Sharing some gift ideas for all of the ladies in your life! Moms, grandmas, nanas, friends, mom figures, new moms, whoever you want to shower with something special this Mother’s Day. I also wanted to recognize here that I know Mother’s Day can be hard and sad for various reasons; please know I’m holding you in my heart.
Hi friends! How was the weekend? I hope you had a wonderful one. Things are looking up over here on the conjunctivitis front. Thanks to some steroid drops from the eye doc, I don’t look like a demon anymore. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life, but will be so glad to have it behind me. We hung out at home this week – the Pilot ended up getting sick, too – but I hope that you enjoyed the weekend and had some fun!
For today’s post, I wanted to share some Mother’s Day gift ideas. I’m not requesting a lot gift-wise this year – let’s be real, I’ve been online shopping a little toooooo much since I’ve been cooped at home lol – but am absolutely looking forward to celebrating all of the women in our family we love so much.
I thought I’d share some ideas if you’re shopping, and I’d love to hear your gift guide picks, too!

Flowers and plants:
Venus et fluer flowers. I get ad-targeted for these on Facebook ALL THE TIME and they’re SO GORGEOUS. The roses last an entire year!
Heart shaped succulent planter. Love succulents, and since they’re so hardy, it doesn’t matter so much if you have a black thumb.
This customizable concrete planter with a little air plant.

Personalized + jewelry:
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