reader’s request, and one I’ve been thinking about doing for about a year, but was on the fence. I hesitate because I’m not a doctor, definitely not an eye doctor, but I’ve been forced to learn a LOT about eyes over the past two years who no one could really help me with my eye issues. I finally found an incredible dry eye specialist but also had to take matters into my own hands. Other doctors were completely stumped, and wanted me to depend on steriod drops that were raising my eye pressure. I learned a lot and love to share everything I’ve learned with you, but please do not accept this as medical advice of any kind. Always always reach out to your doctor before changing anything in your routine.

Ok, so my eye story. A couple of years ago, I changed a lot with my eye routine and eye care. (I’ll share some of these things below.) Over the past year, I also noticed that my glasses felt too strong for me. They started to bother me, and felt like magnifying glasses, especially while I was driving. I was due for my annual eye doctor appointment, and went to a new office because the last Rx appointment was a disaster (she gave me contacts and I ended up being allergic to the contacts or solution, and when I went back to the office she acted like it was my fault that my eyes were completely swollen.) Ok, so new place, and I decided I wasn’t going to tell him my glasses felt too strong just in case it was a fluke.

He did my eye exam and told me that for the first time in my life, my prescription had decreased. I had been a -5.25 since 6th grade, and now my Rx was down to -5.0. This was a huge win, and I was pumped about it!!

I’ve carried on, and recently decided to order a pair of prescription Vivarays after doing a ton of research on blue light blocking glasses. I wanted to find a company that did it RIGHT, and Vivarays is that company. (They kindly created a discount code, FITNESSISTA, and I’ll definitely post a full review!) My glasses had started to have that magnifying glass feeling again, so I went for a prescription re-check because I didn’t want to order new glasses if it had changed.

I told the eye doctor (the same guy – he’s excellent) that my glasses felt too strong while I was reading. I started to take my glasses off to read, and they also bothered me when I was on my computer for too long. He checked my reading vision, holding a pamphlet about 2 ft in front of me, and my reading prescription was -2.50 – half of my current prescription!! He wrote me a new prescription that I can use while I’m just doing things around the house, reading, and working on the computer.

I shared the good news on Instagram and was flooded with requests to write this post. The reality is that I’ve done a lot of things, and feel like it’s a mix of ALL of these strategies; not just one.

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[New program] Healing Code

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Sharing the details for my newest program, Healing Code, and how you can join. 

Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was a great one – Liv had a dance competition, I taught barre, and we met up with friends for dinner last night.

Today I have some exciting news: my new program, Healing Code, is open for enrollment and I would LOVE to see you in there.

Healing Code is everything I wish I would have had when I started dealing with mysterious health issues and autoimmune symptoms.

I spent years searching for answers—exhausted, inflamed, and frustrated with the traditional medical system. I was told to “manage” my symptoms, but deep down, I knew there had to be another way.

I learned that:

– You can’t medicate your way to lasting change.

– You can’t out-supplement, out-diet, or out-exercise chronic inflammation.

– You HAVE to heal the root cause.

– When I finally uncovered the key to lasting health and vitality, everything changed. And now, I want to help YOU experience the same transformation.

I just celebrated one year symptom-free, negative Lupus markers, and have helped so many women experience similar transformations.

Some of the testimonials from current and previous clients:

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the best EquiLife products

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Now that I’ve been using and loving EquiLife products for the past few years, I thought I’d share some of my top picks!

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful week. Today started bright and early with an F45 class, I enjoyed brunch with friends, and am writing this post in the ballet studio parking lot.

After all of the retirement festivities, this week has felt pretty chill.. it’s been a nice treat after Liv’s birthday, Orlando, back-to-back sicknesses between the Pilot and kids, and then straight into retirement festivities as soon as everyone recovered.

For today’s post, I wanted to share a roundup of my favorite Equilife products now that I’ve been using them for a couple of years. Over time, I’ve tried countless supplements, detoxes, and wellness products, but very few have genuinely impressed me like EquiLife. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I’m all about getting to the root cause instead of just putting a band-aid on symptoms. That’s why I love EquiLife’s science-backed, functional medicine approach to supporting the body naturally.

I’m super picky about the supplements and products I buy (EquiLife and NOW foods are #1 by a landslide) and I know it can overwhelming when you’re first browsing.

Here are some of my tried and true go-tos. As always, talk with a doctor before making any supplement changes. It’s also helpful to do functional testing to see your unique imbalances so you can supplement strategically. A lot of people are blindly taking supplements they don’t actually need.

*A note that affiliate links are included below that enable me to earn a very small kickback. You can also use the code FITNESSISTA10 for 10% off your first order!

the best EquiLife products

Daily Nutritional Support

If I had to recommend just one EquiLife product to everyone, this would be it. DNS is basically a multivitamin, protein shake, and detoxifier all in one, making it a beloved staple for busy moms, working professionals, and active kids. P takes it every day!

Why I Love It:

It provides all essential vitamins and minerals in the right ratios.

Supports detoxification (great for those who struggle with sluggish digestion or inflammation).

The vegan protein blend (pea + rice) keeps you full and fuels your workouts.

