30 back-to-school affirmations for kids
Support kids with the return to school, with these motivating and uplifting affirmations

With the school holidays coming to an end, and the school gates looming, it’s only natural that children will experience a host of different emotions. Mixed in with excitement about seeing friends and returning to routines, children might also experience anxiety about the coming school term. With academic pressure, friendship rifts, and growing pains, school can be a challenging place to be, sometimes.
This is where affirmations come in. They’re short mantras or sayings that we can repeat to ourselves to reinforce a positive self-belief. They can be used any time, any place. They can be said out loud, or in our heads. And they’re short and sweet, so easy for children to memorise and use themselves.
The key to a great affirmation is finding one that resonates with the individual. But, to start you off, we’ve got 30 affirmations to help kids with the back-to-school transition.
1. I am safe
2. I can ask for help if I need it
3. It’s OK to take my time with problems
4. I am interesting
5. I am ready to learn
6. I have good ideas
7. I am a good friend
8. I deserve to be treated kindly
9. I am focused
10. It’s OK to get things wrong
11. If I am worried, I can tell an adult
12. I treat others with kindness
13. I am clever
14. My thoughts are important
15. I can say ‘no’ if I want to
16. I learn from my mistakes
17. I am curious
18. I am in control
19. My voice matters
20. I am calm
21. I am creative
22. I can try again
23. I am growing and learning
24. I am talented
25. I am loved
26. I am supported
27. I can do the things I put my mind to
28. I ask questions when I need help
29. I try my best
30. I grow a little more every day
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