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Friday Faves

Hey hey! How are you? I hope you had a wonderful week!

I’m ready for a whirlwind weekend ahead. P has her last soccer game, Liv has a dance competition, and I’m subbing a dance cardio class. I’m also looking forward to studying for IHP and watching a movie with the fam. Have a warm and happy weekend!

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party, but before we get into the fun, I have to tell you about GOAT YOGA.

We were originally supposed to go up to Mt. Lemmon and stay in a cabin with friends, but it snowed like crazy, power was out on Mt. Lemmon, and the roads were closed. Instead, we planned a day of fun together: goat yoga, arcade, boba tea, shopping, and dinner at our house (with fort building. We tried to accommodate all of the kids’ requests!). It all started with goat yoga.

It was at Udall park, and despite the frigid temps on Mt. Lemmon, it was in the 60s and slightly cloudy. We laid out our mats in a fenced-in corral, and before we knew it, a pack of goats, wearing unicorn horns, tutus, and butterfly wings, paraded into the corral.

And at that moment, all of my dreams came true.

We went through a very leisurely yoga practice with lots of stretching, but any time we were in a folded position (child’s pose, tabletop, head to knee, etc.) there’s a 90% chance a goat would jump on your back. It was everything. We were all cracking up, and we had hoof marks and scratches on our backs, and I will never forget it.

You guys know I’m obsessed with goats – I’d have 12 if we didn’t have an HOA – and we all love them. We got our goat fix and will absolutely return. We loved ALL of the goats, but our very favorite was the smallest one named Flower, wearing a flower crown and tutu. I can’t.

The post should just end here because nothing will top the goat yoga party, but here are some more faves from the week and around the web.

Friday Faves


Spelling Bee. I got sick of Wordle (especially when the words became more and more obscure and impossible to get) and have gotten into spelling bee over the past couple of weeks. The kids like helping me, it’s good practice for them, and earning Genius is quite the confidence boost lol.

Read, watch, listen:

JUST WATCH this gymnastics routine. So much fun, and incredible control and power. She crushed it.

Make sure to check out this week’s podcast episode here, especially if you’re working on improving your mindset.

What romantic scenes do you love?

This book is one of my favorite parenting books ever.

Fashion + beauty:

 Loving this embroidered sweater! It’s a cute transition piece as we head into spring.

(I’m going to post more often on LTK if you’re interested in fashion-y things and would like to follow along!)

Fitness + good eats:

I’m thinking about getting rid of the chaise lounge in the office and getting a walking pad! If you have one and a stand-up desk you love, please let me know.

Spring Shape Up check-ins! It’s not too late to join in. It’s totally free and you’ll get instant access to the platform, which has all of your workouts, meal ideas, and bonuses. Sign up here.

More reasons to add in a daily walk.

Ginger peanut chicken with coconut rice.

Get ready to make the BEST St. Patrick’s Day cocktail.

Happy Friday, friends!


The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.

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