Cleaning Schedule for Housework in 2 Hours

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Cleaning Schedule for Housework in 2 Hours

why kids should make their beds

Struggling to keep up with housework? Follow this simple 2-hour cleaning schedule to efficiently tackle all your household chores and maintain a clean and organized home.

Yes, I really do clean my house in about 2 hours every week. I only clean on Mondays and Fridays otherwise it’s just the normal make-your-bed and pick-up-after yourself. 

Laundry too? Yes, but I do use the speed cycle so each load is only 30 minutes. I use it as my timer in a way. I start a load, start cleaning the house and go back to the wash to fold and put away then keep cleaning as the next load cycles.


Our major cleaning days start the week and weekend with a clean house so we are always free to get other cleaning tasks done or to play. That means only two days a week are actual cleaning days. During the summer, kids don’t play on Mondays or Fridays until the house is cleaned. I give them one job at a time and they keep coming back for more until it’s done. They live here too, so we work together and play together.


Clean your entire house and do all the laundry in one day. It takes me two hours; you can do it too and enjoy freedom all the other days!

• Start top to bottom and by room, using the washer and dryer as your timer.

Once a load ends, stop wherever you’re cleaning and change the loads, fold any dry clothes, put them away and for the kids lay them on their beds so they can put them away, and head back to cleaning. See laundry tips section for more info.

• Bathrooms

Bathrooms get cleaned starting with showers and mirrors, working down to counters and toilets, and ending with sweeping and mopping. That means if you have three bathrooms all three get tackled vs cleaning all upstairs and starting over downstairs.

PRO TIP- Try keeping cleaning supplies in each bathroom or close by to make it faster rather than hauling buckets of supplies around.

• Pick-Up, Clean-Up, Put Away

Do a quick sweep of the house and pick up anything on countertops.

• Kitchen

Clean the kitchen, starting with any dishes that need to be put away and kitchen counters wiped down, and finishing with sweeping and mopping.

• Dusting

Dust the house so any dust that falls gets swept or vacuumed.

• Last is VACUUMING!

Vacuum the house, leaving bedrooms for whoever sleeps there.

That’s it!! You just got it all done and you remembered to listen for the wash and got it all done too. Listen, it will take time to make a habit, but I can drop anything at any time and just go play or run an errand because there’s never a bunch of cleaning. We pick up after ourselves, we help each other, and we are always feeling safe and peaceful in our house because there is no excess of chaos other than laughter and children.


 Wash days for towels or any additional linens.


Do Monday’s house cleaning schedule all over again. Enjoy the entire weekend without a single chore. 

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