Red❤️, White🤍, & Blue💙 Olympics Recipe Roundup🥇

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Red❤️, White🤍, & Blue💙 Olympics Recipe Roundup🥇

a photo graphic of olympics snacks and treats

I can’t believe we are just days away from the 2024 Paris Olympics! We absolutely love the Olympics in our house! So many incredible athletes, great stories, and inspiring moments!

If you want to go all in on the Olympics like we are, we wanted to give you a recipe roundup of our favorite patriotic recipes to make while we cheer on Team USA as well as all our favorite appetizers and snacks for munching while you watch! What events are you the most excited to see?

Team USA Treats❤️🤍💙

Fireworks Pretzel SnapsRed, White and Blue Jello Poke CakeRed, White and Blue Strawberries

Patriotic PopcornRed, White and Blue Red Velvet CookiesFruit and Yogurt Waffle Cones

Red Velvet Crinkle CookiesRed, White and Blue Ice Box CakeReese’s Firecracker Oreos

Red, White and Blue Ice Cream SandwichesPatriotic TrifleAmerican Flag Cake

Favorite Appetizers and Snacks

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Traeger Smoked Cheezits

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Traeger Smoked Cheezits

Irresistible snack alert!!! I don’t even know how this happened or what to tell you other than, I smoked cheezits and then I ate them all. 

Ok, I didn’t eat them all but for someone who isn’t really into rando snacks like this, it’s a pretty big deal that I couldn’t keep my grubby little hands out of them. 

a large white bowl full of seasoned smoked cheezits with some spilling over the sides of the bowl.

We had some of our best friends over one night for dinner and swimming and afterwards ended up in the backyard roasting marshmallows and chatting away until the stars came out. If you’ve snagged a copy of our cookbook, Raised in the Kitchen you know what this is called, Sobremesa and it’s honestly my favorite part of the entire book. I’ll let you read all about it yourselves, but man, it was suuuuch a good night. 

And then Steve mentioned that his friend had smoked cheezits and I became obsessed. I lasted 4 days before curiosity got the best of me and I went for it. I decided to not google any recipes but to just wing it on my own and I am pretty dang sure that’s why it turned out awesome, it was pure inspiration. 

a photo of a baking sheet full of seasoned smoked cheezits.Read more