Cold Buster Green Smoothie (How to Fight a Cold)

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Cold Buster Green Smoothie (How to Fight a Cold)

a photo of two glasses full of a bright green smoothie with orange wedges stuck on the edge of the glasses

This cold buster green smoothie recipe is packed with fresh fruits and vegetables to boost your immune system, hydrate your body and send those winter colds packing!

Green smoothies were all the rage a while ago and still are, but I never really thought they were that big of a deal. And then I realized that with all of those vitamins packed into a smoothie we would actually be giving ourselves the proper nutrition that we are recommended in getting. So, we started keeping a full supply of spinach and fruits and sure enough, not only did we start feeling better but we weren’t getting sick.

I hate winter. I know, lots of people love it and cannot wait to get outside and enjoy all that the snow has to offer, but I hate it. Strong word? I seriously dislike it I guess. I am learning to really enjoy skiing, but I still freeze to death and cannot last very long out there. But the major reason I don’t like winter is because we all get sick and pass it around over and over again all winter long. I freeze all winter which I’m sure keeps me sick.

You don’t have to pass a cold around all winter. Last year we cracked down and learned how to fight a cold and this cold buster green smoothie was a huge help! Keep scrolling to the end to see other products we love to help us survive winter colds.

What Makes a Green Smoothie?

The definition of a “green smoothie” can be quite ambiguous but the basics of a green smoothie are:

Leafy Greens + Liquid + Fruit

Then, of course, you can add other ingredient to add protein and more nutrients. Keep scrolling below to see suggestions for the best types of leafy greens, liquids and fruits. We also want to highlight what makes this recipe specifically a cold buster green smoothie.

Ingredients in a Cold Buster Green Smoothie

This smoothie is unique in that we chose specific items to kick the cold right where it hurts:

  • Spinach: adds great fiber, vitamins and nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K as well as iron, folate and potassium
  • Orange Juice: isn’t just about the vitamin C it’s also about staying hydrated
  • Orange with Peel: really slam dunk the vitamin C and the peel contains 4 times more fiber than the fruit itself, it has anti-inflammatory properties and may even help reduce harmful LDL’s
  • Baby Carrots: great for killing germs in the mouth and helping with digestion
  • Banana: gives the body natural energy which is something you are lacking when sick, and it helps the smoothie be extra creamy
  • Frozen Pineapple: adds flavor and helps thicken the smoothie when it’s frozen
  • Apple: adds flavor and natural sweetness
  • Ice: helps thicken the smoothie without adding sugar or extra calories
  • Optional: add a scoop of protein so our b

Peacemakers Needed

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Peacemakers Needed

Peacemakers Needed

It sounded like they (gosh, who even were “they”??) were charging down the hallway right outside my door.

What was happening?!

Were we under attack??

Months ago my family and I traveled to Israel with religious leaders from my church. That night my heart began to pound in my ears and I held my breath as I slowly turned in the blackened room to see if the girls in the bed next to mine were awake with the fear I was experiencing.

I Felt Ok?

Mouths hanging slightly open and covers tucked up under their chins, my two daughters were sound asleep while our hotel in Israel was clearly under attack.

Or so it sounded.

Cade and I had to be separated each night for two weeks as we traveled around Jordan, Israel and the borders of neighboring countries.

No hotel had a room big enough for 5, so boys slept in one room and girls in the other.

I felt responsible.



And ok?

I wouldn’t say I felt peace, but I did feel calm as the noise rose and fell for a few hours.

I didn’t dare step out of our room to peer down the hallways at Cade’s room. What if they were out there and three girls, alone but together would become an obvious target.

My texts wouldn’t go through to Cade and then a loud explosion ripped through the air and I glued my eyes to the ceiling while I silently prayed.

Standing Guard

The next morning our entire tour group began to share stories.

Unanswered phone calls to the front desk where workers had abandoned guests, all of whom were from another country and didn’t speak the language or know how to seek help.

Cade had a front row seat to all of it.

Slipping a camera carefully between the curtains to capture images and video here and there.

He waited up all night. Ready, listening, and standing guard at windows and hallways to watch over those, including his family who hid away in their rooms.

Little did I know, this was a fight on the road outside. A barricade and late night surprise attack that ended in an explosion, gun fight and armored vehicles.

One Fearful Night

I’ll never know if anyone was lost that night, but I hurt knowing that my one fearful night pales in comparison to what they are enduring now.

That night another man, a leader in our church also walked the halls, watched, prayed and stood ready to protect those in his care.

