TRX Workout Plan for Beginners

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Sharing a total body TRX workout plan for beginners. As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes and modify as needed!

Hi friends! How’s the day going? I hope you’re enjoying the morning so far! Resharing this updated post for my friends who may have missed it. <3

For today’s post, I’m sharing a TRX workout plan for beginners! As you guys know, I’m a huge fan of the TRX suspension trainer and it’s been a staple in my workout routine for years. What is the TRX? TRX stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise and was developed by Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick. He was deployed and wanted to create something that he could easily use for resistance training. He created the first prototype for the TRX using a jiu-jitsu belt! You can read more about his fascinating story and journey here.

TRX suspension training uses gravity for resistance, which means that you’re using your own body weight. However, your distance from the anchor point of the TRX can make an exercise easier or exponentially more challenging. You also may find that the TRX enables you to find more range of motion, support, or resistance for your workout; depending on your fitness level and body position.

The TRX is also super lightweight and portable, so it’s an awesome home workout tool or travel workout companion. 🙂 Many gyms have them, but they’re an inexpensive home gym option, too. 

Use can use the TRX system to train your entire body, and it’s easy to modify or advance, depending on your personal level. This style of training helps to improve strength and endurance, and is generally a safe and effective tool to use. Today, I’m sharing a TRX workout plan that’s designed for beginners, but keep in mind that a simple shift if your position can make this harder for my advanced friends out there.

TRX Workout Plan for Beginners

This workout is a circuit-based workout, meaning that you’ll go down the list of exercises. You’ll complete 12-15 reps of the first exercise, move onto the second, then the third, etc. until you reach the end of the circuit. You’ll rest for 60-90 seconds and complete the circuit 1-2 more times through.

What makes this a beginner workout?

Typically for beginners, I’ll start with lower weights and higher rep exercises

Workouts you can do with kids

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Sharing some workouts you can do with kids and my tips for working out with kiddos at home.

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you’re having a lovely morning so far! WELCOME TO FIT TEAM to all of the friends who signed up this past week! We are so so pumped to have you and I can’t wait to hear your feedback on the workouts. If you missed the details, check it out here – enrollment closes this Sunday. What are you even waiting for??

For today’s post, I’m sharing some workouts that you can do with kids. Until COVID hit, I very rarely worked out with the kids around. I was typically teaching classes and doing my own thing at the gym while they were at school. (Over the weekend, I’d take an off day and then hit up some type of class.) When the world shut down and we were home for months, they definitely started to see me work out. I realized that by having them around, I was setting an example for them in multiple ways. They were able to see that I prioritized moving my body each day, they were able to see that my workouts affected my mood and well-being (I feel great and energized after a workout), and sometimes, they’d even join in the fun.

15 workouts you can do with kids

It’s important for me to lead by example that moving your body is a good thing. It’s fun, and it helps to keep you healthy and active for the long haul. There are so many benefits to working out with kids: it can help moms squeeze in exercise time while keeping the kids busy, it can tire them out for naptime or bedtime, it’s a fun and different way to bond with the kids, and it’s a great way to teach the importance of health and fitness at a young age.

In today’s post, I’m sharing some of my favorite workouts to do with kids both outdoors and at home! If you have any resources your kids love, please spread the word in the comments section.

Indoor scavenger hunt

This is one that Liv’s PE teacher sent while the kids were home from school. He really did an awesome job of choosing YouTube workouts for the kids that kept them engaged and enjoying themselves. We’ve come back to this one and similar ones a few times.

Cosmic Yoga

Cosmic Yoga is just a treasure. If you haven’t tried this yet with your kids, the workouts are so creative and fun. It’s a nice way to introduce yoga at a young age, and each video has a the