Dianne Buswell: “Finding time for yourself is not a selfish thing”

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Strictly Come Dancing’s Dianne Buswell joins Happiful’s podcast to share her love of dance, the importance of rest and the joy she feels as the author of her new book Move Yourself Happy

Dianne Buswell: “Finding time for yourself is not a selfish thing”

Diane Buswell brings joy to millions of people as a professional dancer on Strictly Come Dancing, and that joy is repaid tenfold, as she explains on Happiful’s podcast.

“I still pinch myself daily that I’m doing a job that is literally a dream,” she says, beaming.

Read the full interview with Dianne in issue 74 of Happiful Magazine.

Dianne has dedicated her life to date to dancing, having started when she was just four years old. “I remember so clearly just absolutely loving going to dance class,” she explains. “It was never a chore. I always wanted to be dancing.”

Move Yourself Happy

Fast forward to 2020, just two years after she met her partner Joe Sugg on Strictly, and dancing as she knew it temporarily came to a halt, as the first Covid lockdown was announced.

However, Dianne’s determination to move and support others kicked in and she started to provide free classes on YouTube and Instagram. The feedback was gratifying and spurred her on.

“I had people messaging me daily,” Dianne shares. “They were saying that it was the first time they’d moved their body in weeks and it felt good, had given them a purpose and helped with their mental health. It was just such a nice thing to hear from all these people and know that I’d actually helped them to have a bit of happiness in their day, in a time that was stressful for so many people.”

This was also the catalyst for Dianne’s beautiful new book Move Yourself Happy: 21 days to make joyful movement a habit. Her book focuses on four key pillars; movement, nutrition, rest and positivity. It provides a three-week plan for movement as well as personal insights from Dianne and reminders to honour and respect your body and what works for you.

A taste of success: what to eat and drink before that big interview

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You’ve confirmed the date, done your homework, and even laid out your confidence-boosting outfit. But have you considered what you consume? It turns out, how we fuel ourselves could be key to tackling pre-interview nerves, and leaving you with a razor-sharp focus. Here’s what to eat to help you smash your next job interview (and what to leave in the fridge until afterwards)

A taste of success: what to eat and drink before that big interview

Whether it’s the chance of a promotion or an exciting new challenge, most of us try to feel prepared before we head into the interview room. While you might have done your research, rehearsed your answers, and got a good night’s sleep, have you considered what you tuck into that morning?

The truth is that what you eat before an interview (and what to ditch), is actually a pretty important part of preparing for the job you want – whether it’s keeping you calm, or stopping an energy crash during that all important ‘Where do you see yourself in five years?’ question. So, let’s take a look at the best food and drink to opt for before your interview – and what to save until later.

Food for thought

First things first, it’s really important to remember to eat and hydrate properly before an interview, as this is essential nourishment for mental performance. However, according to the Association of UK Dieticians (BDA), about one third of us skip breakfast on a regular basis, even though there’s lots of reasons why you shouldn’t – especially with a mentally-taxing workplace situation. Research has proven that starting the day with a good breakfast helps with our concentration and mental alertness, as well as our memory and energy – all of which would be undeniably handy in a stressful interview scenario.

In terms of specifics around what to eat before the big moment, there’s both short and long-term things to consider. “B vitamins are really important for mental performance and brain health in general,” says dietitian Sophie Medlin, director of CityDietitians. “Meat and dairy are rich in this but if you’re vegan, you may consider supplementing. Omega 3 is also really important. We can get this from vegan algae and oily fish.”

A taste of success: what to eat and drink before that big interview

While a single supplement won’t necessarily help you nail the interview, they could be worth trying to support your overall mental performance in the workplace.

But what if the interview is tomorrow? Well, there are still a few quick-fixes worth trying.

“For an immediate boost, there’s data to show those who have a blueberry smoothie before an exam, have better mental performance and outcomes,” says Sophie Medlin. “Foods rich in antioxidants and polyphenols help improve blood flow and are important for mental performance.”

Other research has revealed the benefits of blueberries when taken along with other berries, such as strawberry and raspberry. One study in the journal Nutrients found

8 meaningful Mother's Day gifts for self-care and mindfulness

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Gifts should be meaningful, so we've gathered together the best on offer this Mother’s Day

8 meaningful Mother's Day gifts for self-care and mindfulness

Mother's Day is a time to reflect on the things that the mothers in our lives do for us, to celebrate their roles and to celebrate the power of the relationships we share.

If you chose to do this with a gift, the key to getting that right is to find something that has meaning – whether that be through tapping into a shared interest, anticipating a need, or by offering a prompt to put themselves first.

So, here, we’ve gathered together eight of our favourite gifts that bring wellbeing, mindfulness, and self-care to the forefront.

1. Two Chimps Coffee, On Amother Level coffee

Sitting down with that first steaming hot cup of coffee in the morning is a delight to behold, and it’s even better when the coffee you're sipping comes from an independent, carbon-neutral roastery. The limited-edition Mother's Day coffee from Two Chimps is blended with notes of shortbread, lemon, and blackcurrant, making for a comforting and uplifting experience.

