21-day Dr. Cabral detox recap and recipes

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Sharing a full recap of my first 21-day detox, how I felt, what I learned, and if I’d do it again. Check out my full review! I also created a freebie with 21 days of detox recipes if you’d like to download it (details below).

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you had a lovely weekend! Ours was great. I feel like I caught up on life (laundry, chores, grocery shopping) and also taught a couple of classes, we had an amazing dinner night with friends, and also met up with the fam for brunch. I hope you had a great one, too!!

For today’s post, I wanted to share a recap of my 21-day detox experience! I love doing the EquiLife detox four times a year. It helps support my liver pathways, I always feel GREAT when I do this, and it’s become a part of my health routine. Please keep in mind that I’m just sharing my experience and this isn’t medical info. Before proceeding with any new fitness or nutrition routines, always consult with your doctor. 

As you guys know, I’ve been dealing with some inflammation issues since last spring. It started with my eyes (which was a long, painful mystery, and thank God, it’s been resolved), and in the process, I had a couple of markers come back positive for Lupus. I share more of my story in this podcast episode.

In addition to working with my primary care, I’ve been running some functional labs on myself. I had a feeling that I had some gut issues (since gut issues can manifest in different ways and contribute to autoimmune symptoms, as well as allergies, brain fog, fatigue, digestive issues, decreased immune system function, low mood, poor sleep, etc.) and sure enough, I had significant yeast and bacterial overgrowth.

Here’s what page 1 of my OAT test looked like, which is extremely comprehensive. It also gave me insight into nutrient deficiencies as well as neurotransmitter levels.

(Please keep in mind that functional labs do not treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure any types of disease or illness. They’re used as a tool to discover deficiencies and toxicities, so you can work to bring the body back to balance. After running a couple of tests

Community detox round 2 details

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Sharing the details about an upcoming Dr. Cabral 7-day detox. Sharing the details here and how to join in if you’d like!

Hi friends! How’s the morning going? I LOVED reading about your goals for the upcoming year. Please keep me updated on your progress and if you have any post requests or topics I can cover to support you, please comment or send me an email gina@fitnessista.com.

It’s hard to believe that holiday break is over and the kids are headed back to school this week. While I’m devastated – I enjoyed sleeping in and low-key days a liiiittle too much – it’s going to be nice to get back into a routine. We have a lot of things to look forward to over the next few months, including a Disney cruise, a trip to Disneyland, and a top-secret trip (it’s part of Liv’s birthday surprise).

One of the things I’m also looking forward to this month is another EquiLife 7-day detox. I felt SO GREAT after the last one, and it’s been a few months, so I’m ready for another round. Usually every January, I do some type of reset. Sometimes I cut out sugar and alcohol entirely for the month, other times, I’ll just focus on solid nutrition. It feels amazing to get back in the habit of eating (and craving) vegetables and fresh foods, especially after the joyful avalanche of holiday sweets and cocktails.

Moderation is my jam now, especially since the days of depriving myself are long gone. If I want a sweet treat or something more indulgent, I eat it and enjoy every bite. It’s been a festive couple of months, and I’m feeling a bit sluggish and craving sugar more than usual. Usually by the time New Years rolls around, I’m looking forward to making my way back to more *normal* eating. I love to kickstart it with a little reset and this year, I’m doing this liver-based functional medicine detox.

SO many of you joined me last time, so I wanted to invite you to join in if you’d like to go for another round. The fun starts January 22, so you can order your kit now and you’ll be ready to go!

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Dr. Cabral 7-day detox review + recipes

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Sharing my thoughts on the Dr. Stephen Cabral 7-day detox, and sharing the recipes I enjoyed while I was on this Functional Medicine detox. If you’d like to try it out for yourself, you can use my code FITNESSISTA20 for 20% off. 

