Holiday Strength Circuit Workout

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’Tis the season for fun family gatherings, lots of holiday events, and wondering how the heck you’re going to fit in a workout. I’m always a fan of quick dumbbell circuits, but even more during such a busy season. I’ll always appreciate the amazing feeling I get when I can grab a pair of dumbbells, put in my headphones, and 20-30 minutes later, I’m sweaty and energized to tackle the rest of the day.

For today’s post, I wanted to share a quick workout you can do anywhere this holiday season. All you need is a medium pair of dumbbells and a mat. Please let me know if you give it a try! (As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes and honor your body.)

Holiday Strength Circuit Workout


Form cues and tips:

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Squat to Upright Row

Holding a pair of dumbbells, keep your chest lifted and your weight in your heels as you squat down and back. Exhale and squeeze your booty to rise, and perform an upright row at the top.

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Jump Squats

Make sure to land softly with bent knees. As you spring up, reach your arms overhead, and try to create some lightness within the movement. Squat as low as you can and reach up as high as you can.

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Curtsy Lunges

Cross one leg back and behind the other, and come down into a curtsy lunge. The front foot stays flat on the ground and the back foot has the heel raised off the floor.

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Start in plié squat position. Bring your hands down to touch the floor (keep your chest up). Jump up and land, touching the floor.

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Biceps Curl to Overhead Press

Holding a dumbbell, squeeze your biceps and exhale as you curl, inhale to bring the weights up to 90 degrees and exhale to press up overhead.

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Push-up to Renegade Row

Start in a plank position, on your knees or toes, holding dumbbells in both hands. Keep your hips down in line with your spine, and exhale, squeezing your chest, to rise.Lift one dumbbell up and squeeze your back to bend the elbow in towards

TRX Kettlebell Circuit Workout

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Hi friends! How’s the day going? Thank you so much for the beautiful birthday wishes for Miss P. I read them all to her and she loved them. (She also LOVED having everyone sing “Happy Birthday!”) I’ll be sure to recap the birthday festivities in one post after her party. 🙂 For today, I have a brand-new workout for you, combining two of my very favorite tools: the kettlebell and the TRX suspension trainer.

Trx and kettlebell circuit workout

(Wearing Nikes, lulu crops, and this Zella tank which I later realized was inside-out for all of these pics. Derp. haha)

TRX Kettlebell Circuit Workout

Kettlebells and the TRX add an entirely different dimension to training, as they target our deep internal core stabilizers. You have to work harder to maintain balance or center of gravity with the kettlebell, and the TRX encourages a plank position for the exercises. You’re in a moving plank the entire time. These are excellent tools to to challenge yourself and keep your muscles guessing!

The workout is meant to be completed circuit-style, moving quickly from one set of exercises to the next. After you finish one round of the entire circuit, you have the option to move through it again 1-2 times for 3 total times.

What Is Power Circuit Workout

Here are a couple of interesting things about this circuit, which increase its *excitement*:

-It’s a longer circuit (11 exercises). This use uses quite a few unilateral movements, focusing on one side at a time. If you’re in a time pinch, you can do a couple of bilateral movements instead. (For the burpees, do regular, non-TRX burpees, and for the kettlebell squat and press, hold two kettlebells instead of one. Ditch one of the squat exercises if you’re trying to bring down the time.)

-Speaking of unilateral movements, this is SUCH a great way to train. If we’re always training both sides at the same time, it’s easy to depend on your stronger side, or ignore how each side is feeling. You may find that you can make simple tweaks to improve form because you’re really paying attention to the working muscles.

-It’s a leg crusher. These are challenging movements to work your entire body, with a lower body and glute emphasis. You’re welcome. Mauaha.

As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes. Honor your body and modify as needed. This workout assumes that you’re comfortable working with the TRX and kettlebell, and know how to execute these moves safely. If you have any questions, please let me know, or ask a personal trainer at your local gym to help you. We are happy (and stoked!) for the opportunity to help others work out more safely.

Now, let’s move onto the workout!

Trx kettlebell circuit workout

(Pin for the next time you need some gym inspiration!)

Form cues and tips:

1. Squat and reach: step away from the TRX base point, holding onto the strap with one hand. Sink down into a squat (chest listed, and weight in your heels), as you tap your free hand to the floor. As you exhale to rise, squeeze your glutes, and “c