Looking back on 2022 and my goals for 2023
TBH I’m always a little hesitant to write this type of post after I dubbed 2020 the “year of travel” but here we go….
Hi friends! Happy Monday and HAPPY NEW YEAR! *throws confetti into the air* I’m back and feeling refreshed after some time with the fam. We got together with friends, watched movies, enjoyed some girl time (pedicures, boba teas, shopping, baking), and are back in the swing of things this week. I hope you had a wonderful blurry week between Christmas and New Years, and hope you had a safe and happy New Years’ celebration.

(New Years Eve at the Desert Museum)
For today’s post, I thought it would be a good time to look back on the year, assess how I did with my goals, and set some goals for 2023.
I tend to have mixed feelings about resolutions. I’m the type of person who often thinks, “If you want to change something, change it now, instead of waiting for the pressure of a looming date or holiday,” but at the same time, there’s something exciting and motivating about a bright, shiny, new year.

I make changes and set goals throughout the year, but this is the time that I usually set big business and financial goals, health and personal goals, and brainstorm a theme for the year: a mantra I can keep in mind when things feel challenging or tough. My mantra for this year is “gratitude.” Having a daily gratitude practice has made a big impact in my mood and mindset.

Here’s a lil recap of what went down in 2022.
Looking back on 2022 and my goals for 2023
I’m SO thankful that we were able to travel more this year! We went to some of our favorite places, like Mt. Lemmon, Great Wolf Lodge (a few times), San Diego, Disneyland, San Diego again, and Vegas, and also traveled to some new places, like exploring Waikiki as a family. Hawaii ended up being my travel highlight of the year, and the girls agree; they’re already asking to go back.

The Pilot took command of another one of the squadrons here. While his workload has been busy, I’m so proud of him and the type of leader he is. We’ve had a lot more squadron events and military fun over the past year.

Professionally, I launched Total Body Reset with Mia, kept creating Fit Team content for my amazing members, finishing my Integrative Health Practitioner certification, started coaching more 1:1 clients (virtual and in-person), and it was my highest affiliate income year to date. I only partner with a super small amount of companies, and I love spreading the word about their amazing products.

I did some formal business coaching this year with Dan and Nicole Culver, attended a JillFit mastermind (Jill was my coach all year last year!), and am looking forward to masterminding with some other friends in this space.
Beautycounter was an area that saw a bit of a slip in 2022. I didn’t have as much time to devote to it as usual, and it’s one of my goals to continue to grow my Beautycounter business. It’s an incredible company doing great things, and I’m fortunate to have some friends on my Beautycounter team, too!
Health-wise, it’s been a good year (knock on wood) and I feel like I hit my stride with some of the things I’ve been working on. I drastically cut back alcohol intake – you can read more about my journey here! – and have been walking Maisey daily. It’s done wonders for my mental health and I don’t have to think about hitting 10k steps each day. It happens pretty easily with a workout + a daily walk with Mazer.
I’m still doing my usual Fit Team workouts, teaching barre, and taking classes, like hot yoga, F45, barre, Sculpt Society, and hopping on the Peloton from time to time. I’ve been consistent with meditation, journaling on my PEMF Go Mat, and getting solid sleep at night.

Personally, I continue to be thankful for our friends and family here in Tucson. We have our tribe of parent friends, the kids have their incredible best buddies, and I joined a Bible study last summer that has changed my life. I grew up Catholic, but have never studied the Bible in this capacity, and am so blessed to have a group of insightful, wise, encouraging, and kind ladies in my corner.

This is also the year that I truly feel like I found some balance and some breathing room with our routine. I started taking 1-2 days off each week, and started booking little open blocks or fun things to look forward to, like a hike with a friend or a date night with the Pilot.
It can feel like you’re in an endless slog of work, child wrangling and chores, especially if you solo parent for days/weeks/months at a time, and doing this has increased my happiness and productivity. Our babysitter started coming over the weekend, just for three hours, and it’s been a lifesaver to get ahead on content and backend blog work for the upcoming week.
Some of my goals for 2023:
Continue to post content here, on Instagram, and TikTok
I’m not going anywhere here on the blog, and have so many ideas for posts this year (and more, thanks to your survey responses!). I also enjoy creating short video content, so I’ll still be posting on IG, and start to post more frequently on TikTok. I fought the platform for so long, but I know that’s where people are hanging out, and I love that it’s less curated than IG.
Finish my IHP Level 2 certification!
I’m absolutely loving the certification process and am so excited to be able to run the big 5 labs for clients, friends, and family members (and myself!).
If you’re looking to explore your health passions or start a new career, I highly recommend the IHP program. You can check out this post about my experience so far.
Grow the Fit Team community and launch a group coaching program with functional lab testing
I want to continue to build Fit Team – the community is everything and the workouts are fiiiiiire – and launch a group program focused on health foundations, along with optional functional lab testing once I finish IHP2. If you’re curious about receiving the info first, hop on the wait list here.
Submit another book proposal
Each time I’ve write a book, I’m like, “WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF?” but I have so many ideas for this new concept. I’ve been chatting with an editor to craft the perfect title and perspective for this one, so we’ll see how it goes.
Take the crew to Europe
We are starting to plan this for summer 2023! The kids are PUMPED. A trip to Disneyland Paris is on the books, along with Rome and (hopefully!) Madrid.
Finally rip out the dang upstairs carpet
I’m pretty sure I’ve said this for two years but it’s happening, even if it’s me and a box shredder. I can’t stand it anymore lol.
Keep it up with the podcast
I was talking with a blog friend and she did some digging on my podcast, and told me it’s in the top 0.5% globally of all podcasts. And then she laughed at me because I’m pretty casual about the whole thing. I post when I have content – I aim for weekly, but it doesn’t always happen – often forget to share it on IG stories, edit it myself, etc. So this was a fun push to keep at it, and explore more potential with the podcast. I’ve lined up my first sponsors for the year, too!

Continue to make reading a focus
I’m writing the great book recap right now (it will be live tomorrow!), but it’s looking like I read around 24 books this year. It was under my goal of three per month, because I spent some book time studying for IHP. My goal is still at least three books per month for 2023. Reading is something I genuinely enjoy, so it’s good motivation to set aside time for reading each day, even if it’s just for 15 minutes until I crash out.
Get back into singing…or something
Our symphony had a season this year, they invited everyone back to the choir, and we had to re-audition for our spots. I learned Beethoven’s 9th, in German, went in and got my spot back, and then realized a few days later that I wouldn’t be able to participate for personal reasons. I’m hoping I’ll be able to return next year, because I really miss it, but at the same time, it’s been so long that I can’t help but wonder if this is a sign to do something else. I’m just looking for something to fill my musical/creative cup, like singing, piano, or dancing, so here’s hoping there’s some of that in 2023.
Continue to work to be a more patient, joyful, and loving mom and wife, aka my most important goal
I want the people in my life to know how much I genuinely love them unconditionally, and while I know this in my heart, it’s important to show them. I remind myself to be more present, patient, and enjoy the people around me as much as I can. I enjoy our babies so much, and being their mom is my favorite thing in the whole world. It’s my purpose for them to feel that as much as possible <3
So tell me, friends: are you setting goals for the new year?
What’s a professional, personal, and health goal for 2023? I LOVE hearing about your goals, so if you’re feeling up to it, please share a few in the comments!
The post Looking back on 2022 and my goals for 2023 appeared first on The Fitnessista.