Detox and Thrive – free 3-day event

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Sharing the details for a free 3-day event that starts this Sunday, directly into your inbox. No need to show up to live calls or videos; all of the info will be emailed to you.

How are you? I hope you had an amazing long weekend and that your week is off to a great start. I’m super excited to share something special with you—a free 3-day event kicking off this Sunday, September 8th, and the best part? It’s all happening right in your inbox! No need to worry about finding time for live calls or videos; you can participate whenever it’s convenient for you.

As many of you know, I’m a huge advocate for the EquiLife quarterly detoxes. They’re the perfect reset for our bodies, and our next community detox is starting on September 16th. (Info is here is you’d like to join!)

Superfood smoothie recipes

But before we get started, I’ve noticed some questions pop up whenever I talk about these detoxes. One that comes up often is, “Do we really need to support our liver’s detox process?” The short answer is: absolutely. While it’s true that our livers are incredible at detoxifying on their own, they weren’t built to handle the sheer volume of chemicals, pollutants, and stressors we face in today’s world. Our modern environment, coupled with physical and emotional stress, can overwhelm our natural detox pathways. This can manifest as fatigue, digestive issues, mood swings, immune challenges, weight loss resistance, brain fog, and more.

That’s why I’m hosting this free 3-day Detox and Thrive workshop. We’ll explore simple yet effective ways to support your detox pathways daily, share practical tips you can easily incorporate at home, help you uncover your unique toxicity profile, and get those dials moving toward increased energy and breaking through weight loss plateaus.

Unlike other virtual workshops that require you to carve out time for Zoom calls or videos, this one is designed to fit seamlessly into your schedule. Everything will be delivered directly to your inbox, starting this Sunday.

If you’re ready to join in, add your email address in the bar below, at this link or just email me and type DETOX AND THRIVE and I’ll add you)

the best shower water filter

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Sharing my review of the Canopy shower filter. You can check it out here and use the code FITNESSISTA15 for 15% off site wide!

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having an amazing week so far. We had to drag our mattress downstairs to sleep on the living room floor while they work upstairs, so sleep has been a little interesting lol, but other than that all is well here.

We’re making some huge improvements around the house for aesthetic and health purposes. When I found out our sofa and carpet both had mold, it was time for them to go. Water filtration is something that you can easily do for your health – I can do a post about my favorite filters for drinking! – but it’s easy to forget about the water you and your family use to bathe.

For today’s post, I wanted to talk about why you might want to filter your shower and bath water, and the best home shower filter that I’ve found: Canopy!

Why should you filter your shower and bath water?

When we shower, the water we use is absorbed into our skin, and we’re also breathing in the vapors of this water, often in an enclosed space. You can check out the quality of your local tap water here. (Tucson’s is horrible.)

Filtering bath and shower water offers several benefits for skin, hair, and overall health, including:

Skin Irritation Reduction: Chlorine and chloramines, commonly used in municipal water supplies, can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness, itchiness, and irritation. Filtering these chemicals can reduce the risk of these issues, leaving the skin feeling softer and more comfortable.

Mineral Deposits Reduction: Hard water, containing high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium, can leave deposits on the skin, causing it to feel dry and rough. Hard water also contains various dissolved metals, like aluminum, barium, strontium, iron, zinc, and manganese. Filtering hard water can prevent these mineral deposits, resulting in smoother, more hydrated skin.

Hair Health Improvement: Hard water can also leave mineral deposits on the hair, making it appear dull and lifeless. Filtering the water can help maintain the hair’s natural shine and vitality.

Eczema and Psoriasis Relief: For those with eczema or psoriasis, which can be exacerbated by exposure to certain chemicals and minerals in water, filtering the water can help alleviate symptoms and reduce flare-ups.

Reduced Risk of Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be sensitive to chemical

21-day Dr. Cabral detox recap and recipes

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Sharing a full recap of my first 21-day detox, how I felt, what I learned, and if I’d do it again. Check out my full review! I also created a freebie with 21 days of detox recipes if you’d like to download it (details below).

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you had a lovely weekend! Ours was great. I feel like I caught up on life (laundry, chores, grocery shopping) and also taught a couple of classes, we had an amazing dinner night with friends, and also met up with the fam for brunch. I hope you had a great one, too!!

For today’s post, I wanted to share a recap of my 21-day detox experience! I love doing the EquiLife detox four times a year. It helps support my liver pathways, I always feel GREAT when I do this, and it’s become a part of my health routine. Please keep in mind that I’m just sharing my experience and this isn’t medical info. Before proceeding with any new fitness or nutrition routines, always consult with your doctor. 

As you guys know, I’ve been dealing with some inflammation issues since last spring. It started with my eyes (which was a long, painful mystery, and thank God, it’s been resolved), and in the process, I had a couple of markers come back positive for Lupus. I share more of my story in this podcast episode.

In addition to working with my primary care, I’ve been running some functional labs on myself. I had a feeling that I had some gut issues (since gut issues can manifest in different ways and contribute to autoimmune symptoms, as well as allergies, brain fog, fatigue, digestive issues, decreased immune system function, low mood, poor sleep, etc.) and sure enough, I had significant yeast and bacterial overgrowth.

Here’s what page 1 of my OAT test looked like, which is extremely comprehensive. It also gave me insight into nutrient deficiencies as well as neurotransmitter levels.

(Please keep in mind that functional labs do not treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure any types of disease or illness. They’re used as a tool to discover deficiencies and toxicities, so you can work to bring the body back to balance. After running a couple of tests

Morning Detox Drink

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Apple cider vinegar, turmeric and other ingredients combine for this morning detox drink that can reduce sugar cravings, provide stable energy and help fight colds and allergies.Morning detox drink with turmeric and apple cider vinegar

What are morning detox drinks?

Why do you drink it?

What are the measurements?

What are the benefits?

This is my favorite morning drink: a hot mix of water, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, honey, turmeric and cayenne. I’ve been drinking it for years, and while I sometimes get out of the habit of drinking it every morning, I always come back to it. It’s going pretty strong right now. 😉 If I’m having this in the morning, it’s before anything else: coffee, fruit, or random bites while I make the girls’ breakfast.

Morning detox drink ingredients

Morning Detox Drink

Detox Drink Ingredient Benefits

Warm/Hot Water: can help to promote healing of the body, and decrease free radicals when combined with lemon. According to Ayurvedic medicine, we should drink warm or room temperature water instead of cold, as it can help to remove toxins (ama) from the body. Warm water can also promote healthy digestion, alleviate pain, improve blood circulation, and delay premature aging, according to this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar: this one is helpful in reducing infection, as many germs can’t survive in the vinegar. There are many benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar. It may help stabilize blood sugar and lower LDL (the bad kind of cholesterol) blood levels. It can also help to reduce weight and body fat by encouraging a healthy metabolism which could help with weight loss.

Lemon Juice: lemons contain vitamin C and potassium. When you drink lemon juice first thing in the morning, it gives the body a chance to absorb these nutrients and provide an immune system boost. Lemon juice can also help with maintaining a healthy weight, proper digestion and energy levels.

Even a simple glass o