TRX Kettlebell Circuit Workout

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Hi friends! How’s the day going? Thank you so much for the beautiful birthday wishes for Miss P. I read them all to her and she loved them. (She also LOVED having everyone sing “Happy Birthday!”) I’ll be sure to recap the birthday festivities in one post after her party. 🙂 For today, I have a brand-new workout for you, combining two of my very favorite tools: the kettlebell and the TRX suspension trainer.

Trx and kettlebell circuit workout

(Wearing Nikes, lulu crops, and this Zella tank which I later realized was inside-out for all of these pics. Derp. haha)

TRX Kettlebell Circuit Workout

Kettlebells and the TRX add an entirely different dimension to training, as they target our deep internal core stabilizers. You have to work harder to maintain balance or center of gravity with the kettlebell, and the TRX encourages a plank position for the exercises. You’re in a moving plank the entire time. These are excellent tools to to challenge yourself and keep your muscles guessing!

The workout is meant to be completed circuit-style, moving quickly from one set of exercises to the next. After you finish one round of the entire circuit, you have the option to move through it again 1-2 times for 3 total times.

What Is Power Circuit Workout

Here are a couple of interesting things about this circuit, which increase its *excitement*:

-It’s a longer circuit (11 exercises). This use uses quite a few unilateral movements, focusing on one side at a time. If you’re in a time pinch, you can do a couple of bilateral movements instead. (For the burpees, do regular, non-TRX burpees, and for the kettlebell squat and press, hold two kettlebells instead of one. Ditch one of the squat exercises if you’re trying to bring down the time.)

-Speaking of unilateral movements, this is SUCH a great way to train. If we’re always training both sides at the same time, it’s easy to depend on your stronger side, or ignore how each side is feeling. You may find that you can make simple tweaks to improve form because you’re really paying attention to the working muscles.

-It’s a leg crusher. These are challenging movements to work your entire body, with a lower body and glute emphasis. You’re welcome. Mauaha.

As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes. Honor your body and modify as needed. This workout assumes that you’re comfortable working with the TRX and kettlebell, and know how to execute these moves safely. If you have any questions, please let me know, or ask a personal trainer at your local gym to help you. We are happy (and stoked!) for the opportunity to help others work out more safely.

Now, let’s move onto the workout!

Trx kettlebell circuit workout

(Pin for the next time you need some gym inspiration!)

Form cues and tips:

1. Squat and reach: step away from the TRX base point, holding onto the strap with one hand. Sink down into a squat (chest listed, and weight in your heels), as you tap your free hand to the floor. As you exhale to rise, squeeze your glutes, and “c

Workouts I love (that you can try for free at home)

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Sharing some of my favorite online workouts and how you can try them for free.

Hi friends! I hope that you’re having a lovely morning. The kids are back in school and I’m back to the routine over here. I have 1:1 coaching calls, a podcast interview, and am trying to put the house back together after our trip.

For today’s post, I wanted to share some of my favorite online workout options. I know that many of you are trying new things in 2024, and these might be fun options to add into the rotation.

These fitness apps provide unique workout experiences with a focus on accessibility and effectiveness. Choose the one that aligns with your fitness goals, preferences, and level of experience. As always, consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider before starting a new workout program.

8 workouts I love that you can try for free

Sculpt Society

Sculpt Society, founded by Megan Roup, combines dance-inspired cardio with sculpting exercises to create a dynamic and effective workout for toning muscles and boosting cardiovascular fitness. I LOVE the instructors at Sculpt Society. They all have genuine (not fake) energy, and aren’t over the top. They have good form cues and I love all of the routines. It’s one of my favorite ways to shake my legs out in the middle of a work day and I always have a blast.

Who Might Benefit: Ideal for individuals who enjoy dance-inspired workouts and want to focus on toning and sculpting their body.


Fun and energetic dance routines. Targeted sculpting exercises for muscle toning. Suitable for various fitness levels.


May not be suitable for those looking for low-impact workouts. The dance workouts are higher impact (you can always modify) and the strength workouts are more barre/Pilates-esque and low impact.

Cost: Subscription starts at $19.99 per month.

Equipment Needed: Minimal equipment, often using resistance bands and light weights, with gliders and optional ankle weights

You can try one month free on the app using my referral link here. My full review of Sculpt Society is here. 

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Peloton Workout Plan for Beginners and Bodyweight

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If you’re looking for a Peloton workout plan for beginners, I’ve got you. I’m sharing three sample workout plans you can follow using the Peloton app. Two Peloton Beginner workout plans + one is a bodyweight option if you don’t have the bike or weights at home. 

Hi friends! Happy Monday! How was the weekend? We had a great one. We met up with my dad and stepmom for dinner, Liv had a dress rehearsal for dance competitions, and we took Maisey on some extra adventures. She’s getting spayed this weekend and my heart can’t even handle it. If you have any recovery tips or anything I can do for her, please let me know! (The last time I dealt this this with Bella, I was in college. It feels like a lifetime ago, but I remember being so worried about her. I’m pretty sure I didn’t leave my tiny apartment for at least three days.)

For today’s post, I have some new sample Peloton workout plans! This Peloton Workout Plan post continues to be one of my top posts every single day, and I figured it was time to share some new options, especially since there are so many new classes on the app.

