Italian Pressed Sandwiches

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Italian Pressed Sandwiches

For years and years I’ve wanted to share these fantastic Italian Pressed Sandwiches with you all but never took the time to snap pictures.

Layers of Italian meats, roasted red peppers, tomatoes, spinach and fresh mozzarella all pressed between tender slices of Italian bread. Oh baby, these sandwiches are so yum!

a photo of several small italian pressed sandwiches sitting on a white plate with potato chips scattered around the plate in the foreground. the sandwich is stuffed with laters of meat, roasted red peppers, pesto, tomato, and fresh mozzarella.

You see, picnics are kind of my thing. I adore them. I always have. Growing up we would make a delicious bowl of potato salad, pick up KFC (I KNOW, but don’t judge, KFC and picnics was a thing and I bet you did the same thing!) and head to some park or up into the mountains. Especially in July when our church would hold a huge Stake picnic, an entire day of games, water slides, family activities etc. It was incredible!

Sometimes when we would ditch KFC, we would haul sandwiches and sides and that was truly my favorite kind of picnicking. There’s something so free and wonderful about unplugging and finding respite in the hills. So, in case you’ve forgotten that joy-especially the one you were reminded of during quarantine (come on, did we so quickly forget the lessons we learned?!) then let me remind you, a stacked sandwich, a bunch of fresh fruit, salty chips and maybe a dessert like our lemon drop cookies will bring all kinds of happy to you and your favorite people.

You can try all sorts of flavors for pressed sandwiches such as mayo and turkey blt style,