The Softest Homemade Dinner Rolls [+Video]

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The Softest Homemade Dinner Rolls [+Video]

A white dinner roll on a small plate. The roll is perfectly baked to a golden brown. A small dish of strawberry jam is next to the roll.

The Softest Homemade Dinner Rolls are going to rock your world. Soft on the inside, warm & buttery outside. Plus our tip that makes all the difference for dinner rolls.

Sunday dinner was a really big deal at my house as a little girl. I have absolutely perfect memories of my mom in her apron and Sunday dress bustling around the kitchen to get the pot roast in the oven before church and instantly I was on Jell-O duty. 

Do not judge me.

Jell-O Duty

Jell-O was my thing. Not only did I love to make it but I was the one licking the bowl clean.

While I stirred and stirred, mesmerized by the gentle red waves and slowly disappearing crystals of the gelatin mom was busy with the rest of dinner. As I got older I took on different jobs like peeling potatoes, browning the roast, and so on. Dinner rolls though, that was intimidating. 

And long. 

I did not want to take on some boring, multi-houred process. 

The Softest Rolls Recipe

And now it’s my thing. If you’ve made our famous Potato Rolls you know what I’m talking about. 

Homemade dinner rolls are far more successful if you learn the feel of the dough.  It’s easier to shape and test for doneness on a roll than a big loaf of bread. 

This recipe doesn’t need hours of kneading multiple times a day. In fact, the most important part is the scalded milk. 

Warmed milk changes how it works in the dough, I’ll save you from the science lesson, but here’s what you do:

How To Warm the Milk for Dinner Rolls

  • Heat milk in a saucepan over medium heat. Be watching for foamy bubbles around the sides and a thin layer of skin on top of the milk. You can touch the top with a wooden spoon very gently and it will lift off. 
  • Now, add the water and set it all aside to let it cool. Stick your clean finger in it occasionally to see if it feels like a warm bath. Once it does, you’re ready to cruise! 

What Ingredients are Needed to Make Dinner Rolls?

  • Instant Yeast (make sure it is Instant Yeast and not Active Dry)
  • Milk
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Honey
  • Butter
  • Fine Sea Salt
  • Vegetable Oi