Teriyaki chicken stuffed in a cheesy quesadilla…it doesn’t get much better than that! I love the sweet and tangy flavor of teriyaki especially on chicken. Wrap it in gooey, melty cheese and a buttery tortilla, and you have yourself an out of this world meal!
I know this is a little weird to admit as it’s really not at all healthy and I wouldn’t ever make it for my kids after school, but I might as well let you in on my life. So here goes, at least 3-4 times a week when I would get home from high school I’d make myself a teriyaki chicken quesadilla or burrito.
I know, dinner was only a few hours away and most kids were having a snack but I was having a full on meal. But it was good, it was real good!
And then for some odd reason I totally forgot about it. Fast forward 10 or so years and I rediscovered this delicacy. I had some leftover teriyaki chicken from the night our babysitter went into labor at our house, while babysitting. Oh, you missed that?
This Actually Happened
One night I took the hubs to a Utah Jazz basketball game and due to a few changes we ended up having our friend, who was pregnant with her first, babysit for us. She wasn’t having anything happen with baby, the kids would be in bed sleeping and the neighbors had been alerted that a preggers was babysitting just in case anything did happen.
So off we went to the game and I was texting like mad, “Any baby news? How’s baby? Are you in labor? Get that baby out!!” It was all good fun and I was truly just teasing her when suddenly I got a text, “K, this is for reals, I think my water just broke.”
Holy cow!!! Was this for real? You should have seen Cade and I run out of there. I mean seriously. Just minutes before I had told him that I had a feeling that we should head home. I even had my coat in my lap. He had decided to wait a little longer as it was just half time. Nope! My feeling had been right. We ran up the stairs, down the street and straight to our car and then flew home. The next day one of our favorite family’s ever had a beautiful baby girl.
So, here’s to you Ashton and Tyler! Thanks for not giving birth in my living room! Haha, jk. But seriously, love those sweet friends.
What is a Quesadilla?
Now back to the teriyaki chicken I had leftover in the fridge. A light came on and suddenly I remembered that childhood favorite of mine…teriyaki chicken quesadilla!
A quesadilla is a tortilla that is filled with meat, cheese and sometimes other ingredients.
It is then heated on a griddle until the cheesy is melted and the tortilla is crispy.
What Do I Need to Make a Teriyaki Chicken Quesadilla?
If you have your teriyaki sauce ready to go then all you need is 3 more ingredients. Here is what you will need:
- Chicken Breast: You could use chicken thighs if you prefer. I just like how a chicken breast shreds a little better.
- Teriyaki Sauce: You can buy from a store or make homemade sauce. If you go with our homemade teriyaki sauce recipe, you will need water, soy sauce, brown sugar, g