The Bike Crash

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The Bike Crash

The Bike Crash

I had this feeling just pulsing in me to take Grayson on a bike ride. I cannot even explain how important it felt. So after cleaning the church we headed home and I told Grayson to grab his bike.

He was ecstatic!!!

And I’m telling you, I was full of love and peace and it felt so right that I was actually very ponderous about what in the world I was feeling.

My bike was in the storage unit but Cade had gotten for me before leaving town but had forgotten my helmet. I had the thought that I should be wearing one (though the angle I got I still would have been beat up but more on that later) but I decided it was just a loop around the block so Grayson threw his on and off we went.

I Should Have Listened

As we came around the cul-de-sac, I had the thought, no I should spend time with him. So I motioned to cross the street and we’d go on the walking trail. I could see a little slope from the road to the trail and I had a flat out thought to walk my bike down it. Immediately I rolled my eyes at myself as if I was being wimpy as it was so tiny, and continued forward. Just as I got to the edge I could see that it wasn’t a slope but a little ledge of asphalt and instead of grass that section had loose gravel.

I knew it before it happened.

The tire snagged the broken up asphalt and then skidded through the loose gravel, unable to grip the ground and as much as I tried to save it the bike spun out to the side and launched me forward.

I cannot stop replaying, like an old VHS on rewind, my face about to slam straight into the concrete.

I felt my teeth immediately.

They were no longer where they should be.

“Mom, Are You OK?”

And as I lifted my head to assess the damage I my brain was whirring with the worst. Feeling the blood everywhere and the dirt and the reality of hard concrete under me, both helping me feel secure and pulsing as the enemy that crushed me I felt as though the bones in my face had shattered and my lips had been ripped from my mouth.

And then I heard the softness of a familiar voice behind me…

“Mom!!! Are you ok?!”

I rolled over and started to sit up, absolutely certain I’d just crushed every bone in my right hand and my face…

What are the Chances?

The day before my accident a little girl down the road had come to play with Grayson for the first time. I grabbed her dad’s number just in case, we chatted for a bit and then I carried on with my life.

What are the chances?

I had just watched my face hurl into the asphalt and was slowly pushing myself up from the pavement to look myself over. I glanced up and saw a man walking calmly but pointedly across the street to me. He had a smile on his face and concern in his eyes as he squatted down and said, “Hey, you ok?”

What are the chances that a dad we’ve seen at the bus stop would officially get to know me just the day before?

What are the chances that because of his background he would have seen plenty of bloodied up faces and wasn’t the slightest bit worked up about me?

Lifting me to my feet he walked me across the road, back to our neighborhood and said, “how are you feeling?” Just as a wave of nausea hit.

I told him I thought I was going to be sick and he very calmly sat me day and

Trusting in the Lord

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Trusting in the Lord

“Mom, What am I going to do?”
Our 16 year old daughter called stranded, alone, and thousands of miles from home.

The day we found a place to rent up north and were trying to desperately, quickly snatch up and sign a contract so we would be able to move just 4 days later was turning into chaos.

The entire time she’d been gone on her humanitarian trip I’d felt like she’d left us with this incredible gift but little did I know that she’d been given something ahead of time that would prove to be life-changing for her and her resilience in life.

Trust in the Lord

We took an absolutely amazing trip to the mountains and on one particular evening we were caught off guard by this incredible glow of the most spectacular display of light. The next day we drove home and walked through 5 more homes trying so hard to find a place to buy as time was winding down to leave the home we’d sold.

Sometime that evening Peyton texted me before heading off to a friend’s house,

“Mom, you should read sister @bonniehcordon talk on Trusting the Lord, it seems important.”

I did.
And it was.
The next night I had Peyton share it with the family along with an invitation to adopt the 3 areas mentioned to increase our trust:
1. Have meaningful prayers
2. Study the scriptures
3. Serve others

We decided to do each one every single day for the summer as a way to show the Lord that we trust Him to lead us to where we are to go.

I thought it would help us focus and actively participate in “waiting” on a blessing.
And it did.

But I didn’t know that it was to teach her to be ready to face a trial all on her own at 16.



Peyton served for 2 weeks on a humanitarian trip and continued our 3 areas of focus. The day she was to return I woke up frustrated that we hadn’t found a home, a prayer I’d begged for an answer to so that she wouldn’t return home to the mess of life.

You all know how that went down and I was aware that even though it was the last hour, which it often is, that the blessing was granted. Not the way we wanted but it felt guided and right.

And then my phone started going off.
Delay afte

I’m a Mother Because of Him

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I’m a Mother Because of Him

I erased my last post.

That’s not something I do very often. I was feeling like I couldn’t say what I wanted to so I had posted something else.
But the truth is, I’ve been very quietly filled with such gratitude today for this guy. I love moms and women and all that today is for, but I feel so completely in awe that Cade was placed in my life.

A Mother Because of Him

I would never have been a mother without marrying Cade. No, not because 1+1=2, but because of who he is that enabled me to survive.

I’m a mother because this man was willing to do every load of laundry, clean the bathrooms, especially the toilets sometimes multiple times a day to try to ease my suffering. He sat by the door while I heaved nothing from a 70lb body, carried me when my muscle atrophied and walking was not an option. Took me to and from the hospital, sat by my bedside while we made plans for IV therapy and then feeding tubes. Prayed with me and over me each week as we worried over concerns with each baby, and never once missed a beat. Never once complained. Never once lost hope.

It sounded awful to be unemployed while pregnant the second time but if he hadn’t been then who would have cared for me? It sounded horrible to step into a third pregnancy knowing the risks but his faith exploded and he stood with me.

Today I’m a mother because he chose to be my husband, in every way.

Mother’s Day cannot be without the men that are. He truly has fulfilled promises made long ago and continues to do so each day.

READ: I’m a Mother Because of Him