(£9.95, twochimpscoffee.com)

8 meaningful Mother's Day gifts for self-care and mindfulness

2. ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’, by Rachel Kelly

The fifth book of poetry by writer and mental health advocate Rachel Kelly, You’ll Never Walk Alone is a beautiful, collection of poetry, covering a range of styles and topics. Bringing together poems for each moment of life, including the experience of motherhood, this collection is a beautiful addition to any bookshelf.

(£16.99, waterstones.com)

8 meaningful Mother's Day gifts for self-care and mindfulness

3. BakesterBox, baking box

Baking can be such a joy. Not only does it result in tasty treats, but it also comes with a load of mental health and wellbeing benefits, too. The baking boxes from BakesterBox come with everything that you need to create beautiful bakes, from butterscotch and rye nut tarts, to cream tea baking kits, and a marbled chocolate cheesecake. Buy a one-off kit, or set up a subscription for a monthly box.

(From £10, bakesterbox.com)

8 meaningful Mother's Day gifts for self-care and mindfulness

4. Babbel, language class subscriptions

For mums who never want to stop learning, a subscription to the language learning platform Babbel includes everything she will need to embrace the challenge of learning a new language. The membership c

Naked yoga: Jessamyn Stanley honours body acceptance and the divinity within

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Naked yoga is part of yoga instructor and wellness entrepreneur, Jessamyn Stanley’s daily practice. She believes that it is a freedom of expression and a powerful way to accept the physical body

Naked yoga: Jessamyn Stanley honours body acceptance and the divinity within

Jessamyn Stanley is an award-winning voice in wellness, known for her take on social and cultural issues including the modern Black experience, anti-fat bias, LGBTQIA+ representation, and equity in the health industry. So why naked yoga? She finds it much easier to engage with her body without worrying about the clothes she is wearing. Jessamyn believes that naked yoga benefits mental wellness by honouring the divinity that lives within yourself.

In an interview with Vogue she says, “For me, practicing naked and really, truly being forced to accept my body – like, being able to touch it in ways that I was told not to touch because I was taught to be very ashamed in my body, and I started […] feeling deep shame about it – has been transformational in how I show up in my day-to-day life.”

Jessamyn is passionate about disabling the false idea that yoga is just for one type of person and one type of body. Her naked yoga practice is a way of advocating body positivity; all body types should be seen and accepted, not just the polished, ‘instagrammable’ ones. Body positivity is about acknowledging that all body types are worthy of inclusion. She also advocates radically accepting the body, believing that yoga is a deep connection with yourself in the here and now.

9 eco-friendly tech habits that can help you live more sustainably

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It’s time for the digital age to dial down the CO2 production. Here’s how you can do your part and engage in more sustainable behaviours

9 eco-friendly tech habits that can help you live more sustainably

How much time do you spend using tech each day? Whether it’s working from a screen or calling a client, checking in with a friend on Whatsapp, tracking your walk on a wearable device, playing music via Alexa, chilling out with some TV, or feeling safe with home security, it’s pretty much impossible to imagine a day without utilising the array of modern technology in our lives. But, how is this affecting our planet?

The environmental impact is the true cost of convenience that many of us overlook in our day-to-day lives. Every email sent, appliance charged, and image loaded contributes to carbon emissions. So how can we be more mindful about our tech habits? Here are nine simple, but effective, changes that you can incorporate into your digital day:

Device settings

Save power simply by adjusting the automatic settings on your screens – whether it’s your phone, laptop, TV, or tablet. By reducing the brightness of your screen and the volume down to 70%, Harvard University reports that you could save 20% of your energy consumption – costing you less, and meaning your battery should last longer too.

Inbox organisation

Did you know estimates suggest that every email produces between 0.03 and 26g of carbon – the longer messages, with more images or attachments, and recipients copied in, all adding to the total. It’s something we can easily overlook, but with overflowing inbox and spam folders, and 306 billion emails sent in 2021 alone (according to Statista), it can quickly add up. Rectify the situation by having a clear-out; unsubscribe from the sales emails, historic newsletters, or random junk you’ve accumulated over the years that you never open, and reserve space only for messages that actually have value to you.

9 eco-friendly tech habits that can help you live more sustainably

Minimise messaging

Carrying on the email thread, a place where over-sending is rife is at work, where we automatically ‘reply all’ or send that quick ‘OK thanks’ in a message of its own. But how necessary is that? Choosing to limit how many emails you actually send to only those that are absolutely essential, collating all info into one message, and reducing the thank you pleasantries (perhaps by saying ‘Thank you in advance’), will drastically cut back on waste – and probably save you a lot of time, on top of that.

Unplug those sockets

Our need to always be available means we’re almost conditioned to constantly have things ‘on charge’ – and our power sockets are working overtime, even when the devices aren’t attached. Save electricity, and probably a few pennies on those bills, by switching off sockets instead of leaving appliances on standby, and only charging devices when they need it.

Axe the autoplay

When you open a browser or start watching something on YouTube, you might find videos are playing straight away without the need for you to click on them, and this can b