I do not understand the things happening in the world, but I understand this:

In the midst of danger there were men I could trust, listen to and who stood between me and them. Looking to truth, and those who lead with it may not have kept the danger from ever happening, but it does give you a source to look to for guidance, peace and yes, even protection.

Peacemakers Needed

Never in the history of the world have we needed those who are able to stand upon watchtowers and walk through abandoned halls more.

My heart has been absolutely destroyed to watch a place I just wandered, discovered, and loved be turned to war. It’s not right. It’s not fair, but it is not “them”, it is all of us. We need

How to Keep Healthy Eating Exciting

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Are you tired of the same old boring meals? I totally hear you and I believe that eating healthy should never be a snooze fest. So, let’s go on a flavor-filled journey and discover how to make healthy eating fun and exciting. Get ready to satisfy those cravings guilt-free!

Get Creative: Making Healthy Eating Fun

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring. It’s time to unleash your creativity in the kitchen and explore new flavors and ingredients.

Experiment with colorful fruits and vegetables, try different cooking methods, and spice up your meals. If you’re feeling stuck on ideas, have like 135+ amazing ones in the Guiltless Recipe ebook for you to try!

Guiltless Indulgences: “Junk Food” Made Healthy

Who says you have to give up your favorite indulgences? We’ve got your back with our Guiltless recipes like this amazing chicken pesto pizza!

We’ve taken classic “junk food” favorites and transformed them into nutritious, guilt-free delights. From our protein packed peanut butter cups to our chicken and avocado burri

How to Get Better Skin in 2 Weeks

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better skin in 2 weeks

We all want that fresh, radiant skin that looks like we’ve been sipping on unicorn tears, right? Adult acne, fine lines and wrinkles are real and no matter which issue you’re dealing with, I’ve got a few fool-proof ways to start correcting your skin in just 2 weeks!

Hydration Station 🚰

First things first, water is your BFF here. Grab a cute water bottle and let’s promise to chug that H2O like it’s our job. Staying hydrated helps flush out toxins, plump up your skin, and keeps those pesky breakouts at bay.

Cleanse and Conquer 🧖‍♀️

Time to break up with those makeup wipes and invest in a bomb cleanser. Wash away the day’s drama and let your skin breathe. Gently exfoliate a couple of times a week to reveal that fresh canvas underneath – hello, baby-soft skin! And a nice face mask every now and then can really be a game-changer!

Feed Your Face 🍏

Now, here’s where the magic really begins. Say hello to Natural Beauty, our not-so-secret weapon. Packed with all the good stuff like vitamins, antioxidants, and clinically tested marine collagen, it’s like a fairy godmother for your skin.

Glow from the inside out with a beautifully drinkable blend of 7 high-performance, science-backed skincare ingredients, Naticol ® Marine Collagen, and a delicious pink dragonfrui

How this Mindset will Completely Transform Your Life

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We’ve officially reached week 3 of the challenge, way to go, you should be so proud of yourself! We know that sometimes, it can feel like your momentum is slowing down but not to worry, we got you! Let’s dive into the importance of mindset and discover how it can level up your journey!

Reconnecting with Your “Why”

It’s time to go back to the beginning and remember why you chose to go on this incredible journey.

Take a moment to reflect on your initial goals and aspirations.

Are you looking to boost your confidence? Improve your overall well-being? Remind yourself of the incredible strength you possess and let your “why” refresh your motivation. You’ve come so far, and you have the power to go even further!

Consistency with a Dash of Freshness

Consistency is key, but we also know that routine can sometimes lead to a slump. Spice things up and keep your fitness routine fresh and exciting.

Try taking your workout outdoors! Feel the sun on your skin and breathe in the fresh air as you sweat it out. Don’t forget to check out my LSF workout playlist to refresh your workout groove and keep you energized.

A little change can make such a difference!

Embrace the Power of Affirmations

Positive self-talk is a game-changer when it comes to mindset.

Affirmations are like mini pep talks that boost your confidence and set the tone for success. Repeat empowering phrases like “I am strong,” “I am capable,” and “I am unstoppable” to yourself daily.

You have to be your own biggest hype girl first, then let #teamlsf do the rest!

Our Mindset Must-Haves

To support you on your mindset journey, I’ve got some incredible resources for you. My Self Love Workbook is designed to help you unlock confidence in just 7 days.

It’s packed with daily challenges to inspire growth and honest self reflection, tools to learn to love yourself unconditionally, learn when to say no and why to say YES, self love checklist, weekly self care tracker, and 3 DIY face mask recipes.

This workbook will fuel your inner fire and keep you pushing forward.

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