I wanted to focus on a few specific things for this post: a workout plan for bodyweight only (if you don’t have weights at home, but still want a balanced plan using the Peloton option) and two beginner workout plans (one using the bike, and one without the bike).

A friendly reminder here to always check with a doctor before making any fitness changes. Honor your body and modify as needed.

Peloton Workout Plan for Beginners and Bodyweight

Peloton Workout Plan for Beginners (no bike)

Sunday: 20-minute beginner yoga

Monday: 20-minute dance cardio for beginners

Tuesday: 20-minute beginner bodyweight strength

Wednesday: OFF (you can also do a 20-minute full body stretch)

Thursday: 30-minute full body strength for beginners

Friday: 20-minute power walk

Saturday: OFF (option: 20-minute restorative yoga)

Peloton Workout Plan for Beginn

Row and strength combo workout (+ video tutorial)

Web Admin 0 176 Article rating: No rating

Sharing a combination row and strength workout that you can do at home or take to your next gym workout. Our favorite rower for our home gym is here!

Hi friends! Happy Monday! How’s the morning going so far? I hope you had a great weekend. We finished decorating (just need the tree!), had an amazing dinner at Vivace, and got together with some friends. It’s also been rainy here and lovely. I hope you had a great weekend, too!

For today’s post, I wanted to pay a tribute to a fitness tool that we’ve added to our home gym and that we absolutely LOVE: the Aviron! (<— that it my affiliate link and they’re having a Black Friday promo right now! It’s their only sale so far this entire year.) You can check out my full review of Aviron here. Since we added it to our routine, it’s been so amazing to have for at-home rowing workouts, especially since we can stream Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, and play games. I watched half of Les Miserables while getting in an excellent cardio workout.

My all-time favorite way to use the rower is for combo strength and cardio. I’ll do sprints or drills on the rower and alternate with total body strength training moves. It’s also amazing that you can use the seat almost like a Pilates reformer; I’ll often use it for sliding side lunges and pikes.

Here’s a workout that I’ve been enjoying lately! Give this at whirl at home or at your next gym session. As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness or nutrition changes. Modify as needed and honor your body.

Row and strength combo workout

You’ll complete three rounds of each circuit, separating each circuit with a rowing drill that will increase your heart rate and give you an awesome sweat.

The exercises:

Rowing warmup 5-7 minutes

Take this time to set up proper form, focus on your breath, and get your mindset in the game for a great workout. Play a song that will pump you up!

Circuit 1:

Biceps curl to overhead press x 10

Starting Position: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells by your sides.

Biceps Curl: Curl the weights toward your shoulders, keeping elbows close to your body.

Overhead Press: Press the weights overhead, fully extending your arms.

Return: Lower the weights back to shoulder height, then down to the starting position.

Repetition: Complete 10 controlled curls and presses.

Goblet squat x 12

Hold a Dumbbell: Hold a dumbbell close to your chest with both hands.

Feet Placement: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.

Squat Down: Lowe

Exciting Cable Machine Exercises

Web Admin 0 158 Article rating: No rating

Sharing some exciting exercises you can do with the cable machine.

Hi friends! How’s the day going? So happy you liked the chicken salad recipe!

So for today, let’s talk about this thing.


A long time ago, I wrote this post about the fairly intimidating cable machine. It kind of looks like a torture device. I also shared some of my favorite cable machine exercises.

I’ve found that it’s so easy to get into a gym routine and use the same tools for the same things. In order for me to really switch things up, I have to make a conscious effort. Today, per reader India’s request (thank you, India!) I thought I’d share some of the more unique uses for the cable machine.

Exciting Cable Machine Exercises

EXCITINGCableMachineExercises 2

What Is A Cable Machine?

First of all, let’s go over the cable machine and what it is. It’s a piece of equipment (pic above) that you’ll see in almost every gym. The great thing about the cable machine is that it has adjustable pulleys so that you can target your entire body and do a variety of exercises. Pretty much any *traditional* strength training exercise can be done using the cable machine.

Are Cable Machines Effective

YES! You can adjust the resistance to make the exercise more challenging. With cable machines, you’re able to smoothly work through the fun range of motion for an exercise. I find that using this type of resistance encourages you to use your core to help stabilize. Make sure that you breathe as you brace your core and work through cable machine movements.

How To Use a Cable Machine

You’ll need to adjust the cable position, depending on the type of movement you plan to do. Overhead movements, like overhead triceps extensions and lat pulldowns, require the pulleys to be higher. Chest presses and flies require a mid-point setup. Deadlifts, biceps curls, and upright seated cable rows require a low setup.

Something to keep in mind: when you pull the prong out of the pulley system to slide it up or down, you’ll notice that the stack of weights for resistance will also move. An easy way to prevent this is to put your hand ON TOP of the stack of weights before adjusting the cable pulley. Keep your fingers away from the stack of weights. If it drops down, it can pinch your finger(s). If you need help with pulley setup, ask a trainer at your gym or studio and they will show you how to use it safely.

Here are some favorite exercises! I tried to choose exciting ones outside of the usual biceps curls, cable crossover,


Squat and row

15 minute workout 1


Make sure to keep your weight in your heels