Points of Intersection

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Points of Intersection

I slowly peeled the sticky note off the windshield as I read, my heart thumping faster and heavier with each word.

I quickly shoved it in my pocket as I glanced to see if my mom had noticed.

She hadn’t.

We were utterly exhausted and wanting to somehow leave the worry there at the hospital and symbolically drive into new hope and faith as we exited the hospital parking garage. We needed to gather up a little energy to give a little more to Dad over the next week.

They Didn’t Know

It was 7 pm and we’d been at the hospital since right before 7am.

The person didn’t know we’d only found out just a couple days before that the surgeon had found an almost totally blocked carotid artery and set surgery for right away.

They didn’t know we were inside fasting and praying as what had been said would be a shorter surgery turned into many hours and finally into all day of waiting.

They didn’t sit with us when the surgeon finally came out, wringing his hands with a serious face as he said, “it was much worse than I had expected.”

They didn’t know we’d just faced the reality that at any time one wrong step off of a curb could have taken a husband, father and grandfather.

They didn’t know we were relieved to have witnessed a miracle of discovery and removal but that we were still carrying the day upon us.

They did see that the left side of the car had too much space between the lines and the right side was sitting too close to the yellow line.

And that was enough.

Points of Intersection

We are all but lines on a world map and eventually we will come to what is known in math as “the point of intersection.”

What can be a total annoyance to one maybe someone else’s mere effort of survival.

Lines crossing lines without seeing where they are coming from.

I didn’t know this sticky note had followed us in the move but today I lifted a book and there it was.

A sticky reminder that I just want to act in a way that oth

The Move – Part 1

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The Move – Part 1

Technically not homeless, but technically we also don’t have a home.

I almost want to tell you we are stressed out of our minds and in a total panic over here, at least that’s what we should be feeling. But the truth is, we made such a crazy and insane decision, one that makes absolutely no sense at all and my gosh, we are riding in the happiest, most hopeful peace I’ve ever felt.

So, with all the questions and so little time to answer why don’t I start back at the beginning and explain what’s really been going on in our lives for the past year and why we sold our home with zero possibilities for a place to rent or buy, why we threw our hearts at @utahrealestatepaige @whitneykimballrealtor and it ended up being one of the many best (and lucrative) decisions we’ve made. Ok, so it all started with Nashville…

We Were Going to Move

Well here’s a problem! I want to keep telling you our story but I don’t know how far back to go! I’ll say this, for three years now I’ve felt very strongly, more so each year that our time in Utah county was closing. By fall last year, I was certain that it would be our last Christmas in this house and I have no answer for you how I knew, I just had been listening so much over the years that it felt like clear knowledge in me, we were going to move. But where?!

We prayed a lot and then some more but nothing felt right. This last fall Cade was again in a position to move into a promotion (one we’d never felt right about before) and this time it not only felt right but certain. We were given a long, long list of places from California to Pennsylvania and Nashville to Nevada plus lots in between and we began praying.
Now don’t get all crazy here, that probably sounds like so much fun but the truth is, a long list and you get to speak up on where to move your family is a huge decision and one that we took seriously to our knees. How do you uproot your family like that? It’s scary, and exciting, wonderful and intimidating!

We expected answers and were willing to go wherever we were needed and could serve those around us, but no clear direction other than, you’ll be leaving Utah county came.

Ughhhh! I was so tempted towards discouragement!

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I’m a Mother Because of Him

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I’m a Mother Because of Him

I erased my last post.

That’s not something I do very often. I was feeling like I couldn’t say what I wanted to so I had posted something else.
But the truth is, I’ve been very quietly filled with such gratitude today for this guy. I love moms and women and all that today is for, but I feel so completely in awe that Cade was placed in my life.

A Mother Because of Him

I would never have been a mother without marrying Cade. No, not because 1+1=2, but because of who he is that enabled me to survive.

I’m a mother because this man was willing to do every load of laundry, clean the bathrooms, especially the toilets sometimes multiple times a day to try to ease my suffering. He sat by the door while I heaved nothing from a 70lb body, carried me when my muscle atrophied and walking was not an option. Took me to and from the hospital, sat by my bedside while we made plans for IV therapy and then feeding tubes. Prayed with me and over me each week as we worried over concerns with each baby, and never once missed a beat. Never once complained. Never once lost hope.

It sounded awful to be unemployed while pregnant the second time but if he hadn’t been then who would have cared for me? It sounded horrible to step into a third pregnancy knowing the risks but his faith exploded and he stood with me.

Today I’m a mother because he chose to be my husband, in every way.

Mother’s Day cannot be without the men that are. He truly has fulfilled promises made long ago and continues to do so each day.

READ: I’m a Mother Because of Him