Tastes… ok 🙂 I mix it with Truvani or NOW foods protein to get in some extra protein and make it taste even better.

I love making this as a nutrient-dense protein pudding and I top with berries and Nuttzo. This is my breakfast almost every single day.

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How to restore gut health after stomach flu

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Sharing some ideas on how to promote gut health after being sick. Please keep in mind that this isn’t medical advice, and talk with your doctor before making any health or nutrition changes. 

Hi friends! How’s the week going? I hope you’re having an amazing one. It’s been a bit wacky over here. The Pilot got sick when we got home from Orlando and has been in bed with a fever all week. Liv went down this morning, so P and I are still standing and taking all the vitamins etc. It’s definitely *sick season* in Tucson – so many people are sick – so I figured it would be a good time for this post: how to restore gut health after stomach flu.

Stomach flu can be the WORST. It’s a viral or bacterial infection of the digestive system, which can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue. It’s super common and recovery is often quick, but you might be wondering about what you can do about gut health after recovery.

In today’s post, I wanted to share some tips on how to support the digestive system, replenish lost nutrients, and reduce inflammation for a smoother recovery. 🙂

*Not medical advice. Always check with your doctor and I’m just sharing some of the things that have helped us.*

How To Restore Gut Health After Stomach Flu

Stomach flu disrupts the balance of gut flora (the collection of beneficial bacteria in your digestive system) and can leave the body depleted of nutrients and electrolytes. When you’re actively sick, you’re burning through your reserves and feel depleted afterwards.

Here’s how I’ll break down today’s post: understanding gut health, why it’s important, and actionable steps to restore balance.

What Is Gut Health?

Gut health includes balance and function of the bacteria and microorganisms living in your digestive tract. This amazing lil ecosystem – often called the gut microbiome – plays a critical role in maintaining overall wellness. A healthy gut helps digest food effectively, absorb vital nutrients, produce essential vitamins, and  also helps to communicate with the brain through the gut-brain axis.

The gut also has major impacts for your immune system. About 70% of your immune cells reside in the gut, which help to fight pathogens and regulate inflammation in the body. When your gut is balanced, you’re more likely to feel energized, focused, and resilient. But when the balance is disrupted, it can lead to issues like bloating, fatigue, weakened immunity, and even mood changes.

After you’re sick, replenshing the delicate balance of your gut can affect your full recovery, your mood, and your immune system. Replenishing beneficial bacteria can help rebuild the gut’s protective barrier, improve digestion, and strengthen your immune system to prevent further illness. Incorporating probiotic supplements or fermented foods (like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut) can help repopulate your gut with the good bacteria it needs.

Reducing inflammation is another key step in recovery. Stomach flu can leave your digestive tract inflamed and sensitive, which is why we want to focus on bland, easy-to-digest foods, and stay hydrated to soothe your stomach. Foods like bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, aloe juice, and plain chicken broth are gentle on your gut and can provide essential nutrients without causing additional strain.

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How to deal with burnout

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Sharing my tips on dealing with burnout.

Hi friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful morning. We have a couple of appointments today, and it’s back to school and the *real world* after a glorious winter break. We slept in almost every day, watched a ton of movies, played Tucson tourists, ate takeout, got together with friends and family, and just enjoyed our time together. I hardly touched my laptop, but I’m excited to be back at it today!

For today’s post, I wanted to talk a bit about burnout, which is a little bit of a triggering topic. So many of us know exactly what burnout feels like, and it’s horrible. I picture myself in full burnout mode, and how exhausted and utterly depleted I felt, and I just want to give my past self a hug.

I was a Type A, super anxious child, who spent my childhood into my 20s in flight or fight. Then, I got married, started this wild adventure of a military life (we’re almost done!!) and became a mom. It was such a beautiful time, but it was a hard time — I feel like I missed a lot of the girls’ baby years because I was dealing with postpartum depression/anxiety, and completely burned out.

I know that this is what led me down the path towards mystery health issues and autoimmune symptoms.

While I’m not *fully* recovered from burnout, I’m now symptom-free and feel a million times better. I’m always a work in progress and learning as much as I can, but wanted to share some of the things that helped in today’s post. As always, this is not medical advice! Just sharing my experience, and if you’re dealing with burnout, please reach out to someone who can help you on a path to wellness and peace; you deserve to feel amazing <3

How to deal with burnout

Let yourself be a little more Type B

This was a huge one for me, and has also been the hardest one. I just learned that I can’t be everything to everyone all the time. I can’t do everything, I can’t be perfect, I can’t have a perfectly clean house 24/7, wear makeup and look cute all the time, and say yes to the millions of social activities and kid events.

Sometimes now I’ll leave the dishes in the sink until the morning, I’ll leave laundry on the chair for an extra, day, I’ll go out in public looking like a hot.mess, and will say no to events and invitations. I also used to work 24/7, but I stopped answering emails after hours and try to close my computer at a reasonable time.

The messy house is a stressor for me, so I still try to clean every day, but I’ll set a timer. When it goes off, that’s it. Also, the kids are older now and can help more!

Incorporate things in your day that you enjoy, that are just for you

This is SO important. It’s so easy to feel burned out when your entire day is consumed with tasks for other people. You *have* to t