I’m a Mother Because of Him

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I’m a Mother Because of Him

I erased my last post.

That’s not something I do very often. I was feeling like I couldn’t say what I wanted to so I had posted something else.
But the truth is, I’ve been very quietly filled with such gratitude today for this guy. I love moms and women and all that today is for, but I feel so completely in awe that Cade was placed in my life.

A Mother Because of Him

I would never have been a mother without marrying Cade. No, not because 1+1=2, but because of who he is that enabled me to survive.

I’m a mother because this man was willing to do every load of laundry, clean the bathrooms, especially the toilets sometimes multiple times a day to try to ease my suffering. He sat by the door while I heaved nothing from a 70lb body, carried me when my muscle atrophied and walking was not an option. Took me to and from the hospital, sat by my bedside while we made plans for IV therapy and then feeding tubes. Prayed with me and over me each week as we worried over concerns with each baby, and never once missed a beat. Never once complained. Never once lost hope.

It sounded awful to be unemployed while pregnant the second time but if he hadn’t been then who would have cared for me? It sounded horrible to step into a third pregnancy knowing the risks but his faith exploded and he stood with me.

Today I’m a mother because he chose to be my husband, in every way.

Mother’s Day cannot be without the men that are. He truly has fulfilled promises made long ago and continues to do so each day.

READ: I’m a Mother Because of Him