What Does Hunger Mean To You?

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“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” – Mother Teresa

Instead of sharing Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals with you this year (and potentially buying all sorts of things I don’t even need!), I’m hoping you’ll join me in helping feed the hungry this holiday season.

Barefeet In The Kitchen will donate $5 to Feeding America for every comment on this blog post. In addition to that, on December 4th, we will match all donations made to Feeding America through this link, up to $25,000.

vertical collage of holiday foods

As we sit down at tables overflowing with food to celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I’m reminded that the struggle to put food on the table is part of everyday life for so many families.

The number of people living in food-insecure households in the United States in 2023 increased to 47 million, including nearly 14 million children, according to the report released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This is a significant increase over the previous year and it is the highest rate and number of individuals and children since 2014.

A gift of $10 will feed a family for more than three weeksHow many families could we feed if we work together to donate what we can? For every dollar donated through Feeding America 10 meals are provided – TEN meals, my friends, that is no small thing.

We are all in the presence of hunger, seen or unseen, and even a dollar or two can make a difference. If we hit our goal of $50,000, together we will provide 500,000 meals!

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Crunchy toasted Brioche topped with jam and almonds creates an irresistible pastry called Bostock.

As simple as it sounds (and is to make) once you’ve tasted it, I’m willing to bet that you’ll be telling everyone about it. I’ll go ahead and call this the Ultimate French Toast in the sense that it puts French toast to shame.

Bostock {Brioche with Almonds} is the ultimate French toast! get the recipe at barefeetinthekitchen.com

Bostock may not sound like the fanciest pastry or bakery treat, but I’m telling you now that this is absolutely positively irresistible.

I tried Bostock for the first time while visiting my friend Rebecca in Western New York several years ago.

There is an amazing bakery called Elm Street Bakery in East Aurora that we visited a couple of times, and their list of tempting treats goes on for days. When I spied the Bostock, I had to try it.


Bostock is made with a sweet bread cut into slices and spread with a thin fruit glaze and topped with an almond spread. A sprinkling of sliced almonds goes on top and then it is baked until crispy.

Brioche is the most common bread used for making Bostock, but challah works too and can often be easier to find.

The taste reminds me of Italian Pine Nut Cookies (aka Pignoli Cookies) or these Italian Almond Cookies, which makes sense, as those cookies are made with almond paste as the main ingredient.

I am sitting here struggling for words because I love this so much. I compare it to French Toast, except that it is so much simpler and tastes better by a mile.

I made this recipe twice, in the week after I returned home, and I have been making Bostock on repeat ever since.

As we sat in the bakery, Rebecca and I chatted about how to recreate the Bostock at home. The bread is topped with a toasted frangipane.

All you need to make frangipane is almond meal, sugar, butter, and an egg. It makes a heavenly topping for this Bostock and it literally takes just a few minutes.

While I’m sharing traditional Bostock here in all its glorious almond deliciousness, Rebecca dreamed up a Nutella Raspberry Bostock and shared hers as well.

I’m thinking there are endless flavor combinations possible and we are duty bound to try them all, right?

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Lunch Lady Brownies

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Thick, chewy, fudgy brownies with generous chocolate icing are enticing enough to have me eating these Lunch Lady Brownies for dinner. 

This post was originally published eight years ago. I remade these brownies earlier this year while thinking about my friend Joan. I reshot them at the time, knowing that I wanted to share this post again on the 8th anniversary of her passing.

chocolate frosted brownies stacked on white plate with red and white napkin

Chocolate for Joan

My chocolate-loving friend Joan would most definitely approve of eating brownies for dinner! This Lunch Lady Brownie recipe is one of hers that has become a family favorite for us as well.

Joan passed away unexpectedly on October 22, 2015. While crying and grieving the next day, I decided to bake in memory of her. I spent that weekend making many of her favorites and then shared the sweets with friends.

Joan was passionate about her desserts and I imagine that she would have gotten a kick out of being remembered with an abundance of chocolate.

dark chocolate brownies on parchment lined tray

Lunch Lady Brownies

You’ll need the following ingredients to make the brownies:

  • butter
  • cocoa
  • light brown sugar
  • white sugar
  • eggs
  • vanilla extract
  • all-purpose flour
brownie batter in parchment lined pan
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Watermelon Dog Treat Popsicles

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Watermelon dog treats are the ultimate dog popsicles – and best of all it only takes a minute to make them. They’re a great way to use up leftover watermelon too!

Happy 4th Gotcha Day, Oscar. We love you and we’re celebrating with your favorite Watermelon Dog Treats today.

Watermelon Popsicles for Dogs

It’s hard to believe that our sweet Oscar has been with us for four years now! It’s hard to imagine our lives without him.

After saying for so many years that I wasn’t a dog person, I’ve had to eat those words. He has very much become a member of our family and I love him dearly.

So many of you have shared in our excitement over the past few years, as we’ve become first-time dog owners.

You messaged me countless tips and endless advice and I’ve loved it all. So, I wanted to share our pup’s favorite treats with you.

Frozen Watermelon Dog Treats

Dog Popsicles

Several people sent me recipes for their favorite homemade dog treats when Oscar first arrived. The most popular treats by far were these watermelon dog treats – made simply by blending fruit with a bit of yogurt to make dog popsicles.

This combination has become Oscar’s favorite treat too. It cracks me up when he hovers near the freezer and peeks inside to see where the treats are.

Watermelon + Yogurt in the blender makes an awesome frozen treat!Read more

Points of Intersection

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Points of Intersection

I slowly peeled the sticky note off the windshield as I read, my heart thumping faster and heavier with each word.

I quickly shoved it in my pocket as I glanced to see if my mom had noticed.

She hadn’t.

We were utterly exhausted and wanting to somehow leave the worry there at the hospital and symbolically drive into new hope and faith as we exited the hospital parking garage. We needed to gather up a little energy to give a little more to Dad over the next week.

They Didn’t Know

It was 7 pm and we’d been at the hospital since right before 7am.

The person didn’t know we’d only found out just a couple days before that the surgeon had found an almost totally blocked carotid artery and set surgery for right away.

They didn’t know we were inside fasting and praying as what had been said would be a shorter surgery turned into many hours and finally into all day of waiting.

They didn’t sit with us when the surgeon finally came out, wringing his hands with a serious face as he said, “it was much worse than I had expected.”

They didn’t know we’d just faced the reality that at any time one wrong step off of a curb could have taken a husband, father and grandfather.

They didn’t know we were relieved to have witnessed a miracle of discovery and removal but that we were still carrying the day upon us.

They did see that the left side of the car had too much space between the lines and the right side was sitting too close to the yellow line.

And that was enough.

Points of Intersection

We are all but lines on a world map and eventually we will come to what is known in math as “the point of intersection.”

What can be a total annoyance to one maybe someone else’s mere effort of survival.

Lines crossing lines without seeing where they are coming from.

I didn’t know this sticky note had followed us in the move but today I lifted a book and there it was.

A sticky reminder that I just want to act in a way that oth