Save this recipe for easy baked boneless skinless chicken thighs for a quick chicken dinner recipe ready in just 30 minutes!
This easy chicken thighs recipe is for those busy evenings when dinner would just be far too much work and the whole family is pacing the kitchen for food.
Chicken thighs are affordable, full of flavor, foolproof, and always end up juicy! And this recipe is so versatile, it can be served with just about anything! We will give you some suggestions down below.
Easy Dinners
I remember as a kid my mom would occasionally bust out a very easy dinner, which looking back now I know that meant she was probably exhausted from being our mom, but back then I thought she was just being awesome. Easy dinners would range from sausage links and Grandma’s Czech fried potatoes (you MUST make them), or baked bbq chicken to things as easy as hot dogs and mac n cheese in that big silver pot, chicken nuggets or even fruit and toast. Yes, this easy baked chicken thighs post is actually going to be all about the fruit and toast thing.
You see, fruit and toast was actually a favorite Saturday night dinner at our house growing up. Our family had 5 kids, 2 bunnies, a cat, and later a dog. Which is hilarious if you know me now. Anyway, Mom would be so busy and by the time Saturday hit dinner was the last thing she wanted to worry about.
All summer she had worked hard to bottle (can) fruit for us and we loved busting out a can of raspberries and some hot, buttered toast. Now that I’m the mom I’ve tried to do the same, but Cade will not have it. “Fruit and a piece of toast is not dinner. I’ll be starving!” has been heard coming from Cade’s mouth. He would much rather go out to eat, but I grew up in a home where we NEVER went out to eat. Or at least rarely. So I would rather stay in.
I’ve given up on fruit and toast but I still keep things simple like baking a few chicken thighs and serving them with a side of fruit or fresh cut veggies, which Cade does because heaven knows that’s just far too much work for a Saturday. Am I right?
Ingredients for Baked Chicken Thighs
- Chicken Thighs: boneless, skinless
- Olive Oil: helps stick the dry rub to the chicken and keeps the chicken from sticking to the pan
- Dry Rub: Kosher Salt, Smoked Paprika, Ground Mustard, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Ground Cumin, Italian Seasoning
- Red Onion: adds a little pop of flavor and texture
The measurements for all the ingredients can be found in the recipe card at the end of this post.
Are Chicken Thighs Considered Lean Meat?
Some people prefer the taste of dark meat over white meat and consider it to be more tender and flavorful. They are considered to be a good source of lean protein.