Hi friends! Happy Monday! How are you? I hope you’re having a lovely day so far. We had a great weekend. I got a ton of work stuff done, we went to the pumpkin patch, and celebrated the Pilot’s bday a day early. His real birthday is today and I’m looking forward to more celebrations this evening with my favorite guy. I also wrapped up the 7-day Dr. Cabral detox with our community last night and feel SO good! I’m excited to share more details about my experience in this post with ya.

In this post, I also wanted to share some of the recipes and meals I enjoyed for my friends out there who are considering doing this functional medicine detox at their own time. It can be helpful to have meal ideas for days 3-7. This post is a beefy one because there’s so much I wanted to include. Grab a mug of coffee or tea and I’d love to chat with ya and share my experience.

Here we go!

Dr. Cabral 7-day detox review + recipes

What is the detox and how does it work?

– It’s a liver-based detox to help reset your body, provide a break from digesting heavy foods, and potentially help your body eliminate toxins that we accumulate from our environment. It includes functional medicine ingredients and Ayurvedic herbs to support phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification.

– It’s nutrition-focused. It includes the POWERHOUSE Daily Nutritional Support powder (which I’ve had in my smoothies for the past couple of months and notice a difference in how I feel when I drink this smoothie), and meal guidelines for the remaining meals. The goal is to NOT have your body depleted of nutrients during the process.

– It can potentially help with weight loss (although that’s not a focus for me), along with anti-aging, and total body wellness. 

– It’s only 7 days! When I first started working with a naturopath (back in the old days! It was like 2010), he had me do a month-long detox that was similar in format (but did not include the Ayurvedic supplements). It’s so much easier to do for 7 days, and I feel like my results were even better from the extra nutritional support. (The first two days are supplements, fruit, and smoothies only, and on day 3, you add in nutrient-dense meals using their meal guideline/template.)

7-day Dr. Cabral EquiLife Detox (details here!)

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Sharing the details about the upcoming Dr. Cabral EquiLife 7-day detox I’ll be doing along with my community. If you’d like to join in, check out the details below! You can also click here and use FITNESSISTA20 for 20% off. 

Hey hey! Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re enjoying the week so far. The Pilot is off work today (wahoo!) so I’m looking forward to F45 and brunch together, and also recording a podcast episode for this blog post.

I’m about to head into another round of the EquiLife 7-day detox, and I’d love to invite you to join in on the fun. October is the perfect time for a lil kickstart and reset.

When you hear the word “detox,” you might immediately be turned off and rightly so.

A lot of detoxes are…well, terrible.

They’re not designed with a purpose, and the main goal is to drink (often sugary) liquids for a few days before resuming your life. I’ve done some juice cleanses with popular brands in the past. I usually didn’t last very long, and they typically left me feeling worn down, depleted, and hangry.

This one is entirely different. I’ve done it previously with amazing results, and I’m pumped to do it again. My body has been craving a bit of a “reset.” I’ve been enjoying sugar and processed foods more frequently than usual lately, and I’ve noticed a dip in my skin’s appearance and my energy levels. It’s time to kickstart my way back into my typical, sustainable habits with this little boost.

I’m going to be starting on October 17th and would love to do this as a community if you’d like to join in! (It would be so amazing to see 250 friends doing this and supporting each other along the way!) 

7-day Dr. Cabral EquiLife Detox:

Here’s more about this 7-day detox:

– It’s a liver-based detox to help reset your body, provide a break from digesting heavy foods, and potentially help your body eliminate toxins that we accumulate from our environment. It includes functional medicine ingredients and Ayurvedic herbs to support phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification.

– It’s nutrition-focused. It includes the POWERHOUSE Daily Nutritional Support powder (which I’ve had in my smoothies for the past couple of months and notice a difference in how I feel when I drink this smoothie), and meal guidelines for the remaining meals. The goal is to NOT have your body depleted of nutrients during the process.

– It can potentially help with weight loss (although that’s not a focus for me), along with anti-aging, and total body wellness. 

– It’s only 7 days! When I first started working with a naturopath (back in the old days! It was like 2010), he had me do a month-long detox that was similar in format