The Move – Part 3

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The Move – Part 3

Friday night I went to bed worried and a bit defeated but still trying so hard to hold onto a thread of hope. I’d called, texted, emailed everything and everyone I could find. What in the world was going on that people wouldn’t even return our calls and texts about homes?! It was frustrating.

Yesterday morning Cade woke up and looked online one more time.

And two homes were newly available.

I drove like a mad woman, shocked that they had agreed to let me walk through.

And now, we are moving to Farmington.

I’m so grateful.

The Miracle Comes

I guess it really is true that you go until you have nothing left to give and then the miracle comes.

We move in just a couple of days and need to figure out schools, doctors etc. so it’s going to be a week to get through. But it’s also going to be the beginning of a story yet to be written and how exciting is that?!

I still have a summer of miracles to tell you all about. Miracles, I’m learning are often not in the ask, the real miracles are in the people and moments along the way. But yesterday, that was a miracle for sure and I’ll never deny that while it’s not the plan we’d set out for, it’s certainly going to end up even better for the people we find there.


Someone, gosh maybe EVERYONE saw me do it.

I cried a broken cry on the freeway as out loud I said:

“Where are you?!”

I was driving home from having found a house that we could rent until we find a more permanent forever, but I didn’t experience the feels like you would have expected.

It didn’t feel miraculous.

Though I’m certain it was.

I didn’t feel that acknowledgment of peaceful or right though it is.

Instead, it felt empty.

We’d prayed, fasted, hoped and acted all summer in faith that we were to move north.

We paused buying a home when nothing felt right and turned our attention to renting. I will be honest, that’s hard for me. I like to be settled and to be home but I could see that there might be a better story in “waiting” – the motto of my life
Out of all the homes we contacted about renting, I’d guess only 2% even responded to texts, phone calls and emails.

The Sunbeams that Barely Reach Us

It was BEYOND frustrating.

So where was God?

We were doing everything “right” and we felt hope and devotion to the miracle, so where was it and where was He?!

The homes on Saturday are lovely homes. The one we will move to is literally the only one that responded, was available and the nicest people own it.

So was it a miracle?

Sometimes we want to have the sun not only rise but completely envelop us in its light AND its warmth. But often its far away and we miss the streams that, like in this photo, barely reach to us as a reminder that it’s there, it’s coming, but not yet.
I think wh

The Move – Part 2

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The Move – Part 2

First, I acknowledge the pant leg-sock-shoe situation. #mosquitos Technically I’m a Genius. 🤭

I love camping (Cade is a good sport and goes) but I hate how I FEEL camping.
Like literally.
As in, my skin. 😂
It’s that sticky combination of sunscreen and bug spray mixed with a little dirt and sweat. It’s gross and I can’t wait to wash it all away but I somehow am perfectly content in it at the same time because I know the goodness of it- it’s means I’m in my happy place of peace.

And that’s perfectly how I feel about “the wait”.

That time that’s neither here nor there.

A liminal experience.

The Wait

If I’ve learned one thing with this repetitive lesson of waiting, the wait isn’t waiting at all.
It’s actively walking. Walking from A to C and B is the bonus you get along the way.
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31Renew their strength?!
Yes, I need that!
Run and not be weary and walk and not faint?!
I need that too!

Waiting is About Changing

While you’re waiting you get the beautiful promise of being sustained and lifted but what really is the SECRET to accessing that blessing is to STOP looking up and asking for “PLEASE” and start getting to work and asking, “So now I throw my heart into, “please let this experience change me, help others and become more!”

Remember how it took 2 years to even find the house we just sold or the hyperemesis gravidarum I battled?


During those times I learned that waiting isn’t about patience, it’s about changing- our lives and those around us.

And what promises do I need to fulfill that are waiting on me in this space?

You work on those two things and it seems to me that “C” comes sooner than it could have and this time when you step over the threshold you bring “B” with you- the talents, strengths and blessings tha

The Move – Part 1

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The Move – Part 1

Technically not homeless, but technically we also don’t have a home.

I almost want to tell you we are stressed out of our minds and in a total panic over here, at least that’s what we should be feeling. But the truth is, we made such a crazy and insane decision, one that makes absolutely no sense at all and my gosh, we are riding in the happiest, most hopeful peace I’ve ever felt.

So, with all the questions and so little time to answer why don’t I start back at the beginning and explain what’s really been going on in our lives for the past year and why we sold our home with zero possibilities for a place to rent or buy, why we threw our hearts at @utahrealestatepaige @whitneykimballrealtor and it ended up being one of the many best (and lucrative) decisions we’ve made. Ok, so it all started with Nashville…

We Were Going to Move

Well here’s a problem! I want to keep telling you our story but I don’t know how far back to go! I’ll say this, for three years now I’ve felt very strongly, more so each year that our time in Utah county was closing. By fall last year, I was certain that it would be our last Christmas in this house and I have no answer for you how I knew, I just had been listening so much over the years that it felt like clear knowledge in me, we were going to move. But where?!

We prayed a lot and then some more but nothing felt right. This last fall Cade was again in a position to move into a promotion (one we’d never felt right about before) and this time it not only felt right but certain. We were given a long, long list of places from California to Pennsylvania and Nashville to Nevada plus lots in between and we began praying.
Now don’t get all crazy here, that probably sounds like so much fun but the truth is, a long list and you get to speak up on where to move your family is a huge decision and one that we took seriously to our knees. How do you uproot your family like that? It’s scary, and exciting, wonderful and intimidating!

We expected answers and were willing to go wherever we were needed and could serve those around us, but no clear direction other than, you’ll be leaving Utah county came.

Ughhhh! I was so tempted towards discouragement!

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