Morning Detox Drink

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Apple cider vinegar, turmeric and other ingredients combine for this morning detox drink that can reduce sugar cravings, provide stable energy and help fight colds and allergies.Morning detox drink with turmeric and apple cider vinegar

What are morning detox drinks?

Why do you drink it?

What are the measurements?

What are the benefits?

This is my favorite morning drink: a hot mix of water, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, honey, turmeric and cayenne. I’ve been drinking it for years, and while I sometimes get out of the habit of drinking it every morning, I always come back to it. It’s going pretty strong right now. 😉 If I’m having this in the morning, it’s before anything else: coffee, fruit, or random bites while I make the girls’ breakfast.

Morning detox drink ingredients

Morning Detox Drink

Detox Drink Ingredient Benefits

Warm/Hot Water: can help to promote healing of the body, and decrease free radicals when combined with lemon. According to Ayurvedic medicine, we should drink warm or room temperature water instead of cold, as it can help to remove toxins (ama) from the body. Warm water can also promote healthy digestion, alleviate pain, improve blood circulation, and delay premature aging, according to this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar: this one is helpful in reducing infection, as many germs can’t survive in the vinegar. There are many benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar. It may help stabilize blood sugar and lower LDL (the bad kind of cholesterol) blood levels. It can also help to reduce weight and body fat by encouraging a healthy metabolism which could help with weight loss.

Lemon Juice: lemons contain vitamin C and potassium. When you drink lemon juice first thing in the morning, it gives the body a chance to absorb these nutrients and provide an immune system boost. Lemon juice can also help with maintaining a healthy weight, proper digestion and energy levels.

Even a simple glass o